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विकिपीडिया:आंतरविकि दूतावास

विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून

(सर्व चावड्यातील बदल | मुख्य चावडीतील अलीकडील बदल | सर्व चावड्या एकत्र पहा)
चावडी विभागवार:

(विपी इतर चर्चा)

इतर विभागात समाविष्ट न होणारे चर्चा विषय नवी चर्चा जोडा | वाचा

वादांवर उहापोह करण्यासाठी नवीन विषय जोडा | वाचा

साहाय्य | मदतकेंद्र
नवागतांसाठी मदतकेंद्रनवाप्रश्न जोडा | वाचा


नवी चर्चा जोडा
(Start new discussion)

प्रचालकांना निवेदन
प्रचालकांना निवेदन देण्यासाठीनिवेदन जोडा | वाचा

प्रचालकांचे मूल्यांकन
प्रचालकांचे कार्य आणि कृतींबद्दल उहापोह करण्यासाठीनवीन विषय जोडा | वाचा

तांत्रिक मुद्दयांवर चर्चा.
विपी आज्ञावलीच्या त्रुटी अहवाला साठी बगझीला वापरा.
नवीचर्चा जोडा | वाचा

ध्येय आणि धोरणे
सद्द आणि प्रस्तावित ध्येय आणि धोरणे, नीती-संकेत इत्यादींबाबत चर्चेसाठी नवीचर्चा जोडा | वाचा

मराठी विकिपीडियाच्या प्रगती बाबत चर्चा
नवीचर्चा जोडा | वाचा

सोशल मीडिया
मराठी विकिपीडियाचे सोशल मीडिया बाबत नवीन विषय जोडा | वाचा
चावडी (सुचालन)


स्वागत आणि साहाय्य चमू ,आलेले सदस्य,विकिभेट,कळपट हवा,सुलभीकरण,लेख/मजकुराची दखल पात्रता? चर्चा

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The Marathi wikipedia embassy has been started for communication between Marathi wikipedia, and other language wikipedias.

JavaScript error

When loading the main page:
JavaScript parse error (scripts need to be valid ECMAScript 5): Parse error: Missing ; before statement in file 'MediaWiki:Gadget-AdvancedSiteNotices.js' on line 17
Ping interface administrators सदस्य:Tiven2240 and सदस्य:अभय नातू. Alexis Jazz (चर्चा) १७:१२, ८ ऑगस्ट २०२२ (IST)[reply]

Hi @Alexis Jazz:, thanks for the report. Where did you find this error? Was it mobile view or desktop view. Are you still facing the error? --Tiven2240 (चर्चा) १२:२८, ९ ऑगस्ट २०२२ (IST)[reply]
Tiven2240, desktop, Vector classic, also when logged out, yes. You are familiar with the console? Alexis Jazz (चर्चा) १४:५६, ९ ऑगस्ट २०२२ (IST)[reply]

enable, configure wpcleaner

errors detected by Check Wiki project can be fixed using WPCleaner. i assume it requies admin to enable and configure. i request to enable on our wiki. thank you. -రుద్రుడు (चर्चा) ०८:४५, २१ फेब्रुवारी २०२३ (IST)[reply]

Mass deletion of files or mass cleanup of files

Hi! I made a post 10 years ago at विकिपीडिया:आंतरविकि_दूतावास/जुनी_चर्चा_१#चित्र:Anjanerikilla.jpg that all files need a license. The reply was that

"Marathi Language Wikipedia comunity has clear understanding that we do not entertain request from Non Marathi language wikipedians in such respect unless required by Wikimedia Foundations direct intervention"

Is that still the opinion on mr.wiki?

If it is then it is a clear violation of wmf:Resolution:Licensing_policy to allow non-licensed files.

I hope you will help clean up files. For example

  • Send messages to the users that is still active.
  • Look through Special:UnusedFiles and delete files with no license (or non-free files)
  • Use a bot to add a license (if uploader make a clear statement about source and license)

If central intervention is still required I will make a suggestio on meta to make a central mass deletion of files on mr.wiki.

