Category: ESP32-CAM tutorial
Here a section dedicated to the camera module integrated in the ESP32.
I’m going to write this simple article because I started using this device as an “external IP cam” for my web project, and I’d like to share my experiences.
For my projects and my family I create a simple modular system for the construction of arms and supports of various kinds. Here I start to put the basic elements to create some solutions.
Here you can find the housing for esp32-cam module.
I use this esp32-cam for all my monitoring systems and also for do some video with multiple windows, I think that the integrated led feature in the esp32-cam board can be very usefully, so I thought about adding control on the web interface.
ESP32 CAM high resolution draw of pinout and specs
ESP32, a little guide on how to use this low cost but powerful microcontroller with WIFI integrated.
Pinout, specification and IDE configuration to start use your esp32-cam.