How is tomorrow already August??
I've been having way too much fun enjoying these summer days with my family to even begin to realize that it's almost time to get in back to school mode!
I had very high hopes of making so many awesome things this summer. Like classroom decor items, mini posters, math and literacy centers, printing, laminating, a BUNCH of TPT products, classroom furniture makeovers.... and the list goes on.
Well, tomorrow is August and I haven't done half of those things, not even close.
Blowing bubbles with my daughter got done though! Multiple times ;) Oh and a whole lotta Target shopping as well. Summer vacation needs to end for the one and only reason that I must stop going to Target! Ha!
But not really though.
While thinking about my back to school plan this week, I remembered a fun game I always do on the first day of school.
And I thought I'd share it with you all!
All you need for this fun activity are 2-3 rolls of toilet paper.
Yes, toilet paper. (Don't worry it's fun, I promise!)
Have students unroll the paper and take as many squares as they'd like. Some will take 1 or 2 and some will go all out and grab like 22. Then, have a student take some for you.
Once everyone has paper, ask your students to count the number of squares they have.
And this is the fun part!
1 square = 1 thing about you
22 squares = 22 things about you (!)
Students always laugh when they realize what they have to do with the squares. I usually go first to break the ice and then students take turns sharing fun facts about them.
It can be as random as 'I love chocolate ice cream' or 'I went to the beach over the summer'.
Whatever they would like to say!
I love this game because it gets everyone talking, helps get rid of first day jitters and you get to know your new students a little better! And for some, a whole lotta better!
There you have it! No prep easy first day activity!
What are some of your favorite back to school games?
And on a completely unrelated topic, I picked up Gone Girl this morning and I just can't wait to start it! Have any of you read it?
Well that's all for me tonight,
Until next time,