
Monday, 17 October 2011

Operation Christmas child- shoe box appeal

I'm doing Operation Christmas Child

This year I am once again taking part in operation christmas child in making shoe boxes for disadvantaged children across Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. As a parent I know the joy it brings to a child and parent when they receive a Christmas present and they rip into the shiny wrapping to reveal what they have inside, not many children get to experience this joy for many different reasons,but a shoe box full of goodies can change this it can bring the widest smiles to a child who has very little.

operation Christmas child is the largest children's Christmas project in the world, and is run by the christian charity samaritans-purse they have been sending gift filled shoe boxes to disadvantaged children since 1990 and have brought joy to over 80 million children.

last year alone 500,000 people got involved and wrapped and packed around 1.12 million shoe boxes.

Girls from Swaziland

Last year we managed to fill 3 boxes and passed them onto my sons school but this year I am hoping to fill a lot more than 3 but to do this I need help if any company has any products that they would like to donate please contact me on [email protected] a product list is below of things to pack in a shoe box

Brother and sister from Montenegro

Things to put in your shoe box

toys- bear, soft toy, tennis ball, finger puppet, jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks, small musical instrument,
for boys- truck, cars etc
for girls dolls clip on earings etc
educational supplies-felt pens, pens, pencil, pencil crayons, eraser, sharpener, colouring book, note pad, picture or puzzle book, chalk, stickers etc
Hygiene items- toothbrush, tooth paste, flannel, bar of soap, hair brush or comb bobbles, hair clips etc
other items- sweets( sell by date must be at least march the following year), gloves scarf hat. sun glasses, cap, bangles, necklaces

you should include 1 or more things from each catagory

please don't send

No Food

 especially chocolate - non-chocolate sweets are allowed

No medicine

 or vitamins of any kind

No war related items

 toy guns, soldiers or knives of any kind

No clothing

 other than listed above

No fragile items

 glass containers, mirrors.

No liquids

 including blow bubbles, shampoo, bubble bath, toiletry sets or aerosols.

No dangerous items

 sharp objects, scissors or razors

No novels

Nothing of a political nature

No hand-knitted stuffed toys without a CE mark

once your box is decorated you need to decide if your box will be for a male/female and what age group then you need to attach the appropriate sticker

please don't forget to include £2.50 to help with the distribution cost you can pay here then download and print the bar code place it in your shoe box and you will receive an email that will let you know where your box went to.

boxes need to be made up and ready before 18th november

mummymummymum are running a competition for people who get involved in the shoe box appeal please click on the link to find out more

once again if any company can help in any way even if it is donating shoe boxes or wrapping paper please message me on [email protected] I will link your company in this bog post 

Thank you 
lets put smiles on children's faces this Christmas

shoe box appeal companies that have donated 
massive thank you 

visit their website 


  1. Yay, thanks for the mention! Good luck getting donations. xx

  2. I have just discovered your blog and was interested to read your post because I have just discovered operation christmas child and have blogged about it too. The more people who know the better. I have only managed to fill one box because of the short notice and also my daughter was in hospital but intend to do lots more for next year.

    Take care,

    Emma xxx
