What Year Was The Movie 満月をさがして Made

1. 満月をさがして | TV Time

  • Bevat niet: movie | Resultaten tonen met:movie

  • Twelve-year-old Mitsuki Koyama was devastated when she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the throat. She had made a promise to the boy she loves that she would one day become a singer, but her illness made singing impossible. To make matters even worse, two Shinigami, Takuto and Meroko, appeared to Mitsuki and informed her that she only had one year left to live. This news provides an even greater motivation for Mitsuki to fulfill her dreams, and with a little bit of divine intervention, she begins her quest to become a professional singer so she can be reunited with Eichi before time runs out.

満月をさがして | TV Time

2. Full Moon (TV Series 2002-2003) - The Movie Database

  • Twelve-year-old Kouyama Mitsuki was devastated when she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the throat.

  • Twelve-year-old Kouyama Mitsuki was devastated when she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the throat. She had made a promise to the boy she loves that she would one day become a singer, but her illness made singing impossible. To make matters even worse, two angels of death, Takuto and Meroko, appeared to Mitsuki and informed her that she only had one year left to live. This news provides an even greater motivation for Mitsuki to fulfill her dreams, and with a little bit of divine intervention, she begins her quest to become a professional singer so she can be reunited with Eichi before time runs out.

Full Moon (TV Series 2002-2003) - The Movie Database

3. Full Moon o Sagashite Wiki:ParentPage - Fandom

Full Moon o Sagashite Wiki:ParentPage - Fandom

4. 満月をさがして アニメ 第 03 話 || Full Moon wo Sagashite English Sub ...

  • 20 feb 2016 · 彼女は喉の悪性腫瘍と診断されたとき、十二歳のKouyamaみつきは荒廃していました。彼女は彼女が1日歌手になることを愛している少年への約束をしていたが、 ...

5. Yakkun Sakurazuka Facts for Kids

Yakkun Sakurazuka Facts for Kids

6. 満月をさがして | 番組 - AT-X

  • Bevat niet: year made

  • AT-Xはワンランク上のアニメ専門テレビチャンネル!最新アニメや名作アニメ、OVA、劇場版アニメ、声優バラエティ番組などを24時間、365日放送中!スカパー!、J:COM、ひかりTV、各CATVにて視聴可能。リクエストも受付中!

満月をさがして | 番組 - AT-X

7. 満月をさがしてのアニメ情報・感想・評価・動画配信 - Filmarks

  • Bevat niet: year made

  • レビュー数:450件 / 平均スコア:★★★★3.9点

満月をさがしてのアニメ情報・感想・評価・動画配信 - Filmarks

8. 満月をさがして : 作品情報 - アニメハック

  • Bevat niet: year made

  • 満月をさがしてのスタッフ、キャスト、あらすじ、主題歌、イベント情報を掲載!12歳の少女・神山満月は歌をうたうことが大好き。しかし、からだが弱く、大きな声で歌うことすらできない。満月は、ある...

満月をさがして : 作品情報 - アニメハック

9. 【試し読み】満月をさがして 1/種村 有菜 | 集英社 ― SHUEISHA ―

  • Bevat niet: year movie made

  • 神山満月は歌が大好きな12歳。アメリカにいる桜井英知くんを想い続けながら、彼との約束「歌手になること」を夢見ているが、命に関わるのどの病気を患っていた…。そんな満月の前に、タクトとめろこと名乗る死神コンビが現れて──!? あとがきまんが/種村有菜

【試し読み】満月をさがして 1/種村 有菜 | 集英社 ― SHUEISHA ―
What Year Was The Movie 満月をさがして Made
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.