Student-Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB)

About Us

Established in 1987, the Student-Athlete Advisory Board gives Penn State student-athletes a chance to voice their opinions, organize events, and improve not only life in Penn State intercollegiate athletics, but in the University community as well. Over the years, SAAB has received many accolades and is looking to continue this line of excellence.

SAAB consists of an executive board (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer) as well as seven active committees (Academic Support, Awards Banquet, Communication and Information Dissemination, Outreach and Special Events, Student-Athlete Welfare, Diversity and THON). Members of the executive board oversee the seven committees and during each SAAB meeting committee updates are given.

Although there is only one voting member per team, SAAB is an open organization and all student-athletes are encouraged to attend the meeting regardless of weather or not they are their team’s SAAB representative. SAAB meetings are typically held one night per month, although committee meetings may be more frequent. Time commitment is minimal, but the impact can be significant.

For more information about Penn State SAAB, contact Meighan Julbert at [email protected]


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