If you are interested in trying MTCF we offer a free drop in to anyone that wants to check us out. This is open to anyone who wants to try CrossFit. Please email [email protected] for details. Anyone of any fitness ability is welcome to try this free class to see if MTCF is a right fit for them. We need to know ahead of time that you will be dropping in so we can let the coaches know.
If you are interested in signing up for Elements please email [email protected]. Elements will be included with a 1 month unlimited membership at $165 (no other discounts apply to this offer). We will schedule your Elements around your schedule.
Also, we are happy to announce that all of our Elements classes will be scheduled with you as a 1 on 1 Elements class (Or bring a friend or two). We will work around your schedule to make it easier for you to join our regular classes. We have a low coach to athlete ratio in our classes so you will always have the attention you need to move correctly. Please contact [email protected] to set up a 1 on 1 Elements class with one of our coaches. Number of classes needed to complete before taking regular class will be dependent on your ability to learn the movements we use in CrossFit. Usually 1-2 classes is sufficient to get you into our regular classes.
Just like it is critical to learn to walk before you run, there is a progression of movements we will teach at Elements. For example you need to know how to do an air squat properly before we can teach you a more complicated movement like the overhead squat. Likewise, we need to teach you the deadlift before we can teach you a Clean or Snatch.
Elements will also get you familiar with the structure of our classes so you will be more comfortable attending our regular classes once Elements is over. If you have been to another CF then you can test out of Elements by showing us your understanding of the movements.
Why do I need the CrossFit Elements program?
All new athletes need to complete the Elements class before group classes for their own safety and the safety of others. Regardless of your fitness level, if you have never done CrossFit then you need to know the basics before moving forward. Our number one goal is to keep you safe, healthy and in a position to be successful. We do this by indoctrinating you into the community at a reasonable pace.
As athletes ourselves, we understand human nature. Human nature will make you think that you can do more than you can, before you are ready. The classes that you take for Elements will leave you with a good, core understanding of what we are trying to achieve, and it will leave you with a desire to come back for more. It is important for you to understand your body, why certain movements are critical to your development and what movements you need to be more cautious of (and committed to learning) in order to make you successful. It is critical to learn these basics before adding intensity.
Once I have completed the Elements class, what do I do next?
After Elements you are ready to start with our regular classes. You will still be learning a lot and we will control the intensity/load/scaling for the first few weeks of regular class or as we see fit. We look forward to your completion of Elements and hope that you will continue your commitment to your fitness by becoming a part of our community at Mountain Trail CrossFit.
Our commitment to your safety doesn’t stop once Elements is over. We will always be there to help you learn new skills, improve upon the movements you’ve learned and help you further your fitness levels. We are always here for you.
*Please email [email protected] to enroll