Recovery is about so much more than just getting sober.
Recovery also means learning how to stay sober, while also repairing relationships, restoring physical and mental health, and picking up the pieces of an education or career. It can all be overwhelming when you’re newly sober and just trying to get through one day at a time.
My Life in Recovery is a 12-session continuing care workbook that guides readers through developing a complete, personalized plan for staying sober, avoiding relapse, and living in recovery. It is used in conjunction with The Recovery Book: Answers to All Your Questions About Addiction and Alcoholism and Finding Health and Happiness in Sobriety, the award-winning “Bible of recovery” by Al J. Mooney, M.D., Catherine Dold, and Howard Eisenberg.
The Recovery Book provides an easy-to-follow road map—the Recovery Zone SystemTM—for building your new life in recovery, slowly but surely.
The Recovery Zone System gives clear guidelines on when and how to address all aspects of your life in recovery—addiction treatment, fellowship activities, sober living, relationships, recreation, education, career, finances, and physical and mental health. It helps you to know when you are ready to move forward in each area, and it helps you to recognize when you might need to move back for a while, to avoid relapse. Learn more about the Recovery Zone System.
My Life in Recovery, in 12 sessions, guides readers through The Recovery Book with reading assignments, homework questions, discussion topics, journaling prompts, and personal exercises. Participants learn about addiction and recovery and develop their own personalized, detailed plans for moving through the Recovery Zones and thriving in sobriety for a lifetime.
My Life in Recovery can be used as a 12-week continuing care lesson plan, as part of a book study group or sober coaching program, or as an individual self-paced program. Recovery professionals, peer counselors, sponsors, and individuals new to recovery will all find it to be an immensely useful and practical tool for building a strong and solid recovery. Read more about the workbook and see the table of contents.
Note: the Recovery Zone System works hand-in-hand with the Twelve Steps, but it can be used with any recovery program. Those who get into recovery with the help of medication-assisted treatment, and those who have shied away from Twelve Step and abstinence-focused programs, will also find it to be a very useful “on-ramp” to building a lifetime of recovery.
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The Authors
Al J. Mooney, M.D., is an internationally recognized expert in addiction and recovery. Dr. Mooney has been involved in this field since he was a teenager, when his parents entered into recovery and then founded an addiction treatment center, Willingway Hospital (now part of the Summit BHC treatment centers). Dr. Mooney was CEO of the hospital for many years, and has helped thousands of people find recovery. He lives in North Carolina.
Catherine Dold is an award-winning freelance health and environment writer in Boulder, Colorado.