Activities and achievements
Mr. A. J. Asalekar, Mr. D. B. Panchal, Mr. B. R. Patil, Mr. R. S. Jadhav visited to Pelf Infotech on 26/10/21 Tuesday at 10:30 am.

Mr. A. J. Asalekar attended Two Weeks International Online STTP "Computational Techniques & Applications in Bioinformatics” during 13th - 25th September 2021 in Collaboration with Student Chapters of IEEE Computer Society and Association for Computing Machinery, MVSR Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Mr. Y. L. Maske completed online Internship and Training Programme on Industrial Robotics by MSME-Technology Development Centre (Process & Product Development Centre) Agra, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India during 13.10.2021 to 15.10.2021.

Dr. M. P. Joshi attended 2-weeks' International Faculty / Knowledge Development Program themed Erudite Leadership: Transforming Higher Education Institutions designed and executed by Special Minds between the 09th and 22nd of October 2021.

Mr. S. P. Dhavane attended one week FDP on “Research Areas in Mechanical Engineering” organized by Sanjivani COE, Kopargaon during 18/10/2021 to 23/10/2021.

Mr. R. K. Patil has attended master class on “EV Design using Matlab (30 days) at Pantech E- learning Pvt. Ltd. , Chennai during 23.08.2021 to 21.09.2021.

Mr. A. S. Chandore has attended a workshop on “Design Now Challenge” for National level India Design week-2022 organised by ICT Academy Day 1 on 21/10/2021.
Mr. A. S. Chandore has attended expert lecture on “Industrial Design technology” by World Skills competition by Auto Desk Software Company on 27/10/2021.
Dr. Mahesh Joshi has attended Virtual National Level Faculty Development Program on “NBA Accreditation Process” From 23rd August 2021 to 28th August 2021 (Six Days) Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur.

Dr. Mahesh Joshi has attended 5 days FDP on “Exhaustive Learning of AI & ML” organised by Nutan COE & Technology during 23 to 27 Aug 2021.

Mrs. M. R. Pokharna has Participated in state level hands on training on “morden & innovative trends in web design in HTML” on 31st aug 2021 organized by G. Venkatswammy Naidu college , Kovelpatti

Mrs. Jyoti Suryawanshi, Mr. Namdeo S. Rashinkar, Mrs. Mayuri Pokharna has organized a 3 days workshop on “ ATTITUDE AS LEARNING DOMAIN " by the speaker Mr. M. W. Bhalwankar on 14th ,21st & 28th Aug 2021 (Online) (Every Saturday) from 10 am to 12 pm.

Mr. Rahul Kumar Patil, & Mr. A. J. Asalekar has completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Design of experiments and Artificial neural network" from 16/08/2021 to 20/08/2021 at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, M.J.P. Rohilkhand university.

Mr. A. J. Asalekar attended 1 week National Level FDP on “Polymer Matrix based Nanostructures for Targeted Drug Delivery Application” during 02/08/2021 to 06/08/2021 Arranged by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, at Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technology (cipet) : csts Guwahati.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude has attended online course on “Python for Machine Learning” through the Platform: Great Learning on 13/08/2021.

Dr. V.A. Bhosale attended One month internship and training on “RESEARCH” during 5th July to 5th August 2021 organized by MSME Technology Development Centre (Process & Product Development Centre), Agra.

Dr. V.A. Bhosale attended One Week National FDP on “Machine Learning, AI & Its Applications” during 19th July - 29th, July 2021 organized by Eduxlabs in association with E-Cell IIT Hyderabad.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude and Mrs. M.R. Pokharna has organized 1 day National Level workshop on “Calligraphy” under cultural club on 14th Aug 2021 by the speaker Mr. Sharad Kunjir, Founder, kcalligraphy.

MOU signed between SMCE- Mechanical Engineering of MITAOE and Mechatol Product Engineering Solutions, Pune on 9/8/2021.
Mr. B. R. Patil has completed 1 month virtual internship training program on “Advanced Automotive Technology” organized by ARAI during 10th May to 9th June 2021.

