A step-by-step guide to help you buy a corgi in 2024
Have you thought about buying a corgi? Picture this: It’s 6pm. You’ve just come home from a hard day at work. You rustle with your bag as you put the key in the lock. The door swings open.
Down the hallway you hear the pitter-patter of tiny paws on the floorboards. You see the goofy face of your very own corgi staring back at you. He’s smiling. You’re smiling.
Sound perfect? There’s a reason dogs are man’s best friend. And corgis? Well, there’s also a reason the royal family have kept them for decades.
Rest assured – if you’re thinking about buying a corgi: I’m right there with you! Having a corgi join my home was a life changing experience for me. I came from a family of dog owners, but buying my corgi was something very new.
Thankfully, it turned out ok. And I’ve learnt so many things and met so many great people along the way.
Based on my experiences and discussions with many corgi owners, here’s my step-by-step for everything you need to know to buy a corgi.
This one’s a big one so let’s get started!
Table of Contents
- History of the corgi
- Is a corgi right for me?
- What breed of corgi should I get?
- How much will a corgi cost?
- Should I really get a corgi?
- Where can I get a corgi?
- How do I find a reputable breeder?
- How do I pick the right corgi breeder?
- How do I pick the right corgi for me?
- How do I take care of my corgi?
- How do I train my corgi?
- Final things to know about your corgi
What is the history of the corgi breed?
Corgis have a long history with humans dating back to the 10th century. Originally bred as herding dogs, corgis have an energetic personality perfect for keeping livestock safe.
Did you know the Pembroke Welsh corgi is descended from wolves and big northern Spitz dogs like the Husky? Yes, the modern happy little corgi has a complex past. This led them from wild animals to being used as working dogs.
Corgis were first bred to watch over herds of cattle in the pastures of Wales. Their important job was to drive away rats, rodents, predators, and wild animals from the cattle while they grazed. The did this with a keen eye and a loud bark. These traits still found today in modern corgis (see: are corgis good on farms).
From their watch dogs days, corgis were later bred to help move those cattle from their pastures off to the market. This is very similar to what is done today in rural areas with sheepdog. They round up the cattle and take them on the right path.
In fact, historians speculate the original corgis were mated with nearby sheepdogs. Farmer’s did this to genetically engineer themselves a more adaptable working dog.
How has the role of corgis changed over time?
The role of the corgi was downgraded when Welsh farmers started to raise their sheep in fenced pastures. This created a need for dogs with longer legs. Soon, border collies put the corgis out of work as the go-to farm dog.
Nowadays, corgis are mostly bred for show, and, of course, to be lovable companions around the home

Is a corgi right for me? Pros and cons of buying a corgi
Corgis make great pets. They’re full of energy, great with people, and very smart. But, they are not perfect for all homes. Particularly if you don’t have a lot of time to devote to them.
Corgis are one of the most popular breeds. In fact, a 2021 poll by the American Kennel Club put them among the top 15 dogs in the entire country. And if you’re here today, I’m betting you’re already a bit of a fan.
Here are a few factors that may convince you to buy a corgi (and a couple that might just stop you from making the wrong decision).
Pros of buying a corgi – 4 great reasons you need to know
Corgis are smart, loyal, sociable and small in size which makes them great for families. They are a great dog to buy.
When thinking about getting a corgi, there are several good reasons to do so. They make wonderful companions, are easy to groom, and can also be great watch dogs.
Before you decide to bring a dog into your life, here are some characteristics to think about.
1. Corgis have a lot of energy
Corgis are a natural bundle of energy. You’ll find your corgi is always ready to play, go on walks, and hang out with you.
Any interior designer will tell you, rooms need to be filled with life. While some people try to fill that gap with plants and flowers – a corgi might be just what you need to perk up your world.
Corgis were originally bred to herd livestock, so they naturally have a high level of energy. This energy can be channelled into play, exercise, and training, keeping both their mind and body pumping.
Plus, having a lot of energy also makes corgis more fun to be around than other dogs. They are always ready for adventure. I’ve seen it all first hand.
2. Corgis are easy to groom
Corgis are easy to groom because of their short coat and their small size. This is good because it makes them easier and cheaper to take care of than many other dog breeds.
That’s right – there’s no spending two hours in front of the mirror each morning for a corgi. Corgis are easy to groom for two key reasons.
First, they have a short, dense coat that does not require intense grooming to remove loose hair. Because it is short, you’ll spend less time and work on the end of a brush.
Second, corgis have small compact bodies, which makes it easy to access for grooming. This is helpful when it comes to trimming their fur under their belly or cleaning their ears and paws. This leaves you more time to spend playing and having fun with your corgi.
You can take care of their grooming needs easily and without needing to go to a professional groomer. This will save you heaps of time and money. And it also gives you a little extra time to bond with your corgi while taking care of their coats.
3. Corgis are good watch dogs
Corgis are good watch dogs because they are alert and attentive. They are willing to bark when intruders are present to help keep you home safe.
No more keeping grandma’s diamond ring in the safe behind a painting every night.
Ok, I exaggerate. But corgis are naturally alert and attentive, and they are quick to notice when something is out of the ordinary. Their alertness can also help you to be aware of dangers, such as fires or other emergencies.
Corgis are small and agile so they can rush to investigate threats. This makes them well-suited to watch dog duties.
While corgis are not aggressive dogs, their loud bark can serve as a deterrent for would-be intruders. This gives you a measure of security and protection for you and your home.
