It is with regret I announce THE END of this blog.
Having started out in October 2007, MRC Aviation matured to become a respected source of information for aviation minded people across Oceania and around the world attracting well in excess of 2 millions views and considerably more hits via external web feeds who rightly or wrongly replicate the blog's content.
A seismic shift in personal circumstances with a relocation offshore has drawn me to the conclusion the blog can no longer be maintained therefore the time has come to bring it to a close.
A seismic shift in personal circumstances with a relocation offshore has drawn me to the conclusion the blog can no longer be maintained therefore the time has come to bring it to a close.
The network of contacts expanded to all corners of the aviation community and without the input from so many of you this blog would not have succeeded. So a very big thank you to everyone!
As long as Blogger survives, MRC Aviation will continue to exist as an archive.
In the future it may revive itself with different content!
I would like to extend my personal thanks to all those who have supported my blog and its endeavours and wish you all the very best for the future. It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege connecting with so many like minded people locally, nationally and internationally.
I will continue to contribute to Third Level NZ and NZ Civil Aircraft blogs and to SPaNZ Aero News - see below.
I will continue to contribute to Third Level NZ and NZ Civil Aircraft blogs and to SPaNZ Aero News - see below.
A "print" version of Oceania news in a pdf format is produced on a quarterly basis as SPaNZ Aero News - South Pacific and New Zealand.