Dr. P.S. Kalos has attended STTP on AI for Mechanical Engineers (10-15th JULY 2021)

Dr. P.S. Kalos has attended ATAL FDP (26th JULY -30th JULY 2021)

Dr. P.S. Kalos conducted a one day webinar on “Discrete Event Modelling and Simulation” on 8th Aug 2021 for the faculty and students of Mechanical Engineering.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude has completed online course on “Azure fundamentals” on 2/8/2021 organised by SkillUp Simplilearn.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude elected as Cultural program incharge of MITAOE by the SPPU Pune.
Mr. R. K. Patil has organised a webinar on “ Future trends in Automotive industry” on 24/07/2019 for all Mechanical Students by the speaker Mr. Swapnil Nehere- (Maintenance dept, Kalyani Maxicon wheels, Chakan)

Mr. A. K. Chandgude has completed 50 Hrs Hands-on training and certification on AI for Mechanical Engineers from 10 July 2021 to 15 July 2021 conducted by MIT ADT University, Pune.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude, Mr. M.S. Dholkawala, Dr. M. P. Joshi Mr. Amol J. Asalekar, Mr. Amol Kolhe, Mr. Amit Belvekar, Mr. Venugopal Kulkarni, Mr. Rahul Ashok Patil, Mr. Surendra Barewar, Ms. Nitasha B. Chaudhari ,Dr. Vibhav Ambardekar, Dr. Vishal Ashok Bhosale, Mr. Mahesh Narayan Karad, Mr. B R Patil, Mr. Rashinkar Namdeo S, Mr. Rupesh Jadhav, Mr. Rahul Kumar Patil, Ms. Jyoti Anand Gunjotikar ,Ms. Shital Kharat, Mr. Kamlakar M.Dhumal, Ms. Archana Baburao Mane, Mr. Vinayak V. Bhosale has completed Three days National Level Workshop On “ All About Cars” From 27th July to 29th July 2021, organised By School of Mechanical & Civil Engineering.

Mr. S. G. Mushan has attended one FDP on “Electric Vehicle” through ATAL platform, during Date: 26th July and 30th July organized by NIT Srinagar.
Mr. A. K. Chandgude, Mrs. M. R. Pokharna has completed the Faculty Development Programme on “Foundations of Data Science” held during 26-30 July 2021 organized by the School of Humanities and Engineering Sciences under the Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi, Pune.

A Patent published on 30/7/2021 with the title “TOOL FOR TOUCHLESS OPERATIONS” by Samanta Soumabha Ranajit & Dr. Prafulla Ratnakar Hatte.

A paper is published by Dr. Prafulla Hatte & Dr. Yogesh Bhalerao in the journal "Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects" with the title: "Prediction of ethanol-gasoline blend fuelled spark ignition engine performance using dimensional analysis". Indexed by: Scopus, Date of publication: 4th August 2021 & Publisher: Taylor & Francis.
Dr. P. R. Hatte conducted a National Level Webinar on “Career After 12th”. It was hosted by the Marketing Dept of MITAOE on 12th July 2021.

Dr. P. R. Hatte has attended “IUCEE Leadership Summit 2021” held from 9th to 11th July 2021.
Mr. B. R. Patil has participated in a Team based online project organised by The Robotic Society- JMI ()TRS-JMI) during FDP from 16th to 30th June 2021 .

Ms. Renu Shastri, participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Classical Optimization Techniques in Manufacturing systems" from 05/07/2021 to 09/07/2021 at Guru Nanak institutions technical campus Telangana.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude has successfully completed online course on “Data science & Python” organized by SkillUp by simplilearn on 13/07/2021.

Mr. A. K. Chandgude has successfully completed online course on “Introduction of SQL” organized by SkillUp by simplilearn on 14/07/2021.

Mr. N. B. Totla has attended a workshop on “Preservation, Conservation and Awareness of Human Values on background of Covid-19” during 5 July to 9 July 2021 organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune.
Dr. P. R. Hatte attended one week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Strategies for sustaining Quality Culture in Autonomous Colleges” organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology, Sion and RUSA, Maharashtra on “Strategies for sustaining Quality Culture in Autonomous Colleges” from 21st June to 25th June, 2021.

Dr. P. R. Hatte attended a National Level webinar on “E-Learning Opportunities & Challenges During Covid Era” organized by Baba Moniji Group of Institutions, Lehra Mohabbat, Bathinda on 3rd July 2021.

One week SDP on “Microsoft Exel Training” was organized by Ms.Mayuri Pokharna & Mr N S Rashinkar during 01/07/21 to 07/07/21 for the staff of institute and outside the institute. The resource person was Prof. Dilip Panchal.
Ranjeet Bhosale(Mechanical Student) for the project, "Smart Glasses for Automated Criminal Detection using facial recognition with deep learning" has bagged the first prize along with a cash reward in "Quantum - 2021", a virtual national level project presentation competition organised by Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, and sponsored by Kalyani Bharat Forge Pvt. Ltd. held on 5th July 2021.