Being watch dogs can also be beneficial for corgis themselves. This is because it allows them to use their natural instincts, which can help keep them stimulated. Corgis are intelligent dogs and they thrive when they have tasks to keep them engaged.
4. Corgis are good with people and animals
Corgis are good with people and animals because they are a sociable affectionate dog breed. They were originally bred to be loyal to humans.
Corgis are always eager to meet new people and animals. They are likely to approach others in a friendly non-threatening way, which can help to put others at ease.
You’ll find corgis are well-behaved dogs that can be trained to follow the rules. They are unlikely to cause problems when they interact with others. This makes them a great dog for kids and families.
Their sociability can also make them a great companion for people who live alone, as they offer companionship and connection. And just as they give love and support, that are ever-eager to receive it as well.
Quick recap: 4 reasons to buy a corgi
- Corgis have a lot of energy
- Corgis are easy to groom
- Corgis are good watch dogs
- Corgis are good with people and animals
If you want more convincing, here’s another 6 great reasons to buy a corgi!

Cons of buying a corgi – 5 things to think about before you buy
Corgis are a high-energy breed that require lots of regular exercise and attention from their owners. They are also prone to health issues in the eyes, back and joints which can require special care.
While there are many positive reasons to consider buy a corgi, in the interest of fairness for all other dogs, there are also some negatives.
Here are some of the downsides to corgi ownership you should know before you bring a corgi home.
1. Corgis need to be kept busy
Corgis require a lot of energy, so a downside is you have to keep them busy. Be prepared for lots of walks, exercise, and playing.
A corgi would be terrible in an office cubical with nothing to do all day. They need to be kept active, the same way you’d treat a toddler.
Corgis are a high-energy breed so they have a natural instinct to be active and busy. This means they require regular exercise to stay happy and healthy.
If they do not get enough, they can become bored and restless, which can lead to behavioural problems such as barking, chewing, and digging.
This can be a challenge for some corgi owners. It can require a significant commitment of time and effort to give your corgi what they need to stimulate them.
This is difficult for people who have busy schedules or limited space for their corgi to run and play. It can still work, it’s just harder. Your best bet is to have lots of activities and toys ready to go: walks, runs, games, and bones.
This will help reduce the impact that their energy can have on your home.
2. Corgis shed their fur a lot
Because of their thick coat, a downside of owning a corgi is they shed their fur a lot. Schedule time for regular grooming to keep it under control.
Having a corgi is like having a messy partner, but instead of leaving clothes around, they leave fur. Corgis have a thick double coat that sheds a lot, especially during the changing seasons of spring and autumn.
This shedding can be a challenge because it results in loose hair all over the house, making it hard to clean up.
It can also trigger allergies in some people. I definitely find keeping clothing and furniture free of pet hair becomes difficult, especially if your corgi is allowed on the bed or furniture.
If you decide to get a corgi, be prepared with a vacuum cleaner. You’ll need it to manage the fur around your home.
3. Corgis can be defensive and territorial
A downside of corgi ownership is they are defensive and territorial dogs, due to being bred to watch over farms. You may have to spend time (at first) to adjust them to strangers or other house pets.
Defending home, country, honour and… living room. Corgis are naturally protective and territorial, originally bred for herding and safeguarding livestock. This instinct makes them alert and quick to bark or growl at unfamiliar people or animals they see as a potential threat.
While corgis can be wonderful companions, be cautious when you introduce other pets into their space. They value their territory, much like you wouldn’t want someone barging into your bedroom unannounced.
Training is recommended to help manage their territorial nature and make them more relaxed.
4. Corgis can be destructive if not kept entertained
As an active breed of dog, corgis can be destructive. You must keep them busy with exercise, playtime and toys to stop them chewing and digging around your home.
Corgis need regular exercise and things to keep their minds active to be happy and healthy.
If they get bored, they might start chewing on furniture or other things in your home (including your favourite Nikes), which can be expensive to fix or replace.
Training your corgi early on is important to prevent them from causing damage. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it to manage their energy and curiosity. Take them for walks regularly to keep them from getting bored and doing destructive things.
5. Corgis have a loud bark
A key reason that often stops people from buying a corgi is their loud bark. This can be disruptive, particularly if you have close neighbours or regularly need to work from home.
Now, some would say this is an upside. A permanent burglar alarm without the investment in technology. But it can be a hassle at 6am when the house is dark and you’re trying to sleep.
As a herding breed, corgis have a loud bark. It a natural instinct to bark to communicate with their owners and others. This means they can be prone to lots of barking when they are excited, anxious, or bored.
One of the downsides of keeping a corgi in an apartment, or other close-quarters settings, is their barking can be disruptive to others. This can be challenging for people with sensitive hearing or those easily disturbed by loud noises. A corgi’s bark can be unpleasant and uncomfortable at times.
Although training can be beneficial, it won’t completely solve the problem. It’s important to offer alternative outlets for their barking energy. I find your best options are toys and taking them for walks.
Quick recap: 5 things to consider before you buy a corgi
- Corgis need to be kept busy
- Corgis shed their fur a lot
- Corgis can be defensive and territorial
- Corgis can be destructive if not kept entertained
- Corgis have a loud bark
Read more about the downsides of owning a corgi.

What breed of corgi should I get? And how can I tell the difference.
There are two main types of corgis: Pembroke Welsh corgis and Cardigan Welsh corgis.
