Hotel Criol in Querétaro, Mexico
07-03-2017:MODERNi;Hotel Criol es un hotel de diseñador a un precio accesible y justo. Estamos ubicados a sólo una cuadra de Plaza de Armas, en... Hospitality-Hotel
07-03-2017:MODERNi;Hotel Criol es un hotel de diseñador a un precio accesible y justo. Estamos ubicados a sólo una cuadra de Plaza de Armas, en... Hospitality-Hotel
03-20-2016:MODERNi: The new office building for The David and Lucile Packard Foundation was designed to serve as a catalyst for broader organizational sustainability initiatives... Architecture
01-13-2015:DesignBoom: located on the outskirts of óbidos, a historic town one hundred kilometers north of lisbon, portuguese architect jorge mealha has completed...
01-09-2015:Dezeen: Small-scale fittings, blackboards walls and round toilet cubicles are incorporated into this kindergarten in Japan, designed by architecture studios Hibino Sekkei and Youji no Shiro around a...