Mr.Y.L.Maske successfully completed 2-weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Robotics & Automation” sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education and organised by the Mechanical Engineering Department of Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi in collaboration with The Robotics Society (TRS) from (16th to 30th June, 2021)
On 6th July, 2021 Five Project Group from Mechanical Engineering participated in the Project competition named as "Project Innovation 2021" which is Organized by MIT WPU, Pune.

Mechanical Engineering of SMCE has organised a National Level Project Competition “SPARK 2K21” at MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi, Pune, on Sunday, 4th July 2021 in online mode by coordinator Mr. R.S Jadhav. Mr. Rahul Deo Pandey & Mr. Sachin Naik was invited as Industry Examiner for evaluation of the competition.
Dr. V.S. Ambardekar has participated as a key note speaker in National conference on “Innovative Trends In Mechanical Engineering “(NECITME-2021) held at Sinhgad Institute of Technology in online mode on 7/7/2021.

A paper published in Springer by Mr. A. K. Chandgude along with Shrikant Pawar titled “Thermal Performance of Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon with Acetone as Working Fluid” Techno-Societal 2020, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications—Volume 1, Springer Publication.
A paper published in Springer by Mr. R K. Patil along with Ayush Narayan Malviya, Gokul kumar Vishwanathan titled “Design and analysis of Automated detaching of coconut & branches from tree using a robot” Techno-Societal 2020, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications—Volume 1, Springer Publication.
A paper published in Springer by Mr. Rahul A. Patil along with Ranjit Sawant,Kunal Hole,Swapnil Vhantale,Swapnil Yeutkar titled “Thermal Characterization of Solar Elliptical Dish Steam Generator” Techno-Societal 2020, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications—Volume 1, Springer Publication.
A paper published in Springer by Mr. Rahul A. Patil along with Nachiket Shende, Mayur Bhurle, Hrishikesh Bhagwat, Omkar Deokatte titled “Thermal Analysis of Earth Air Tube Heat Exchanger for Cooling Tower” Techno-Societal 2020, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications—Volume 1, Springer Publication.
Dr. P. R. Hatte have attended a National Level Workshop on “Strategies to implement NEP in higher educational colleges”oraganised by G H Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur on Cisco Webex online Platform on 28 June 2021.

Prof. Venugopal Kulkarni along with Kurhade Adesh, Khaire Shubham, Bakare Prathamesh, Gajare Omkar filed a patent (Provisional Specification) titled “Automatic Windshield Cover Assembly for Parked Vehicles” on 26 June, 2021 with Application No.: 202121028815.
Dr. M. M. Charde & Dr. A. G. Kamble has attended FDP on “ Research funding projects and IPR (part II) organized by K. C. College of Engineering & Technology and management studies and research Thane during 7 June to 9 June 2021.

Dr. M. P. Joshi has participated in one week online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Technology” from 7 June 2021 to 13 June 2021 organized by JSPM’s & SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.

Dr. M. P. Joshi has attended one week FDP on “Outcome based pedagogy for effective teaching & learning in engineering education” organized by SKN Sinhgad College of engineering, Pandharpur during 14 June to 18 June 2021.
Mr. Ashwin Chandore has conducted Expert training on “Fusion 360” for DSY Computer Engineering and IT students under Rapid Prototyping course during 18th and 25th June 2021 by Mr. Rahit Chandran, & Mr. Imaya Ganesh, Autodesk, Education Engagement Specialist, Autodesk Education Experiences, Bangalore.
Mr. Ashwin Chandore has attended online One Week FDP on “Augmented reality and virtual reality” organized by AISSMS College of Engineering Pune & IEE Technically Sponsored by Institution of Engineers (India) and ISTE Pune during 21st to 25th June 2021.
Dr. A. G. Kamble has successfully participated in the Six Days National level Faculty Development Program on “Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering” organized by Coorg institute of technology (Approved by AICTE New Delhi & Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi) Ponnampet-571216, Kodagu, Karnataka from 21/06/2021 to 26/06/2021.
Mr. Ashwin Chandore has attended One Week FDP on “Interactive Teaching Learning Strategies with Affective & Cognitive Approach (ITLS)” Conducted : PVG COET & GKPIM, Pune during 21st to 25th June 2021

Mr. S. B. Powar has attended online FDP on "Conceptual and Practical Knowledge Sharing and Training Sessions on Computational Fluid Dynamics" on 14th June to 18th June 2021 (Five Days) organized by : Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology in collaboration with AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy

Mr. M. W. Bhalwankar has delivered an expert talk sessions during the Faculty Development Program, "one week FDP on interactive teaching learning strategies with affective & cognitive approach (ITLS) from 21st to 25th JUNE 2021 from 3 pm to 5 pm. (2 sessions on Hands on Workshop on Effective Student Engagement Strategies in Online Teaching Learning: Redefining Synchronous Mode of Teaching 22 and 23 June 2021,1 Session on Importance of Emotional Intelligence and Attitude Domain for Successful Engineering Professional Career on 24 June 2021).