But how can you tell them apart:
- Pembroke Welsh corgis are your classic corgi (think Tom Cruise)
- Cardigan Welsh corgis are the rugged one (think Brad Pitt)
The Pembroke Welsh corgi is the more popular type with its fox-like face. On the other hand, the Cardigan Welsh corgi is bigger and stronger with a rounder head.

Both breeds are intelligent, playful, and loyal, but the Cardigan Welsh corgis is typically seen as the more reserved of the two.
You should talk to your breeder before you buy a corgi. This will help you determine which of these two breeds may be the best fit for you and your family.
>> Read more about the Differences Between Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis.
What is a Pembroke Welsh corgi?
A Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a distinctive face that is often described as foxlike. It has a small, triangular head with pointed ears that stand erect, and a short, black or dark-coloured nose.
The nose of a Pembroke is longer and pointer than a Cardigan. And yes, you could almost mistake them for a fox. Much like the nose, the ears also come to more of a point, rather than being round and circular.
Pembrokes typically have a smoother coat and are more often found in brighter colours like golds and light browns. Pembrokes also have feet that point forward, rather than turning out.
You’re also more likely to see a Pembroke Welsh corgi without a tail than a Cardigan Welsh corgi.
What is a Cardigan Welsh corgi?
The Cardigan Welsh corgi is bigger and more muscular than the Pembroke Welsh corgi, and it has a longer tail and a more rounded head. It’s more reserved and less outgoing than Pembroke Welsh corgis.
The roundedness of the Cardigan’s face is the most prominent feature. It is most clearly seen in the cheeks and the chin of the Cardigan, however, traces of this roundedness are also apparent in the ears as well.
It has a short, dense rough coat that most commonly comes in darker shades including black and dark browns. Cardigans are also more likely to keep their tail, and have feet that turn outwards.
What is a mixed breed corgi? And what is a cross-breed corgi?
A mixed breed corgi is not a purebred corgi. It has parents of different breeds.
Mixed corgis can happen in two ways:
- A corgi with one Pembroke parent and one Cardigan parent.
- A corgi with one (or more) parent that is already a mixed breed corgi.
Mixed corgis display a combination of characteristics from their parent. They may vary in size, coat type, and personality when compared to purebred corgis.
The third option is a cross-breed corgi. This is when there is one corgi parent and one parent from another breed (e.g. a rottweiler).

Common cross-breed parents include: Australian Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Shetland Sheepdog, Labrador Retriever and Beagle.
If you want to buy a corgi, but don’t want (or simple can’t afford) a purebred, a cross-breed corgi is a great option.
They offer a special mix of corgi characteristics, and choosing a mixed breed can contribute to having a healthier dog by avoiding certain genetic issues associated with corgis. Just make sure your cross-breed dog is from a trustworthy breeder or rescue.
What about Pembroke Cardigans? What about American Corgis?
Pembroke Cardigans or American Corgis are not purebred corgis.
Untrustworthy breeders might try to sell mixed breeds, like Pembroke cross Cardigans, as purebred Pembroke Cardigans or American Corgis.
These are not genuine purebred corgis. However, it doesn’t mean they are bad dogs; just be aware that you may not be getting the purebred corgi you’re told.
As a side note, if a breeder is dishonest about the breed, it raises concerns about their overall credibility. You should not take the risk to buy a corgi from a dishonest breeder.

How much does it cost to buy a corgi?
Based on a review of breeders in the USA, you can expect to pay between $2000 and $3500 dollars to buy a corgi from a reputable breeder in 2024.
It is possible to find corgis for less, such as older rescue dogs that may be available for as little as $100. You may also end up paying more for a purebred show dog, which could cost well over $3500.
When I’m in conversation with my community online, there’s always questions about how much it costs to buy a corgi:
- Can I buy a corgi for under $500?
- Can I buy a corgi for under $1000?
- Should I put a second mortgage on my home to buy a corgi? (maybe!)
In your lifetime, you only have a finite amount of resources you can spend on the things that make you happy. So here’s the age-old question: can you buy a corgi without breaking the bank?
Thankfully, yes. The cost of purchasing a corgi varies depending on factors such as where you live, the age of the dog, and whether it is a purebred or a rescue.
Factors that affect the price to buy a corgi
Here’s a 3 key factors that may help you decide what path to go down.
1. The breed of the corgi affects the price
Purebred Pembroke and Cardigans Welsh corgis are more expensive than cross and mixed corgis.
These dogs can give you a mix of both kinds at a lower cost. But remember, even mixed-breed corgis might be pricey, depending on where you live and how easy they are to find.
I’ve also found that, in general, Cardigan Welsh corgis are more expensive because they are less popular and therefore bred less often. This perception is backed up by my recent research:
After doing a search myself this year, I found I was 3x more likely to find a Pembroke for sale than a Cardigan.
You will find though that show-ready purebred Pembroke Welsh corgis can be more expensive, especially in places where there aren’t many available.
2. The quality of your corgi and your breeder affects the price
When buying a corgi, a reputable breeder is more expensive that a shelter dog, but you are less likely to have health problems.
Choosing a reputable breeder might be pricier, but it’s worth it because they focus on breeding healthy and well-behaved dogs that meet specific standards.
Even though buying from a reputable breeder costs more than from a backyard breeder, the extra cost ensures you get a high-quality dog and peace of mind. It’s best to avoid getting a corgi from a backyard breeder.
If you’re on a tight budget, consider checking your local animal shelter for adult corgis. These dogs might have been given up by their previous owners for various reasons, but they can still make wonderful pets. Sometimes, you can find adult corgis at shelters for as little as $100, making it an affordable option.