But I see no reason why that should be needed. --MGA73 (चर्चा) ०१:१८, २६ फेब्रुवारी २०२३ (IST)[reply]

Hello again! There are 19141 files on mr.wiki. About 1800 seems to have a license. Would anyone like to help save the remaining 17300 files? Ping सदस्य:अभय नातू and सदस्य:संतोष गोरे. We need local users and admins to help out. --MGA73 (चर्चा) १६:४१, १९ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
@Tiven2240 आणि Usernamekiran: कृपया नोंद घ्यावी. या बद्दल मला फारशी माहिती नाही.-संतोष गोरे ( 💬 ) १९:५५, २० मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
  • @MGA73: Hello. Thanks for the message, and apologies for the delayed response. Even though I am active on Wikipedia every day, I somehow missed your first post. I am not sure what you mean by "Would anyone like to help save the remaining 17300 files?" If the files do not have licences, there's not much we can do. Encouraging uninvolved editors to update licenses may inadvertently result in license laundering. All the files are hosted on Wikimedia's servers in US, so legally speaking the files come under American copyright laws. Even if we assume Indian copyright laws are applicable, even then non-public domain files, and the ones without appropriate licenses should be deleted. But given the large number of files, I think this should be discussed with wider audience. Maybe sending mass message to all recently active editors, and having a discussion at Marathi village pump would be a good start. —usernamekiran (talk) २२:४२, २० मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
  • @Usernamekiran: Thanks a lot for your reply. I agree that license laundering is to be avoided. What could be done is to send messages to uploaders and ask them to clarify if they are the photographers or not and if they is they can add a license. If the file shows a photo that is old enough it could be PD due to age. If a file is a modification of a file from Commons/Wikipedia then the file could probably be licensed the same way as the original. If the file is non-free then it could perhaps be used as fair use if a relevant rationale can be provided.
It will be a big work unless it is decided simply to mass delete all files without a license. But it could be done in steps. For exampe files in विशेष:न_वापरलेली_चित्रे is not in use so it will not be a very big loss if they are deleted. But we could also try to find out if any of the big uploaders are still active so they get a chance to add a source and license.
If you could make a notice at a better place and in local language that would be awesome. --MGA73 (चर्चा) २३:३४, २० मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
For example it seems that User:Archanapote is still active and have uploaded almost 500 files without a license. Sadly User:Priya Hiregange does not seem to be active (7380 uploads). --MGA73 (चर्चा) २३:४१, २० मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
Similar to Usernamekiran, I missed this message as well. I think it's a fair ask to verify licensing. IIRC, a whole lot of these files were added when a few users did a SD-card dump on here. Starting with a central message and following up with specific users seems to be a prudent two-pronged approach. We (w:mr admins) will come up with messaging as well as other ways to save any files we can over the next few days. cc:@संतोष गोरे, Usernamekiran, आणि Tiven2240:
अभय नातू (चर्चा) ०४:५६, २१ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]
Thank you अभय नातू. I noticed that Priya Hiregange has an email on user page. Perhaps someone would like to send an email and ask? --MGA73 (चर्चा) २२:५९, २१ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]

It might be a good idea to have someone with a bot to add:

 |description    =
 |date           =
 |source         =
 |author         =
 |permission     =
 |other_versions =

To all files so users know where to add the information. If there is any text on the file page perhaps it could be added to the description field. --MGA73 (चर्चा) २३:०७, २१ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]

@MGA73: Thank you. I sampled some images uploaded by Priya Hiregange, all the sampled images had meta-data, so it is safe to assume that the files were created by Priya Hiregange. Maybe can assume that all the image files with proper metadata are user-created and add a "CC BY-SA 4.0" to these files? Regarding the template to be added, do you mean to add that blank template to every file/image, or on the files that do not have licensing information? —usernamekiran (talk) ०९:०८, २३ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]

@Usernamekiran: I also think that it is very likely it is own work. But I do not think adding licenses for uploaders is a good idea. There could be exceptions. For example if we get a user to write a message on their talk page "Yes they are my work and I agree to cc-by-sa-4.0". So I think it would be better to try sending an email first and ask for a license.
On some wikis licenses have been added if मिडियाविकी:Uploadtext or whatever user saw during upload had a statement like "By uploading your file you agree to release the file as cc-by-sa-3.0". --MGA73 (चर्चा) ११:३५, २३ मार्च २०२३ (IST)[reply]