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Naruto Online

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  • Anon

    It was a huge disappointment. I thought I was gonna have a real fun few hours but nope. I can’t even get into my account there’s no clear way to tell when I get to character selection screen it’s all instantly and it’s just a crap paid 2 win browser game.

    • Anon

      I pretty much stopped playing this game. I mean most games at least tell you or put locks so you can’t push 2 fast through the character selection screen but not this game. I thought I was gonna be able to check out what character I can pick but nope it was all 2 instantly and I didn’t get the character I want. I also can’t change my character and I tried contacting the support to reclaim my account and they don’t believe I’m me even though I’m trying to give them as much info as I can remember. I’m pretty much done with this game for now.

  • JustDie

    How tf can i make the client work on linux :(