MIXI, Inc.


Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

The issues caused by climate change become more serious with each passing year. Companies must understand the impact climate change has on their business and fulfill their social responsibility of reducing the impact of climate change.

MIXI announced its support for the TFCD* recommendations in June 2022 and discloses the following information based on those recommendations. We will continue to monitor the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by our business activities and disclose information when appropriate.

*TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, a climate-related financial disclosure task force established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20


The senior corporate officer in charge of the department responsible for sustainability operations is designated as the person responsible for climate-related issues (hereinafter, the “Head of Sustainability”). The Sustainability Secretariat, an advisory body to the Head of Sustainability, reviews climate-related issues at least once a year and reports the results of the review to the Board of Directors through the Head of Sustainability at least once a year. In identifying, assessing, and responding to climate change-related risks and opportunities, the Sustainability Secretariat seeks advice from the Risk Management Committee as appropriate and holds interviews with each department and group company as necessary. Annual reviews are held for climate change-related risks and opportunities and the progress of response measures.

2.Risk Management

The Sustainability Secretariat evaluates climate change-related risks and opportunities by assessing their likelihood, impact, and the availability of response measures, and determines their importance. During the evaluation process, various scenarios from organizations such as the IEA and IPCC are referenced, interviews are conducted with relevant departments and group companies as necessary, and appropriate revisions are made. In addition, response measures are formulated to address risks and opportunities, and the progress of these measures is assessed based on established indicators. In order for the Company to manage climate-related risks in an integrated manner with other risks, the Sustainability Secretariat seeks advice from the Risk Management Committee as appropriate. The climate change-related risks and opportunities with the highest importance are reported to the Board of Directors through the Head of Sustainability.


➢Assumptions for Scenario Analysis
Scenario analysis was conducted for the Digital Entertainment, Sports, and Lifestyle segments for the world as it may be in 2030. For this scenario analysis, three scenarios (global warming of 1.5°C, 2°C, and 4°C) were set by referencing various reports from organizations such as the IEA and IPCC. In the 1.5°C scenario, carbon taxes and other regulations are introduced to help realize a decarbonized society amidst an envisioned increasing demand for a response to climate change from various stakeholders, as well as new needs arising due to changes in society and lifestyles. In the 4°C scenario, the results of global warming are expected to increase the risk of disasters such as extreme rainfall and health risks such as heat stroke, with new needs related to adapting to climate change also expected to emerge.

➢Results for Scenario Analysis
Risks and opportunities based on each scenario were identified,and their importance to our businesses was evaluated according to their impact and likelihood of occurrence, then response measures were considered. The results of our analysis uncovered no significant business risks associated with climate change for affected businesses, but we will continue to understand and manage the impact of climate-related issues on our businesses through governance and risk management initiatives, while also working to seize opportunities.
The risks and opportunities identified in the 1.5°C and 4°C scenarios have been listed below.

4.Indicators and Targets

We have calculated Scope 3 emissions in addition to our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emission calculations. These will serve as indicators for managing climate-related risks and opportunities. Our greenhouse gas emissions results are shown below.

Details of Scope 1 and 2, including “Scope 1 and 2 emissions by segment (tons of CO2)”, “CO2 emissions per employee (tons of CO2/person)”, and “CO2 emissions per sales (tons of CO2/million yen)”, are shown in our ESG data.

As we continue to calculate our emissions, we will also consider future initiatives for reducing emissions through energy conservation and the use of renewable energy and other resources in each business segment.


CDP Questionnaire Response

Since 2022, MIXI has been responding to questionnaires regarding climate change published by CDP, an international non-profit organization. We adhere to TCFD recommendations for our disclosures, including those found in our securities reports.