Mr. M. W. Bhalwankar has attended one day online national research program (workshop) on “Styling, Formatting and Referencing Research Paper” organized by Matterhere dated on 17.06.2021.

Mr. D. B. Panchal has attended national level webinar on “Product lifecycle management in any CAD Tool” on 17/6/2021 organised by Altem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Kamble Avinash Gulabrao has attended a one week short-term online course on “Exploring advances and research opportunities in mechanical engineering” sponsored by Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi during 14/06/2021 to 18/06/2021 organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering at P. R. Pote (Patil) College of Engineering & Management, Amravati.

Mr. Y. L. Maske and Mr. M. W. Bhalwankar attended online one week FDP on “Outcome based Pedagogy for Effective Teaching and Learning in Engineering Education” organized by SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pandharpur, during the period 14th June to 18th June 2021.

SMCE Mechanical conducted Farewell for B.Tech 2021 passing out students on Zoom platform on 20th June 2021. The event was well coordinated by TY students and mentored by Mr. Rupesh Jadhav & Mrs. Mayuri Pokharna. Students were appreciated with appreciation certificates for various achievements like: Best Project, Best Outgoing, Special Presence etc. Students shared their memories and experiences at MITAOE.
Dr. P. R. Hatte, Prof. T. B. Sonawane has received Faculty recognition certificates for the highest number of PVs/PRVs certified by the WF's Global jury organized by National Entrepreneurship Network, Wadhwani Foundation.
Dr. P. R. Hatte, Prof. T. B. Sonawane has received Faculty recognition certificates for the highest number of PVs/PRVs certified by the WF's Global jury organized by National Entrepreneurship Network, Wadhwani Foundation.
Prof. V. P. Kulkarni arranged a guest Lecture by Mr. Sudhanshu Mani (General Manager, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai) on 29th May, 2021 on ‘Train 18 – Making of dream train The first Atmanirbhar semi high-speed train of India’.
Prof. Y L Maske has actively participated in three Days a Virtual Faculty Development Programme on "emerging trends in robotics and industrial automation” organized by Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur - 635117 on 02.06.2021 to 04.06.2021.

Dr. P. R. Hatte conducted a webinar on topic: Placement readiness before placement drives on 5th June 2021 organized by Sandip University, Nashik

Prof. S. B. Powar attended FDP on Green Building and Build Environment on 31st May to 4th June 2021 organised by AICTE – ATAL Academy and IGBC.

Dr. P. P. Kothmire has participated in Alumni Champion Talks Season 2, an Alumni Relations Talk Series held from May 8- May 29, 2021.

MITAOE IUCEE student chapter inauguration ceremony was arranged on 10/6/2021 by the hands of Dr. Sampada Pachaury (Head IUCEE foundations),Dr. Veena Kumar (Executive director IUCEE international educator certification, faculty at the university of Maryland Global campus), Dr. Krishna Vedula (Executive director, University of Massachusetts), Prof. N. B. Totla (Coordinator- MITAOE IUCEE chapter)
Mr. Dilip Bharat Panchal, participated in Online Half-Day Workshop on “Additive Manufacturing for Competitiveness” organised and conducted by National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai on May 20th, 2021.

Mr. A. J. Asalekar arranged a guest lecture on the Topic “Talk on Competitive Exams i.e., GRE TOEFL” by Mr. Sankalp Sanghvi, MS in Mechanical Engineering, University at Buffalo - The State University of New York on 22/05/2021, Saturday.

Parents meet conducted on 23 May 2021 for DSY students’ parents.
Mr. R. K. Patil with Alumni association arranged a webinar on “Make a career in Car Design Industry” on 23rd MAY 2021. (Sunday) by eminent speaker Mr. Kuldeep Mangle , Director, Glershir Design Academy & Ms. Nayani Kshirsagar,Advisor Glershir Design Academy.

Mr. N. B. Totla started formation of Student Council for IUCEE Student Chapter .
Prof. Dilip Bharat Panchal, attended virtual event on “Best Practices for Effective Assessment” on 19 may 2021.