3. The location of your corgi affects the price
To courier your corgi by air in the United States, expect to pay $250–$400.
If you can’t find a good breeder nearby, you might need to expand your search outside your state or even your country to find the perfect corgi for your family. If you can’t visit the breeder in person, be prepared to cover the shipping costs to bring your corgi home.
Sending your corgi by air requires finding an airline that allows pet transportation as cargo.
The cost for this service varies depending on the airline and the distance your corgi needs to travel, typically ranging from $250 to $400. Prices may differ in other regions and countries.
While buying a corgi from a distant breeder may seem like a money-saving option, consider the expenses and stress involved in moving your new pet. In the end, these factors may outweigh the initial savings.

What are the ongoing costs of buying a corgi? 5 things to consider before you buy
Ongoing costs for your corgi include food, supplies, medical care, training, and grooming. This can add up significantly over your dog’s lifetime.
In addition to the initial purchase price of a corgi, there are also ongoing costs associated with owning a corgi that should be considered.
You should be aware of these ongoing costs before making the decision to purchase a corgi, and to plan and budget accordingly.
Here I will explore some of the most common ongoing costs of owning a corgi, and discuss how these costs can vary.
1. Cost of food for your corgi
Your corgi’s food will cost $30–$50 a month. You should buy high-quality nutritious dry food and treats to keep them healthy.
Corgis are energetic and need good food to stay healthy and happy. How much they eat depends on their size, age, and exercise level.
On average, a corgi should have about 1 cup of food each day, costing around $30 per month for a regular-sized corgi.
Besides regular meals, corgis can enjoy treats occasionally. Treats give extra nutrients and are great for training. Treats come in many types like chews, bones, or ones made from quality meats. For a standard-sized corgi, you might spend around $10 per month on treats.
When choosing food and treats, go for brands with high protein and fewer fillers like corn, wheat, or soy. Although these brands might cost more, they help your corgi get a balanced and healthy diet.
2. Cost of shelter for your corgi
The cost of shelter for a corgi, including bedding and a crate, can range from $50 to $200.
Deciding whether your corgi will be an indoor or outdoor pet is an important choice in their care.
Some people think keeping a corgi inside takes care of all their shelter needs, but that’s not always true. Even indoor corgis need a comfy spot to sleep, like a dog bed or blanket, as corgis shed a lot. It’s better to give them their own bedding rather than sharing with the family.
Getting a good-quality dog bed and blanket for your corgi usually costs around $100. Keep in mind that corgis can be a bit rough on their bedding and might chew on it, so replacements may be needed.
If you choose an outdoor setup, make sure your corgi has a dog house or suitable shelter. A dog house can cost around $150, depending on size and quality.
3. Cost of activities for your corgi
The cost of activities for a corgi, such as toys, treats, and occasional outings, will range from $20 to $50 per month. A dog walker will cost roughly $25 per session and toys will cost around $10 each.
Corgis need to be active to stay happy and healthy. There are many ways to exercise them, and it’s essential to consider the costs involved.
One affordable option is to take your corgi for a walk yourself. It’s free, and it’s a good way to spend time with your furry friend. If you can’t walk them every day or want to give them more exercise, hiring a dog walker is another choice.
Dog walkers usually charge about $25 per session, but the cost depends on how often and how long they walk your corgi, and whether it’s a solo or group walk.
On top of walks, corgis also enjoy playing with toys. Investing in toys is a good idea to keep them entertained and active when you’re not around.
Toy prices vary based on the type and quality, but on average, you’ll spend around $10 for each toy. It’s often better to buy a more expensive one that will last, than a cheap one that is immediately destroyed.
4. Cost of grooming your corgi
You should budget $115 total per month for grooming your corgi’s fur and for nail trimming.
Corgis need regular grooming to stay healthy and look good. Their thick, double coat can easily get tangled, so grooming every 1–2 months is essential.
Regular tasks include:
- Trimming their nails to prevent issues
- Cleaning their ears to prevent wax build up
- A bath at least once a month to keep their skin and coat clean.
Grooming costs can vary, but on average, it’s around $100 per month. You can either do it yourself or hire a professional groomer.
If you go for professional services, nail trimming typically costs around $15, and you can have it done during the grooming appointment for convenience.
5. Cost of healthcare for your corgi
Expect to pay $1,000 to $15,000 depending on the severity of the health condition if your corgi has a problem. You should also budget $500 per year in preventative care.
Corgis commonly face health problems like von Willebrand’s disease, degenerative myelopathy, and retinal atrophy, which can cost up to $3,000 for treatment.
Serious conditions like hip dysplasia can be even more expensive, ranging from $10,000 to $15,000 or higher. I encourage you to read more about these health problems.
More serious conditions like hip dysplasia can lead to even higher expenses. This can range to $10,000 or $15,000 or more.
Besides treatment costs, you’ll also need to budget for preventive care like heartworm prevention, flea and tick prevention, de-worming, and yearly vaccinations, which usually adds up to about $500 annually.
Make sure your corgi’s breeder has taken care of all necessary vaccinations and de-worming treatments, which should be included in the total price of your corgi.
As corgis grow older, their vet costs decrease – unless they develop health issues. These costs rise again once your corgi reaches its senior years.
>> For more on the costs of raising a corgi, please read How Much Do Corgis Cost?

Should I really buy a corgi?
