Den Den Mushi (電伝虫 Den Den Mushi?, literally meaning "electric transmission bug") are snails that are usually seen with phones or fax machines attached to their shells.
They have the ability to communicate with each other through radio (thought) waves. The people in One Piece world take advantage of this ability by attaching buttons and receivers to them. Den Den Mushi thus take the place of telephones and
other similar machines in the world of One Piece. They are classified as type "B" creatures being "Small Friendly".
When a person speaks through a Den Den Mushi, the Den Den Mushi will mouth the person's speech and display the person's emotions. For example, when someone screams, the snail will scream as well. Den Den Mushi are usually active when someone answers the phone, but once they are hung up, they go to sleep. Despite acting like machines, they are actually animals. Since being raised by humans gives them access to plenty of food, Den Den Mushi don't mind being used and tamed. However, they don't work in extreme cold. They also don't work when the animals themselves are sick
Types of Den Den MushiEdit Types of Den Den Mushi
The Den Den Mushi can come out in many many styles based on where they are and who owns them. For example, marine Den Den Mushi have the marine symbol painted on their face or on their shell. Despite their varied appearances, there are, however, general specific groups for each and every Den Den Mushi.
A typical Den Den Mushi
The most common type of Den Den Mushi commonly seen. They are too big to carry around, but their signal range is much further than that of a baby. They can also serve as fax machines if the right accessory is attached. They are capable of making long distance calls, and many are large enough to make a worldwide signal.
Baby Den Den Mushi
A Baby Den Den Mushi (子電伝虫 Ko Den-den Mushi?) is a fairly small and portable Den Den Mushi, enough to fit in one's palm.[5] It's good for keeping in contact with fellow comrades in the same area, but incapable of inter-island calls.[2] They can also be used as speakers, in which to broadcast the user's voice throughout the area.
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