Laurel Wreath
The Laurel Wreath

The laurel wreath is an ancient symbol of victory and achievement. It was first awarded to the winners of the ancient Greek Olympic Games. The Romans later adopted the laurel as a symbol of military victory and presented it to successful generals. These generals would wear the wreath during their triumph as they paraded through the streets of Rome.
The ancient myth behind the laurel wreath comes from the god Apollo. Apollo, in addition to being the god who brings us sunrise by driving his chariot across the sky, was also associated with athletics. He was known for wearing a laurel wreath as a symbol of his love for Daphne. Apollo relentlessly pursued her, but she had no interest in him. She begged to escape him and was turned into a laurel tree to avoid him. Apollo wore the laurel wreath as a tribute to her.
Later myths suggest Apollo awarded laurel wreaths to winners of music, poetry and athletic contests.

Now that you know all about the origin of the laurel crown, let’s get crafting!

Here’s What You’ll Need:
- A Wreath template (I recommend printing this on white card stock, but plain white paper will work as well) Click Here to download.
- Scissors
- A glue gun or plain white glue
1. Cut out the template (Download here)
2. Glue leaves of different shades across the brown center piece until you get to the middle.
3. Glue more leaves going down the opposite side.
4. Pull off strings of glue.
5. Enjoy your new laurel wreath
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