Buying a corgi means committing to giving love and care for the rest of their life. While they will return it to you in spades, you need to think before you buy a corgi.
Before getting a corgi, think about whether you can dedicate enough time, effort, and resources. Some of the questions you need to ask yourself include:
- Are they the right breed for your lifestyle?
- Can you really afford it?
- Do you have a big enough yard or space nearby for them to play in?
- Are you willing to take them on daily walks?
- Do you mind a little extra fur around the house?
If you’re not sure, don’t commit. Sadly, thousand of dogs are abandoned each year because their owners couldn’t take care of them. Can you handle the responsibility?
While corgis are a good choice for families, including both adults and kids, make sure it suits yours before making a commitment to buy a corgi.

Where can I buy a corgi?
The two best options to buy a corgi are rescue organisations and breeders. Only buy a corgi from a reputable rescue or breeder.
I strongly recommend you consider both options carefully before you buy a corgi. Here’s my tips on how you can make an informed decision.
1. Buy from a corgi rescue
Rescue organisations are non-profit groups that take in abandoned animals. They work hard to find them new, loving homes. You’ll find they have strict adoption process in place so animals are placed in suitable homes.
Rescue corgis are often older dogs and priced lower than dogs from breeders. They usually end up in rescues because their owner had to move or there’s been big family changes.
If you are happy with an older corgi, a rescue is a great place to buy an adult corgi. I absolutely encourage you to buy a corgi at a rescue if you can – you’re saving a corgi’s life and giving them a loving home.
A great resource for rescue corgis to start looking is PetFinder.com.
2. Buy from a corgi breeder
Breeders specialise in breeding specific types of animals, such as corgis. They have a deep understanding of the breed and can give you valuable guidance about buying your next dog.
You will likely have to join a waitlist for a reputable breeder of up to a year or two. While this can be frustrating, it helps keep the dogs safe and healthy. It also makes it all the more worthwhile when you buy a corgi and finally get to take them home.
Here’s my tips on where you can find good breeders.
a) Where to buy a corgi in the United States of America (USA) and North America
To buy for corgi puppies for sale in the USA, start with the American Kennel Club (AKC).
The AKC has many breeders on their list that you can contact. But make sure you check the breeders carefully before buying a corgi. Just being on the website doesn’t guarantee they’re good.
If you know specifically what type of corgi you want, I recommend:
- To buy a Pembroke Welsh corgi: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America (PWCCA).
- To buy a Cardigan Welsh corgi: Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust (CWCNRT).
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America has a helpful breeder directory of good breeders in your state, and can also answer your questions about caring for a corgi.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust (CWCNRT) helps find homes for Cardigan Welsh corgis. While not a breeder, it functions in a similar way as an authority on the breed.
b) Where to buy a corgi in the United Kingdom (UK) and Great Britain
The Kennel Club has a great list of breeders to help you buy a corgi in the UK.
Simply search ‘Welsh Corgi’ on their site and you’ll see a list of breeders and their location.
So if you’re in London, put in London. Same for Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and anywhere else you call home. This list is regularly updated – so check back often.
They also have an option to search for breeders with a UKAS certificate – the National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. I strongly recommend picking an accredited breeder for the health and safety of your corgi.
c) Where to buy a corgi in Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, Australia and around the globe
Most countries have registered associations for corgis and dog welfare. These groups are a great staring point to help you find a local reputable breed.
Try doing a Google search for:
- “dog organisation” + your local area e.g. “dog organisation Japan”.
You can also do a search to find rescues or breeders near you:
- “adopt a corgi” + your local area e.g. “adopt a corgi Japan”,
- “corgi breeder” + your local area e.g. “corgi breeder Japan”.
It’s important to be careful when looking for breeders or rescues online. Not all of them are reputable.
I also advise against buying a corgi from overseas where possible. It can be difficult and there are legal restrictions to consider. It’s always best to check your local animal laws before looking into this option, as they differ between countries.

How to find a reputable breeder
To find a good breeder, check with local corgi clubs and ask your local vet for recommendations. Once you have options, visit the breeder in person to see their facility, check the conditions, and ask questions about their corgi’s health.
Getting a new corgi is like having a baby—it’s a challenging but rewarding process. Take your time to find a trustworthy breeder or rescue instead of rushing due to excitement.
I suggest you look at your local corgi clubs. These clubs often have the inside scoop on finding a corgi for sale near you. They can also suggest events – both big competition and social days – that can connect you with good breeders.
Be cautious with online breeders, as scammers may pretend to be legitimate. Search for the breeder’s name along with “scam” to check their credibility. However, this method is not foolproof, so stay alert.
Don’t solely rely on a breeder’s website to judge their practices. A professional website doesn’t guarantee responsibility, and a poorly designed one doesn’t necessarily indicate a bad breeder.
Be thorough and vigilant in your research – ask lots of questions! Here is a list of questions you can ask your corgi breeder:
- Can you tell me about your experience as a corgi breeder?
- Why did you choose this breed?
- How many litters do you have each year?
- Are the parent corgis on-site?
- Are there any health concerns in the family?
- Can I visit your breeding facility or the place where the puppies are raised?
- What age do you allow the puppies to go to their new homes?
Check out the guide below to find the answers you should look for to these questions and more you can ask to be prepared.
>> Read more about Questions to Ask Your Corgi Breeder.
Where should I not buy a corgi? 3 places to avoid buying a corgi from!
There are a few places where you should not buy a corgi from including puppy mills, backyard breeders, and pet stores.