Mr. M.W. Bhalwankar served as resource person for two sessions at 3 days Staff development program at SMCE, MITAOE for 105 participants consisting of outside participants during- 24th, 25th and 26th May 2021.
Mr. M.W. Bhalwankar served as resource person for 1 day workshop at Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala, and Department of Mechanical Engineering is organizing Hands on Workshop on Online Teaching Learning tools for implementation of Effective Student Engagement Strategies in Association with SAE Students Club on 27th May 2021.

Mr. Namdeo Rashinkar has organized three days staff development program on "Effective student engagement strategies for online and offline lab sessions "during 24th to 26th May 2021.

Mr. Sagar Mushan has organized a webinar on “simulation based design” on 27/5/2021 by eminent speaker Mr. Nataji Shelkhe, founder & director of Helix integrated learning.
Ms. Jyoti A. Gunjotikar has attended Training on Leadership Excellence (25th May 2021) arranged by HR dept.
Ms. Jyoti A. Gunjotikar has attended "3 Days SDP on "Effective student engagement strategies for online and offline laboratory sessions" (24th to 26th may 21). Certificate awaiting.
Prof. M. W. Bhalwankar has worked as Evaluator for a poster presentation competition- SIT PRO-TECH 21 at Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Lavale from 7-8 May 2021.

Dr. Maya M. Charde has actively participated in Three Days’ Online National Level Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Teaching – Learning Methods” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Nashik on 10th , 11th and 12th May 2021.

Dr. Maya M. Charde has participated in three days online National Level Faculty Development Program on ‘Electric Vehicles: Present Status and Future Prospects’ conducted on 06th, 07th and 08th May 2021 organised by Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Nashik.

Dr. P. R. Hatte attended AICTE refresher course on “ Innovative Teaching Learning Methods” during 22 to 28 April 2021, hosted by: Vidya Pratishthan Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering & Technology, Baramati & organised by: AICTE

A paper by Prof. R.K. Patil published in SCI indexed AIP journal with title “Modal vibration response of hybrid composite panel having artificial impregnated defects: A comparison”.
SAE BAJA 2021: team Niyudhrath achievement details:
All India Rank: 15
- Go Green : AIR 2
- Brakes : AIR 5
- Suspension & Traction : AIR 9
- Design Presentation : AIR 12
- Dynamic Events : AIR 12
- Acceleration : AIR 13
- All terrain Performance : AIR 17
Three Patents had been published which were applied for early Publication from Mechanical dept.
- Puran Making Machine: patent inventors: Mr. P. R. Hatte, Mr. A. A. Dhokte, Mr. G. K. Sakhalkar, Mr. Sumit Parokar, 202021020202 (Publication date: 02/04/2021)
- Smart Traffic Management System and Method for Emergency Vehicles: patent inventors: Mr. K. S. Rajurkar, Mr. O. M. Sawant, Mr. S. P. Khade, Mr. M. P. Dobe , Dr. A. G. Kamble 202021034999 (Publication date: 02/04/2021)
- System for Filtration and Heat Recovery from Exhaust Gases of Generator Diesel Engine using Vapor Adsorption Cooling Technique, : patent inventors: Patil Shubham, Mr. P. R. Hatte 202021041403, (Publication date: 09/04/2021)
Mr. D. B. Panchal completed the course on "Problems in PBL" organizes by RRSPBL, Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE).
Dr. P. R. Hatte, Mr. D. B. Panchal and Mr. B. R. Patil has attended one week FDP on “E-content development” orgsnised by MIT ACSC during 3rd may to 7th May 2021.

Mr. A. B. Belvekar has attended three days online National Level Faculty Development Program on ‘Electric Vehicles: Present Status and Future Prospects’ conducted on 06th, 07th and 08th May 2021& organized by Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Nashik.

Mr. Sagar Govind Mushan and Mr. M. M. Shah received distinction at The Foundation Course on Research Methods conducted by Dr.Prathiba Nagabhushan and Dr.John Tharakan Oct 2020 - Mar, 2021.

Dr. Prafulla Hatte delivered a session in national level FDP organised by KBT COE Nashik on "Innovative Teaching Methods- Needs and Challenges" on 10th May 2021.
Mr. Manoj Bhalwankar delivered a session in national level FDP organised by KBT COE Nashik on " Hands on Workshop on Effective Student Engagement Strategies in Online Teaching Learning: Redefining Synchronous Mode of Teaching " on 11th May 2021.
Mr. Manoj Bhalwankar, Dr. Vibhav Amabardekar & Dr. Prafulla Hatte attended FDP on “Innovative Teaching Methods” organised by KBT COE Nashik. (10 to 13 May)
Mr. Y. L. Maske and Mr. R. K. Patil participated & completed successfully Online FDP on “Recent Advancement in AI & Robotics" from 25-04-2021 to 29-04-2021 at Dr D Y Patil School of Engineering and Technology,Pune.

