Home made motorized belt drive.. Is it possible with kids bike rim?


New Member
I am curious if anybody knows of this. I met a guy that said he did this when he was a child and they used to take childrens 10 speed rims and attach them to spokes and aligned a snow blower motor with the belt and worked fine. .. Or so I am told. I love to weld but prefer logical reasons before bombarding myself with cosmic rays and smoke.

Please post pics if you got em..

I have the EHO35 on my BMP kit and am getting bored with the speed and lack of responce in the rain.
yes its possible,may be something like this,but with a bike rim and snowblower motor:


  • evans_power_cycle_1919.jpeg
    350.8 KB · Views: 6,293
bolts and clamps or something.

Reminds me of a commercial about most vitamins being.. "Rocks and shells" ground up. Thanks for the attempt.

yes its possible,may be something like this,but with a bike rim and snowblower motor:

I love that Evans bike. I collect Evans' tools. Is that the same company? Well any motor with a belt pulley and tensioner. I have been plucking through these posts and have not found one yet. I did see a contraption on youtube though it lacked pedals. It seems the GEBE kit tops off at 43cc motors or perhaps a 49cc clutch size? I think that the 49's have a larger clutch than the 76mm ones I see on the 35cc motors? Anybody for everybody?

Anyhoo.. The belts I see all over these forums have notches. I have seen water pump pulleys and home made notched stuff most with no pictures leaving me still wondering about slippage.

Thanks for the old HD or Whizzer type looking picture of the Evans.. It is sweet.

I always wondered how those driving wheels are attached to the bike wheel. Extra spokes?

Drilling lots of holes, thread lock and or other machine screws twisty wires and maybe even compressing or hammering a rim tighter.. I am pondering this mess and wonder if it's possible.
The snowblower has a gear housing that engages the actual blower part and perhaps that could be used to engage the wheel.

I just thought of this. Some old furnace blowers have a belt drive and a huge cast iron wheel. Perhaps that pulley (wheel) can be used to fix to spokes and would work well. I know ratio's may be off but that could be compensated for on the clutch. I think. This wheel might also be too heavy and hurt/damage spokes.

Another thought I had was cutting a slice out of a very large PVC used for sewage or something as a pulley. If you ever stumble here.. Please post an idea or a picture.. This zombie topic needs to be resurected often... What to do..
heres a link to bikes with belt drives:[/url]

Thanks for the links.. I think the Motor Mayhem link is for a chain and the Tanaka link is only sold with a motor. I will end up with a gebe kit unless somebody brainstorms an obvious solution. I really want something like that Titan motor or a 49cc motor and a belt that will take a pounding pulling heavy loads of up to 200 lbs. on a pull behind trailer.
Must make for a quiet running bike using a belt instead of gears. The gear whine on my Grubee 49cc is pretty noticeable.
I have been wondering about that also. The old time motor conversions used a fullsized rim welded to the back rim as a pully. It looks like you could take a small bike rim and cut notches in it and fasten it to your spokes like a whizzer maybe.
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Go to gasbike. net click on bike motor how to' articales then (build a motorized bicycle plans) then (motorized bicycle plans) Old belt drive from the 50'S. Realy detailed. Not much differanc from then and now.
I am going to use a 24 inch rim and mount it with some bent up metal tabs that will fasen to both rims with rivets. Thats a KOOL bike