Here’s why you should avoid these three ways of buying a corgi:
- Puppy mills: These are large-scale commercial breeding operations that prioritise profit over the well-being of the dogs. Puppy mill corgis are often kept in inhumane and overcrowded conditions and are not properly socialised or cared for.
- Backyard breeders: These are people who breed dogs without proper knowledge of genetics, health, or breeding standards. Backyard breeding can contribute to the overpopulation of dogs and result in the production of unhealthy or poorly bred puppies.
- Pet stores: Many pet stores obtain their puppies from puppy mills, and supporting these stores helps to perpetuate the cycle of cruelty.
Instead of buying a dog from any of these sources, it is best to adopt from a shelter or rescue organisation, or to purchase from a reputable and responsible breeder.
Find out more about places your should avoid buying a corgi.

How do I pick the right corgi breeder? 9 steps to find and work with a responsible breeder
When working with a breeder, do your research and check they have a history of producing healthy and well-bred puppies. You can also ask for references and visit the breeder’s facilities to see the conditions of where the dogs are kept.
Picking the right breeder is a key step in finding the perfect furry companion for your family.
Here are a few questions you can ask your potential breeder, to make sure they are they are reputable, and the right breeder for you.
1. Do they sell corgis to anyone?
One of the hallmarks of a bad breeder is their willingness to sell to anyone. A breeder who sells to everyone is a breeder who should sell to no one.
A good breeder will ask as many questions of you as you do of them.
This includes questions about: your life, your home, your knowledge of the breed, and your ability to look after them. A good breeder wants you to be a good owner.
2. How will they get the corgi puppy to you?
A good corgi breeder will try to encourage you as much as reasonably possible to go out to their site and meet your corgi in person before you buy them.
While this has changed a little in recent years due to the pandemic, the best breeders will still always try to get you to meet the your corgi face-to-face.
If your breeder is all too happy to pop your pup on a plane, with barely a conversation: be very wary, and be prepared to walk away. They may not have the health of your corgi in mind.
3. Are the corgi’s parents healthy?
Upfront tests are expensive, but so are vet bills for the next ten years if you’ve got an unhealthy pup. A good breeder will pick parents to maximise healthy traits, and minimise health risks.
Your breeder should have given the puppy’s parents all their medical tests. In particular, tests for von Willebrand disease and Degenerative Myelopathy. These can both cause problems later in life.
I also recommend following the advice of the Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals, and getting eye and hip tests. These are some of the first places that a corgi’s health can take a turn for the worse.
Always try to see the mother if you can. A good breeder will have nothing to hide, and if they’re not the owner of the mother, they should still be able to show you her records, history, and certifications.
4. Are you paying a fair price for the corgi?
A good breeder understands the value of the services they are providing to you. Prices that are too low or too high are a warning sign that you may not have an experienced breeder.
A good breeder is aware of the market price, and will demand reasonable prices for their efforts. If the price is off, double check you’re not dealing with a puppy mill or backyard breeder.
A high price tag does not necessarily indicate good health in a puppy. You should independently verify the health of a puppy, regardless of the price. This may include having the puppy examined by a veterinarian.
5. Are the corgi litters appropriately spaced apart?
Spacing out litters allows the breeder to carefully plan each breeding, taking into account the health and genetic backgrounds of the corgi mother and produce the healthiest, most well-rounded puppies possible.
Good breeders are dedicated to the health and welfare of their animals and strive to produce healthy, well-bred puppies.
To ensure their corgis are healthy and have the best chance at producing healthy offspring, good breeders will typically space out their litters and limit the number of litters they produce each year.
Spacing out litters allows the breeder to devote sufficient time and resources to the care and socialisation of each litter. It also gives the mother time to rest and recover between litters.
If you see too many litters in too little time, it is very likely you don’t have a good breeder on your hands.
6. Should the corgi mother be having puppies at all?
A reputable breeder only lets a dog have puppies after they turn two years old. If a corgi parent is younger than that, it’s a sign of a bad breeder.
The reason for waiting until a dog is two years old is because of Orthopedic Foundation for Animals tests.
These tests are used to tell if a corgi has any genetic issues including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cardiac conditions, and more – and they cannot be done on puppies.
A responsible breeder waits until the mother is both physically and mentally mature.
Breeding too early can be tough on the mother’s health and lead to problems. A female corgi’s reproductive system isn’t fully developed until she’s at least two years old.
Breeding earlier increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery.
7. Is the corgi puppy old enough to go to a new home?
I recommend puppies not be separated from their mother and littermates until they are at least 8–10 weeks old. It is a sign of a bad breeder if they let you buy a corgi much younger than this.
During this time, puppies learn their socialisation and development skills from their mother and the rest of the litter.
For example, puppies learn how to play and interact with others, how to communicate and resolve conflicts, and how to regulate their own behaviour. These skills are essential for the healthy development of puppies and will influence their behaviour and temperament as adults.
If they are taken too early, especially under eight weeks, you risk the chance of developing health and growth issues.
Ensure your puppy is weaned, healthy, ready and alert, and feels confident in going back to your home. Avoid a puppy that appears snappy, shy, or sick – even more so if that is a common trait in the litter.
8. Will they help you settle your corgi into its new home?
A good breeder will be a valuable resource for you throughout the process of bringing a new puppy into your home. A bad breeder is more likely to not answer questions during the purchasing process.
In addition to helping you choose the right pup for your family and lifestyle, a good breeder will also provide you with guidance and support as you acclimate your new puppy to its new surroundings.