Mr. D. B. Panchal has successfully completed by participating in Guiness Book of World Records events-Most users to take an online computer programming lessons in 24 hrs.during 24/4/2021 to 25/4/2021 organised by GUVI.

Ms. Mayuri Pokharna has successfully attended 3 Days Workshop on “Role of Non-Teaching Staff in NBA Accreditation Process” from 28th to 30th April 2021 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MMIT Lohgaon, Pune-47

Dr. A. G. Kamble organized one day national level workshop on “Energy audit for Industrial applications” on 25th April 2021 by Mr. Sanjay Patil (Director, Smart energy solutions) for students and faculties.

Mr. Abhimanyu Kisan Chandgude attended AICTE and ISTE sponsored one week online Induction/Refresher program from 15th to 21st April, 2021 on Mathematical Modelling organised by Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune.

Team Niyudrath at BAJA SAEINDIA 2021 competition won 2nd prize at Go green award on 25/4/2021 under the guidance of Mr. B. R. Patil.
Paper published by P. S. Kalos, P. D. Pantawane, Rajiv B. H., “Improved Detection Of Fault Diagnosis In High Voltage Transmission Lines Using Thermal Imaging Based Convolutional Neural Network Module”, Solid State Technology, 63(6), 2020, pp. 18714-18728.
Paper published by N. B. Totla, C. L. Prabhune, N. K, Sane, “Optimisation of various thermodynamic parameters for minimum temperature gradient along cylinder liner”, International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021.
Dr. P. P. Kothmire has organized an expert talk for SY B.Tech B Mechanical On “Boundary Layer Fluid Mechanics” on 28th and 29th April 2021by Dr. Neha Gawande, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Negev in Israel, Ph.D. IIT Bombay.
Mr. S. G. Mushan has successfully completed IUCEE Research Methodology training and awarded "Higher Distinction".
Dr. Maya M. Charde attended National Level One day workshop on “Energy Audit for Industrial Applications”, on 25th April 2021.
Dr. P.S. Kalos arranged a National Level One Week Faculty Development Program on “Dimensional Management As per AME Y 14.5 1994 and 2009 Standards” By Mr. Anand Bhise, Director, Mechatol Sol Pvt. Ltd. during 15/03/2021 to 20/03/2021.
The research paper is published by Surendra D. Barewar, Aman Kotwani, Sandesh S.Chougule, Deepak, Rajendra Unune, “Investigating a novel Ag/ZnO based hybrid nanofluid for sustainable machining of inconel 718 under nanofluid based minimum quantity lubrication”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 66 (2021)313–324.
Naranje V., Khalid M.N., Kamble A. G., Arif M. (2021) “Parametric Optimization of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Using AHP-Based Taguchi Method”. In: Phanden R.K., Mathiyazhagan K., Kumar R., Paulo Davim J. (eds) Advances in Industrial and Production Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
Mr. Sagar Mushan completed IUCEE International Certification for Teaching Soft Skills conducted by Dr. Manu Vora, Business Excellence, Inc. Chicago, USA Dr. Deepak Waikar, Managing Partner, EduEnergy Singapore November-December 2020.

Dr. Maya Charde Attended through MS teams AICTE–ISTE SPONSORED One Week Induction/Refresher Programme On “Mathematical Modelling_Phase3” from 15th April to 21st April 2021 organized by Indira college of engineering and Management.

A research paper published by Dr. A. G. Kamble along with R. V. Rao on “Investigation on effects of parameters of GMAW process on bead geometry, hardness and microstructure of AISI 410 steel weldments” Journal: Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2021.
A research paper of Mr. N. B. Totala in Taylor and Francis publication got DOI and was available online with Title: Optimisation of various Thermodynamic Parameters for minimum Temperature Gradient along Cylinder Liner" in International Journal of Ambient Energy.
A research paper of Mr. N. B. Totala published in Materials Today Proceedings ELSEVIER titled “Determination of empirical correlation between OD & ID of liner of a multi cylinder diesel engine under mechanically distorted condition”.
Mrs. Mayuri Pokharna successfully completed 1 hour of Wordpress for beginners online course on 16th April 2021.

Mr. Dilip Panchal completed a course name “Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I” of duration 6 weeks under Coursera.

Mrs. Nitasha B. Chaudhari has organized a state level seminar on “Graphalogy- change your handwriting, change your personality” on 4/4/2021 by Dr. Abhijit L. Dandavate.

