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Days: 205.1
Mean Score: 6.83
  • Total Entries1,055
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Nekketsu Saikyou Go-Saurer
Nekketsu Saikyou Go-Saurer
Mar 7, 5:22 PM
Completed 51/51 · Scored 6
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
Mar 2, 4:45 PM
Watching -/12 · Scored -
Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger
Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbaruger
Mar 1, 3:47 PM
Completed 47/47 · Scored 6
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 81.4
Mean Score: 6.87
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Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Jun 25, 2024 11:13 AM
Completed 114/114 · Scored 7
Smoky Nectar
Smoky Nectar
Jul 31, 2022 8:45 AM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 5
Tokyo Mew Mew Olé​!
Tokyo Mew Mew Olé​!
Jun 24, 2022 4:32 PM
Reading -/32 · Scored -

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Fanez17 Jun 16, 2024 12:52 PM
no i just think you are cool i hope you don't mind if we add each other
Kurt_Irving Jul 1, 2022 10:28 AM
Thanks for responding and it's been ages since I last watched Mai-Hime. Last time I watched Evangelion was in 2008

I plan on watching the EVA Rebuild movies because Maaya Sakamoto hasn't gotten an anime role in a while. So matter how silly her character Mari is, I still want to watch it. She always had such a cute, little Japanese voice. Because she's married, I might as well re-watch Gundam SEED Destiny for her performances.

As for Hyper Police, I think that you might like the series. Especially in Japanese and Yuko Miramuya was pretty talented at such a young age. The problem with the Hyper Police dub is that I only recognized Kaoru's American VA and the other dubbers remain unknown.

The problem with Hyper Police is that Pierrot couldn't make it into a complete adaptation and I think that it deserves a Fruits Basket treatment. A change in animation too like Trigun did in Badlands Rumble or Rebuild movies.
Kurt_Irving Jun 30, 2022 8:17 PM
Hello miss! So what do you love most about Mai-Hime and Evangelion?

When I watched Hyper Police, I noticed that Natsuki and Asuka were voiced by the same Japanese girl. Fon Walkure and Misato Katsuragi were both voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi.

By the way, I've been reading Linebarrels of Iron not too long after I completed Trigun Maximum.
Apollonian_Naos May 25, 2020 3:27 PM
Brigadoon I discovered it seeing the tops of friends, I am a critical bastard with what I see, but I was also pleasantly surprised!

I don't know about sports either, it's just that Chile is known for things like that, and xD wine.

And yes, that is a general fear, if they had regulated more the entrance of immigrants the situation could have been more controllable. Everything should calm down in a while, but I think it is too soon to return to normal.

Oh, and I ask you why I'm curious (don't feel compelled to answer), are you male or female?
Apollonian_Naos May 25, 2020 10:28 AM
Yes, I didn't expect such dark scenes when I first saw it!

Yes, that was a lot of salt! Haha, no problem, I understand what you are saying, a lot could be avoided if people were just more aware. I am from Chile (maybe you have heard the name for football or something like that xD), here we also have those kinds of problems, people leave as if they were common vacations, fortunately where I live the situation is calm and in general people remain in their homes. It is good to be of a hermit nature haha, I have used the time for some readings, projects and such.

Just hoping it doesn't get too bad, today the number of infections throughout the country has risen quite a bit.
Apollonian_Naos May 24, 2020 11:26 AM
Yes, it is Spanish haha, I also really like CB, there is a strong emotional connection there.

With Brigadoon I have special affection for their soundtrack, and of course, I like how organic the development of Marin and Melan feels. It tackles many dark elements, but somehow it never abandons that colorful and captivating charm.

I see that you are from Sweden, how was the situation over there? By all this pandemic I mean.
Apollonian_Naos May 23, 2020 6:59 PM
I am not buying merchandise, but it is certainly a pity that I do not receive more attention, it is a quite unique work and deserves greater recognition. Although given its composition, a specific type of mentality is required to see it, mainly due to its rarity, and its childish appearance will alienate many who misjudge it.

By the way, what (or who) is "Voe"?
Apollonian_Naos May 22, 2020 9:37 PM
It's good to see Brigadoon receive appreciation
TyDrian Dec 8, 2019 4:32 AM
I love your anime list
AhiNevaeh Apr 7, 2019 7:36 AM
I apologize if I've confused you. I just send out requests to others to see who is on here and what everyone's tastes are like in anime/manga.
Thism2 Jun 22, 2016 3:23 AM
Ah jo...

Men iallafall, jag är inte säker på om jag är kvar till hösten eller om jag kanske har flyttat då så vi får nog se!
Thism2 Jun 21, 2016 3:54 PM
Ah, ja det var rätt creepy. Särskilt den där scenen när den "äter" en annan...

Och sen kan jag förstå att du både gillar och inte gillar den. Den väcker ju minst sagt känslor... Å ena sidan är det en cool action serie och å andra sidan är den väldigt mörk och psykologisk.
Thism2 Jun 21, 2016 4:17 AM
Ja, alltså jag gillar den verkligen, hela vägen tills slutet iallafall. Om slutet vet jag inte riktigt vad jag ska säga. Det kändes nästan som att serien "spårade ur" lite grann. Filmerna gjorde det tydligare vad som hände men det känns fortfarande rätt förvirrande. Men det tar nog lite tid att processera allt bara. Jag såg ju de sista episoderna och filmerna efter varandra. Så det blev en del att ta in, hehe...

Men för övrigt gillar jag den. Mystiken, fighterna, explosionerna när en angel dör... Ja bara skalan på serien överhuvudtaget och hur seriös den var, även om det blev lite tungt här och var (t.ex. scenen när Shinji såg sin Mecha krossa ""the fourth kid" var hemskt, eller Kaji's "sista samtal" i röstbrevlådan). Och utveckligen av miljön och karaktärerna, det får jag inte glömma! Att de lade tid på karaktärerna runt om och historien om hur allt blev som det blev etc.

Det var ett äventyr och jag är definitivt glad att jag fick låna och titta på den. Tackar!
Thism2 Jun 20, 2016 5:21 AM
Ah. Men ungefär när tror du att ni kommer i så fall?
Thism2 Jun 19, 2016 3:38 PM
Ok det låter bra. Ring eller shicka ett sms så kan vi bestämma när och var vid skolan vi ska träffas och så.

Jag har nu sett sista avsnittet av NGE nu och... uhm... ja... vet inte riktigt... vad som hände... så jag tar nog och kollar på filmerna också. Ses imorgon!
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