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All photos on MRC Aviation are copyrighted to me, or the photographer of that photo. All photos that are downloaded from MRC Aviation are strictly intended for personal use only. Anyone, including the media, who would like to use any of the photos on the Blog, for any purpose other than personal use, must contact me to obtain permission to use the photo(s). Any photo not taken by me, that was obtained from another photographer or another source, that appears on this Blog, will be duly acknowledged as such.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


It is with regret I announce THE END of this blog.

Having started out in October 2007, MRC Aviation matured to become a respected source of information for aviation minded people across Oceania and around the world attracting well in excess of 2 millions views and considerably more hits via external web feeds who rightly or wrongly replicate the blog's content.

A seismic shift in personal circumstances with a relocation offshore has drawn me to the conclusion the blog can no longer be maintained therefore the time has come to bring it to a close. 

The network of contacts expanded to all corners of the aviation community and without the input from so many of you this blog would not have succeeded. So a very big thank you to everyone!

As long as Blogger survives, MRC Aviation will continue to exist as an archive. 
In the future it may revive itself with different content!

I would like to extend my personal thanks to all those who have supported my blog and its endeavours and wish you all the very best for the future. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege connecting with so many like minded people locally, nationally and internationally.

I will continue to contribute to Third Level NZ and NZ Civil Aircraft blogs and to SPaNZ Aero News - see below.

A "print" version of Oceania news in a pdf format is produced on a quarterly basis as SPaNZ Aero News - South Pacific and New Zealand. 

SPaNZ Aero News is an independently produced quarterly aviation magazine edited by Phil Craig assisted by several enthusiasts who compile major interest area for inclusion in the magazine. 

Providing aeronautical news from the South Pacific region and around New Zealand with current and historical content, SPaNZ Aero News includes sections covering recent aviation events across the region, third level operations, sport and recreational aircraft, airline and military news, aircraft movements from around the region, civil aircraft register details, and aircraft accident details, along with other special feature sections. 

SPaNZ Aero News is free of charge to subscribers and distributed electronically as a .pdf on a quarterly basis, allowing you the choice if desired of printing it either in colour or in "black & white" using a gray scale version. 

To subscribe, email your request to : planefil at

In the subject line of the email type : Subscribe to SPaNZ Aero News

In the body of the email include details of your name and location, and is there a specialty area that you think you could assist with contributions. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

United States Air Force C40C 02-0202

United States Air Force Boeing 737-7CP BBJ/C40C Clipper  02-0202 arrived at Wellington 09 August 2019 from Sydney as BOXER41 having from Pago Pago back on 06 August. It then flew onto Christchurch arriving 11 August. It departed 12 August for Pago Pago. 

T McFarlin photo

Monday, August 12, 2019

United States Navy Boeing P8 169011

United States Navy Boeing P-8A Poseidon 169011 touched down to a damp Ohakea 11 August 2019 as "Madfox 1" from Guam/Andersen.

The maritime patrol aircraft is currently deployed to Kadena/Japan and it will be flying from Ohakea over the coming days as part of a local exercise before departing the region 20 August 2019.

P Jansen photos

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Vans RV-7 VH-VFS

Another single engined aircraft crossed the Tasman Sea this week with the delivery of Vans RV-7 VH-VFS to Hastings.

The RV-7, flown by world renowned RV pilot Jon Johanson, flew from Port Macquarie to Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island 05 August 2019, then onto Kerikeri and Hastings 06 August 2019.

The very smartly presented aircraft is on delivery to Waste of Space Aviation Ltd and will become ZK-WOS.

Sincere thanks to GG for the supply of the information and photo!

VH-VFS takes a break at Lord Howe Island, Jon Johanson photo. 

Piper Meridian VH-AFK

Touching down at Auckland 09 August 2019 was Piper PA46-500TP Malibu Meridian VH-AFK. Most recently operated in Western Australia, VH-AFK made its way from Jandakot to Ceduna and the Gold Coast 08 August 2019, then onto Lord Howe Island and Auckland on the 9th. After clearing formalities the PA46 continued its journey to Gisborne, its new home.
Arriving Auckland in very average light conditions. 

NZ has only seen one other Meridian - this being ZK-OLY from 2011 until 2013.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mount Cook ATR fleet changes

Christchurch-based Mount Cook Airline took delivery of their 23rd ATR72-600 ZK-MVZ MSN 1562 with the aircraft arriving at Christchurch on the evening of 03 August 2019. 

Southern Cross International were once again contracted to deliver the aircraft and it flew as SXI1932. Its entry to service is slated for 21 August 2019. 

Meanwhile, Mount Cook Airline retired ATR72-500 ZK-MCX from service 08 August 2019 with it flying its last commercial flight as NZ5752 from Dunedin to Christchurch. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

United States Air Force Boeing E-4B 73-1676

United States Air Force Boeing 747-200/E-4B 73-1676, callsign JADE99, touched down at Auckland early on the afternoon of 05 August 2019 after a quick trip from Sydney carrying recently appointed United States Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and entourage to New Zealand. 
It departed mid morning 06 August 2019 for Yokota. 

The Secretary arrived at Sydney 03 August 2019 from Honolulu/Hickam in company with Boeing C17 Globemaster III 07-7186 with the transporter also planned to Auckland but unfortunately it became unservicable and did not make the Tasman crossing. 

The last visit to NZ by an E4 took place in September 2012 when then US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta visited our shores. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

United States Air Force Boeing C17 96-0005

United States Air Force Boeing C17 Globemaster III 96-0005 from the New York Air National Guard / Stewart AFB arrived at Wellington just after the conclusion of curfew 31 July 2019 from Honolulu/Hickam as 'Reach 351'. It then departed mid morning 01 August 2019 conducting a tactical style departure destined for Whenuapai where it arrived via left initials and a right break to land runway 21. It departed 02 August 2019 destined for Kadena.

Thanks to Lanzi for these great shots taken at Wellington.