A good breeder will give you information and advice on how to properly care for your new puppy, including feeding, grooming, training, and socialisation. They may also be able to provide you with resources and recommendations for finding a veterinarian and other professionals to help you care for your puppy.
A good breeder will also be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have as you adjust to life with a new puppy. This includes taking phone calls if you have specific issues, particularly to do with their genetic health.
Because your purchase is not just a business deal, it’s an welcome open invitation to the family.
9. Do they have a safe and clean corgi breeding space?
When visiting a breeder, pay attention to your surroundings and look for anything that may indicate that the environment is not clean and friendly – typical warning signs of a bad breeder.
This includes looking for signs of neglect or poor care, such as dirty or overcrowded conditions, unhealthy or malnourished animals, and a lack of proper ventilation or lighting.
It is also a good idea to pay attention to your own feelings and instincts. If something about the breeder or their facility makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable, it may be a red flag the animals are not being cared for. Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to ask questions or walk away if something doesn’t feel right.
Once you’ve picked a breeder, get to know them and build a relationship. You need to prove to them you are ready to be a corgi mum or dad. Visit as many as possible to help make the right decision.
Then, once you’ve picked your breeder, it’s time to pick your corgi.

How do I pick the right corgi for me? 3 tips to help you choose the right dog for you to buy
Choosing the right corgi for you and your family is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. You should consider their health, behaviour, and temperament, as well as your own lifestyle.
Corgis are intelligent, active, and loyal dogs that can make wonderful companions. But every corgi is unique. And a new dog is a big responsibility.
Before deciding to add a corgi to your family, consider each corgi presented to you to check they’re a good fit. Here are three tips to point you in the right direction.
1. Talk to your corgi breeder
Your breeder is a valuable resource for information about the breed and can help you find the right corgi for your lifestyle.
By letting your breeder know why you want a corgi, what your home and life are like, and what your plans are, they can help you choose a pup well-suited to your situation.
For example, if you have a specific task in mind for your corgi (such as a certain behavioural trick or to assist someone with a disability), let your breeder know so they can recommend a pup with the right temperament and characteristics for the job.
On the other hand, if you simply want a companion to join you on walks and cuddle with on the couch, your breeder can help you find a pup with a more laid-back personality.
Be open and honest with your breeder about your needs and expectations, so they can help you find the right corgi for you.
2. Ask your corgi breeder or a vet about their health
You must ask about the individual corgi puppy you are considering, even if you have already checked out the litter as a whole. This is because every dog is unique and may have different health needs or concerns.
Some questions to ask about your individual dog include:
- How are their eyes and hips? Corgis are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and eye problems, so it’s important to know if the puppy you’re considering has any issues in these areas.
- Have they had their tests, worming, and vaccinations? Make sure your corgi is up to date on all necessary tests, treatments, and vaccinations for their health and well-being.
- Are there any health concerns in the family? If the pup’s parents or other family members have any known health issues, this may be something to consider when deciding whether the pup is right for you.
- Has a vet checked them out? It’s always a good idea to have a veterinarian examine your new corgi to check they are healthy and to catch issues early on.
By asking these questions, you can get a better understanding of the health of the dog you are considering, and make an informed decision about whether they are the right fit for you and your family.
3. Watch the corgi’s behaviour and their temperament
Take your time when choosing a new corgi. While it may be tempting to rush into a decision and take home the first corgi that runs up to you, remember this is a big responsibility and the decision hould not be taken lightly.
One way to not miss out on your future best friend is to inspect the litter more than once. This can give you a better idea of the personalities of the pups, and can help you make a more informed decision.
It’s also a good idea to visit the litter at different times of day, as some pups may be more energetic and playful in the morning, while others may be more suited to the afternoon. This can help you get a better sense of each corgi’s individual personality.
These tips will help you decide which corgi is going to be the right fit for your family and your home.

How do I look after my new corgi?
As a new corgi owner, you may have questions about how to best care for your furry friend. I know I certainly had plenty.
Here, I’ll give some tips guidelines on the things I’ve learnt to help you take care of your new corgi, including feeding, exercise, grooming, and training. This will help your corgi grow up to be a healthy and well-behaved member of your family.
How do I groom my corgi?
You must groom your corgi to keep them healthy and maintain a clean coat and skin. It also gives you the chance to check for health issues.
Follow these simple steps to groom your corgi:
- Brush your corgi weekly (or more if possible): Corgis have a double coat with a soft, dense undercoat and a longer, coarser topcoat. Use a slicker brush or a comb designed for double-coated breeds to remove tangles and mats. Gently brush in the direction of hair growth to avoid hurting your corgi’s skin.
- Give your corgi a bath as needed: Corgis only need a bath once a month unless they get especially dirty or smelly. Use a mild puppy shampoo and make sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent any soap residue from sticking to the coat.
- Trim your corgi’s nails: Keep your corgi’s nails in check to prevent them from getting too long, which can cause discomfort. Use a dog nail clipper, being careful not to cut too close to the quick (the blood vessels and nerves in the nail).
- Clean your corgi’s ears: Corgis are prone to ear infections. It’s important to regularly clean their ears to help prevent them. Use a cotton ball or a soft cloth to gently wipe the inside of your corgi’s ears – be careful not to go too deep into the ear canal.
This will help them look their best and stay healthy.
How much exercise does a corgi need?
Corgis need a lot of exercise. It’s a good idea to aim for at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise per day for a healthy adult corgi.