Paper published by Ajit Lokhande, Akash Neharkar, Akash Salunkhe, Rupesh Satpute,Dr. Avinash Kamble, “GSM based Operation System for Agricultural Pumps”, Advances in Engineering Design, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 577-584.
Paper published by Dr. A. G. Kamble along with A.S. Pendse presented paper on “Optimization of design problems using TLBO and MTLBO algorithms” at the 2nd International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity, 05-07th August, 2020.
Mrs. MAyuri Pokharna successfully completed two months course on “Effective documentation for accreditation” with o grade organized by IQAC Cluster India in collaboration with “White Code” during 12th January to 23rd March 2021.

Prof. Nilesh Totla arranged a guest lecture on "Demystifying Cyber space" by the speaker: Dr.Harold DCosta CEO ,Cyber security corporation on Date:28.03.2021 Audience: Students across all schools.
Prof. V. N. Deshmukh has arranged a Webinar on “Lean Management” on 31 March 2021 at 2 pm. by the speaker: Dr. Roshen Raju – Kirloskar Institute of Management.
Mr. Surendra Barewar joined Mechanical Engineering department on 01 /04/2021.
Prof. Ashwin S. Chandore conducted “Training of Autodesk Fusion 360 software for SY Students under Mechanical Prototyping Course (Rapid Prototyping)” during 9th February to 18th March 2021 (3 session each week) with the Expert Mr. Ramesh Pudale, Reginal Head, Autodesk, Banglore Mr. Rohit Chandran R. (Main trainer) Education Engagement Specialist, Autodesk, Bangalore.
Under the guidance Prof. Nilesh Totla , Jugal Makam & Saurabh Pawar (M.Tech students), presented research paper at International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical & Environmental Sciences (ICCME 2021) held at KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore during 25- 26 March 2021.

On behalf of the MITAOE Alumni Association, Dr. Pramod Kothmire Institute Alumni Head has requested for help in paying the college fees for one of our poor and needy students for uninterrupted education to all our alumni via the alumni portal. Neha Shah, Amritha Sharma, Shubham Joshi, Avinash Kamble, Biswajeet Patnaik, Shankar Ganesh, Jaspreet Singh, Aayush Deo alumni have willingly contributed in view of paying fees for Ms. Priyanka Shelke, student of First-year Mechanical Engineering. A total of around 53,000 Rs was collected from alumni.
Prof. MS. A. B. Mane has attended conference on “IPR, PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, INNOVATIONS & STARTUPS 2020” CIPCIS2020 organized online on February 18-19, 2021.
A research paper published on 5/03/2021 by Dr. A.M. Malge, and Mr. P.M. Pawar, (2021), "Wind tunnel and numerical study of multi-storey vertical axis wind turbines with different configurations", Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Prof. R K Patil attended 14 days state level workshop on “Li ion battery Technology” organized by MIT Art Design Technology University, Loni kalbhor during 22 Feb to 7 March 2021.
Prof. M. P. Joshi has organized webinar on GATE awareness on 14 march 2021 in association with GATE-I2E-Imperial Institute for SY & TY Mechanical students.
"National Level One Week FDP on " Dimensional Management as per ASME Y 14.5 1994 & 2009 Standard". 15th-20th March 2021."
1. Prof. Dilip Panchal attended AICTE –ISTE SPONSORED One Week FDP on “Induction/Refresher Program “Mathematical Modelling schedule” during 25/02/2021 to 03/03/2021 organised by Indira college of engineering and Management Parandwadi, Pune.

2. Prof. M. M. Charde completed her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering titled “Thermal analysis of computer numerical controlled grinding operation with minimum quantity lubrication” under the guidance of Dr Yogesh Bhalerao at Savitribai Phule Pune University.
3. Prof. V. P. Kulkarni conducted a session on “Career opportunities after Mechanical Engineering” on 2nd March 2021 for DSY Mechanical students.
1. Prof. Amit Belvekar along with Tushar Amale, Prajwal Badwaik, Sumedh Durge, Ajay Dube, published a paper as “FEA Approach for Modal Analysis of an Electric Motor in Electric Vehicle Drive " in 2 nd Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing systems: National Conference ,Department of Industrial Design & Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Proceedings: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Innovative Product Design (Scopus indexed Springer lecture notes series), ISBN: 978-981-15-9852-4.
2. Prof. A. K. Chandgude has attended a National Webinar on “Digital Transformation and Trends in Modernizing AI & ML Solutions” February 20, 2021 organized in association with Microsoft and CloudThat by MIT Centre for Future Skills Excellence, MIT-ADT University.

