(Stanley / Pansexual / Canadian / 18+)
→this users partner tells them they’re doing good and are hot during sex and suddenly theres no more sex theres only anger. what the fuck are terfs on
:/ they don’t even think girls are good :/ literal misogyny :/
(Via dogsuffrage Source: infectiouspiss) 1,114 notes | 2 weeks ago
(Via edgebug Source: zeychen) 92,074 notes | 3 weeks ago
Drawing porn fanart of a character with small boobs and giving them big boobs feels cowardly to me. Like it’s one thing if it’s like a breast growth/inflation fetish but if you’re just giving them giant honkers because that’s how you make things sexy that comes across as lazy to me. Like what you can’t figure out how to make a character sexy if she’s below a DD? Skill issue.
(Via aryashi Source: doubleca5t) 10,524 notes | 3 weeks ago
(Via cosmicwhoreo Source: flapdoodlez) 31,749 notes | 4 weeks ago Tagged: #awesome art #Ghostbusters #P.T.
(Via dogsuffrage Source: waspstar) 12,429 notes | 1 month ago
Guys I don’t think this kindly stranger is all that nice
But yeah, if Medic confessed about stealing their souls in the next pages I don’t think anyone would really careBased on this post thread
(Via a-bloody-fruit-shop-owner Source: quixoticprince) 16,587 notes | 1 month ago Tagged: #tf2 #tf2 comic
reapers motherfucker
I recognize the council has made a decision, but given it’s a stupid ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.
Mass Effect heritage post
(Via thatonceandfutureprat Source: creamdream420) 66,657 notes | 1 month ago
(Via cosmicwhoreo Source: coolsnake) 38,265 notes | 1 month ago Tagged: #disco elysium
coworker asks if i like harry potter and i have to make a disco elysium skill check to come up with a response
CIS COWORKER — Hey you seem really into wizards and stuff, I bet you love Harry Potter :)
EMPATHY — He’s just trying to be polite and make conversation. He doesn’t know about JK Rowling’s opinions on trans people. Let’s politely change the subject.
COMPOSURE [Trivial: Failure] — “Kill yourself.”
(Via aryashi Source: rockergiirl) 60,029 notes | 1 month ago
have some fucking dignity
peer reviewed selections from the tags
(Via aryashi Source: femalegothic) 9,343 notes | 1 month ago
whenever a young kid joins our staff at work im just like huh. guess im a father now.
these kids will be like “can you drive me home? i don’t have gas money but-” and im already pullin out my keys and am like. sweetheart, you are a child. i am not charging a child gas money.
i literally almost lunged across the counter to throw hands with some old hag who yelled at and insulted one of our 16 y/o girls but instead i threw her sandwich at her and told her to never fucking come back
old dudes will flirt with our young girls too and i’ll be like ay man this is a truck stop, normal customer service rules dont apply here. i can and will call the cops on you.
im the only manager that actively tells them to steal food because these are teenagers and they are HUNGRY
You are the only valid manager
this is kind of hilarious to me because this made it seem like OP was at least mid to late 20s but they’re 19
this post somehow got even better
(Via burnt-coffeepot Source: writterings) 382,766 notes | 1 month ago
(Via raskies456 Source: funny-tik-toks) 4,203 notes | 2 months ago
sportacus vs homelander
(Via tearsofthemushroom Source: ilexvici) 7,737 notes | 3 months ago
i’m going to start saying “sorry i was stimming” in an indiana jones voice forever now
(Via novantinuum Source: spacetrashpile) 85,348 notes | 3 months ago Tagged: #Fav #i think about this a lot