This can include walks, runs, playtime, and other activities to help them get the physical and mental stimulation they need. Puppies and younger corgis may require more exercise, while older corgis may need less.
Also, pay attention to your corgi’s weight and make sure they don’t become overweight, as this can lead to a range of health issues.
What do corgis need to play?
Corgis are intelligent and energetic dogs that enjoy playing and exploring. But they get bored easy. Chew toys, ropes, or a handful of balls will come in handy.
Corgis enjoy playing with a variety of toys, such as balls, frisbees, chew toys, and interactive toys. Choose toys appropriate for your corgi’s size and activity level, and be sure to supervise play to keep them safe.
Corgis are social animals and enjoy interacting with other dogs and people. Providing your corgi with opportunities to socialise with other dogs and people can help keep them happy.
What should I feed my corgi?
You should give your corgi with a healthy and balanced diet to help them stay fit and healthy. This could be a high-quality meat-based diet – or a mixture of dry food with meat and vegetables.
Here are a few things to consider when deciding what to feed your corgi:
- Choose a high-quality dog food: Look for a dog food made from high-quality ingredients. Avoid low-quality budget brands, which may contain poor ingredients and fillers.
- Consult with a veterinarian: A veterinarian or a reputable breeder can provide guidance on the type and amount of food appropriate for your corgi. They can also help you identify any dietary issues or sensitivities.
- Consider your corgi’s individual needs: Every corgi is unique, and their dietary needs may vary based on factors such as their age, size, activity level, and overall health.
- Avoid feeding your corgi table scraps: While it may be tempting to share your food with your corgi, avoid feeding them table scraps or other human foods. Many human foods can be harmful to dogs.
Doing it right is important. Feeding your corgi is one of the most critical steps you can take to keep your corgi healthy.
Should I get two corgis to keep each other company?
It can be a good idea to have more than one dog if you are able to provide a good home for them and can give them the time, attention, and care they need.
Corgis are social animals and can benefit from having a companion to play with and interact with.
However, consider whether you have the resources and ability to care for two dogs, as this requires a significant amount of time, money, and effort.
It may be better to get one, and get the first-hand knowledge you need to take care of it, before considering getting a second.
What shots (vaccinations) should my corgi get?
Vaccinations play a key role of protecting your corgi’s health. Your breeder is responsible for all of your puppy’s shots. You must make sure your corgi has had them.
Vaccinations help prevent serious and life-threatening diseases, and you should keep your corgi’s vaccination schedule up to date.
Your puppy should avoid contact with other dogs until two weeks after their third set of shots. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your corgi.
Your vet can also provide guidance on any additional vaccinations, like for bugs or pest control, that may be necessary based on your corgi’s needs.
Should I neuter (spay / desex) my corgi?
Yes, you should desex your corgi. This helps manage the corgi population and stop unwanted puppies. It also can help reduce the risk of certain health problems, such as mammary gland tumors, prostate cancer, and uterine infections in females, and testicular cancer in males.
Neutering (also known as spaying for females and castration for males) is a surgical procedure that involves removing your corgi’s reproductive organs.
It can have many potential benefits for both the animal and the community, and it is generally recommended by veterinarians and animal welfare organisations.
How do I train my corgi?
The great thing about having an intelligent dog is they are capable and willing to learn. You can train them using firm commands and positive reinforcement.
Corgis are able to learn from about eight weeks old, so you can get started right away! Here are all the main skills you should be teaching your corgi.
- How to Train Your Corgi to Come When Called
- How to Train Your Corgi to Heel
- How to Train Your Corgi to Sit
- How to Train Your Corgi to Lie Down
- How to Train Your Corgi to Stay
Training is a process. You’ll go forward and back. Some days will feel like they’ve got it, and then the next will feel like you’re starting over again. That’s nothing to worry about.
How to toilet train your corgi
Toilet training a corgi can be a bit of a process, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, it is possible to train your corgi to use the toilet outside.
Every time your corgi goes to the toilet outside, reward them. This may involve a treat, praise, or even a toy.
You want your corgi to associate the act of going to the toilet outside, with positive feeling.
Do not punish your corgi if they go to the toilet inside. This doesn’t help them learn.
Your puppy should be house-trained in about six months, but this varies from dog to dog and the time you put into training them.

Final thoughts on how to buy a corgi
Thinking about getting a corgi is a big deal, and it comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s important to make careful choices to make sure you get the right dog for you and your family.
Quick Summary! How to Buy A Corgi
- Prepare your home: Learn about corgis and their needs to see if they match your lifestyle. Make sure you have (or can easily get) everything you need to care for a corgi.
- Find a good breeder: Look for a breeder known for breeding healthy and well-behaved puppies. Avoid pet stores, as they might get puppies from bad places.
- Check the litter: Pay attention to the personalities and characteristics of the puppies in a litter to find one that suits you.
- Ask about the specific dog: Get details about the health, tests, vaccinations, and any family health issues of the corgi you’re interested in.
- Take your time: Don’t rush the decision. Take your time to choose the perfect corgi for you.
Owning a corgi can be a source of happiness and wonderful memories. Follow these steps to find a healthy corgi that fits well with you and your loved ones.
FYI, I think there is a mistake in your advice:
You say female corgis should not breed AFTER age 2-3 years, but the rest of the text indicates it should say YOUNGER than age 2-3.
Thank you! Yes, correct, you need to wait until the corgi is at least two years old. They should not breed younger than this age. I’ve made the update to fix the typo.