3. Prof. Dilip Panchal has attended National Level e-workshop on Role of Simulation in emerging Technologies during February 16-18, 2021.
4. Prof. M. M. Shah has successfully completed Innovation Ambassador Training conducted by MoE's Innovation Cell & AICTE, New Delhi

5. Dr. P.S. Kalos has filed two copyrights successfully, title: Inventory carrying Pick and Place Robot.
with Copy Right registration Numbers:
5079/2021-CO/L - 1st Application
5080/2021-CO/L - 2nd Application
- MOU renewed between MITAOE and Auto cluster on 22 Jan 2021.
- Internship granted to Aniket Dhanjode (Marketing and Sales) & Mangesh Dobe (Quality) from Unity Group Of Companies with Stipend Rs 5000/- per month.
- Dr. P. R. Hatte and Dr. A. G. Kamble, Dr. P.S. Kalos , Mr. R. K. Patil attended the ICT Mode STTP on “Outcome Based Education in the context of Online Teaching” from 14/12/2020 to 17/12/2020.
- Dr. A. M. Malge got award of “ excellence in community outreach through projects” by ICTIEE 2021
- Mr. R. K. Patil attended National Level Workshop on Strategic Issues in IPR and Innovation” during 11 to 16 Jan 2021.
- Prof. P. R. Hatte completed his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering under the guidance of Dr Yogesh Bhalerao at Savitribai Phule Pune University (Research center-MIT Kothrud, Pune).
- Prof. P. R. Hatte filed a patent on December 31, 2020 on “Tool for Touchless Operations” with Indian Patent Application No.: 202021057485MSLP and Ref.: MS/MITAOE/PIN-21
- Prof. B R Patil Published a Research Paper Entitled “design and simulation of a continuously controlled damper using an electromagnetic actuator” in IJASRET, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2021 Editor-in-Chief.
- The proposal submitted on 26/10/2020 to AICTE under SPICES-Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students for Auto Sport club by Mrs. Savita Pawar(SEE) and Mr. B. R. Patil (SMCE), amount 1,00,000/- has been provisionally recommended by AICTE.
- Prof. A. K. Chandgude attended 5 days national level online FDP on “ Research & publication perspective of artificial intelligence” during 21 to 25 Dec 2020, organised by Dept of ENTC, VIIT, Pune
- Commander (Dr) Kavikant Mahapatra (Retd) attended an QIP Golden Jubilee Celebration of AICTE on 21 Dec 2020.
- Commander (Dr) Kavikant Mahapatra (Retd) attended Webinar on “How to write Quality Research Paper” on 21 Dec 2020.
- Dr. P. P. Kothmire arranged an expert lecture on “Why to write a good research paper and organize” which was delivered by Dr. Nilaj Deshmukh on 21 December 2020
- Mr. M. M. Shah participated & completed online FDP successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Internet of Things (IoT)" from 2020-12-7 to 2020-12-11 at GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGE.
- Ms. N. B. Chaudhari attended 5 days ATAL FDP at NIT Raipur on "Green Technology and Sustainability Engineering" during 08-12 Dec 2020.
- Mr. A. K. Chandgude and Mr. Rahul Kumar Patil has attended national workshop on “web-based plagiarism detection software” organized by MIT ADT University on 15 dec 2020.
- Mr. D. B. Panchal, Mr. A.S. Chandore, Mr. S. B. Powar attended “4th National Teachers' Congress” organized by MIT WPU during 14th Dec to 18th Dec 2020.
- Prof. P. R. Hatte, Dr. A. M. Malge, Dr. A. G. Kamble, Dr. P.S. Kalos, Dr. K. Mahapatra, Prof. N. B. Totla, Prof. Ms. A.B. Mane, Prof. V. N. Deshmukh, Prof. P. P. Kothmir, Prof. R. S. Jadhav, Prof. B. R. Patil, Prof. Ashwin Chandore, Prof. M. P. Joshi, Prof. A.J. Asalekar, Prof. T. B. Sonawane, Prof. M.S. Dholkawala, Prof. A. K. Chandgude, Prof. V. P. Kulkarni, Prof. R. A. Patil, Prof. A. M. Kolhe, Prof. S. P. Dhavane, Mr. M. W. Bhalwankar, Mr. Amit B. Belvekar, Mr. Rahul Kumar Patil, Mr. Y. L. Maske, Ms. R. K. Shastri, Ms. N.B. Chaudhari, Mr. M. M. Shah, Mr. S.G. Mushan, Dr. V. A. Bhosale attended one week FDP on 'Assessment, Evaluation and Outcome based Education in Online teaching context' organized at Institute during 14th Dec to 17th Dec 2020.