
The Division Beta: See How The Game Looks Visually On PS4 With These 1080p Direct-Feed Screenshots

The Division Beta is now live on the PS4 and PC. Here are some direct-feed screenshots from the PS4 version of the game.

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boodi3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

it seems to me running " a bit " better on ps4 ( graphic wise )

could be my eyes but there's some difference there

http://i2.wp.com/gearnuke.c... bit more similar to the pre release pics quality , the ones released one year and more ago..
some downgrade yes.. ok .. but quite happy about it if I have to say..

i think it could be quite very good on max setting on pc ..

OC_MurphysLaw3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

Actually I hope the game doesn't really look like that first screen you linked because that looks really off to me. Something about Gearnukes captures seems a bit washed out to me. Anyone worried if the game looks good or not should relax. It looks good. It may not be best in graphics compared to others but it does look good and more importantly plays well.

boodi3254d ago

may be a bit washed but first images released even if stunning were quite washed too in the distance

waiting for pc maxed to give final words on this and to decide wheter to get it ( and on what platform )

solar3254d ago

these screens look like crap. nothing like what was represented to us.

frostypants3254d ago

I'll say this: the graphics definitely look kind of flat in cloudy daytime scenes. In sunlight and night scenes, stuff looks a lot better. I feel like maybe they put too much focus on lighting at the expense of textures.

UKmilitia3253d ago

well i think it looks alot better than i expected and its certainly looks good enough.
at times seems alot of HUD stuff on screen and dark zones end same way every time.
i actually let someone hoist there stuff up,then they let me start doing mine and then killed me.

but it always ends in a fight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3253d ago
Crimzon3254d ago

Sad to see just how severely this game was downgraded across all platforms. I'm fully expecting For Honor to see a similarly drastic downgrade as well.

badboyz093254d ago

This seems to be a trend with 3rd party games. That are promoted by Xbox.

killer8763254d ago

its all a conspiracy all the time

my tin foil hat told me so

ThePope3254d ago

Dude just get over it the PS4 and X1 aren't as powerful as we all hoped. Buy a PC because if you're trying to say the game would have looked much better on PS4 only or as the lead. You really are wearing a tinfoil hat lmao.

solar3254d ago

no, promoted by consoles. if anyone should be pissed about the graphic downgrade it should be PC gamers, because we get downgrades because both XB1 and PS4 cant handle it. so take your fanboy crap and leave.

u4one3254d ago

Yes. Ms is paying to make sure that all 3rd party games be downgraded and Sony and all of the studios are ok with it.... I love that this is the logic fanboys come up with when the ps4s actual real world power (not magic n4g ps4 power) is seen.
Someone forgot to tell the pc versions that was the plan.... Cuz the division on pc looks better than the consoles. The console versions look pretty close to each other (and still good imo but not as good).

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quaneylfc3254d ago

That is dictated by what hardware is used.

Don't like it, buy a PC
My Xbox and PS4 are enough for a hobby

boodi3254d ago

that's because you are Jesus but we aren't

u4one3254d ago

Agreed. I love my xb1 and ps4 but I'm not going to pretend they are on high end pc power level. And for me me they are good enough and still look good on a big tv.

Elit3Nick3254d ago

Watchdogs, The Division and the Witcher 3 were all games revealed before the new consoles launched, since their hardware was thought to be more powerful at the time they showed off the games with all those graphical effects, and then forced to downgrade when the final specs were released. For Honor won't see a downgrade since it was build with the final specs in mind.

kenwonobi3254d ago

Any game where parity is forced for the sake of Xbox promoting it has and will suffer these types of downgrades visually.

Gantrfaxx3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

I don't give a flying f about what's downgraded and who's responsible for it. I know i'll get potentially best graphics on console from Ps4 exclusives if i want to play on a console. And that is what i want.
And i don't expect best graphics from multiplatform titles.

frostypants3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

It's not really a "downgrade" when the initial reference is a target render that was never an actual game in the first place.

They're called "targets" for a reason. Sadly devs generally come up short in reaching for them. This has been common in gaming forever.

It still looks "good enough" for me...it's the gameplay I'm curious about.

iceman063253d ago

THIS!!! It's not like this is a new practice...except now we get gameplay targets instead of the CG target renders that we used to get. In the end, I just don't get overly hyped about reveal graphics. I wait until there is some beta footage or near completed gameplay. Not to mention that, if we didn't have those target renders, most of us would be impressed (or at very least content) by the graphics that we eventually end up getting.

Lamboomington3253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

Ofcourse it was downgraded. Just like The Witcher 3 and WatchDogs, which were shown in 2013 BEFORE console specs were known.

On the XBONE and PS4, what do you want them to do ? The only way they can make it look that good is if it runs at 10fps. It should tell you something that there were three stunning open world games shown in 2013 (TW3, Division, WD), and all three of them were downgraded. That should clearly tell you what happened. Devs overestimated target hardware specifications. It's that simple.

The 'downgrade' question only arises on the PC platform, solely because of the availability of OPTIONS, for high end users to turn on. Even so, I don't think it's feasible to make a PC version that uses significantly different grahpics solutions.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3253d ago
Italiano12345673254d ago

The game still looks great...the lighting everything down graded or not game still looks very good

LightofDarkness3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

Real dynamic shadows and self shadowing are for lame wads, real hardcore gamers want that "cinematic", half-assed AO.

windblowsagain3254d ago

The game does still look good, the PS4 beta is up and running, I've been playing.

I would have liked 60fps. But even getting that on PC takes a very good system. I haven't tried the beta on PC yet.

When I came out after getting to main operation point. It was snowing and it looked good, tons of different materials.

OC_MurphysLaw3254d ago

There are definite moments where this game really does look good and impresses like walking out to snow fall as you noted. Other times it looks just OK but while that sounds like a knock it really isn't for me. Overall I like the look of the game and have been enjoying the game play enough to not worry about..."Oh look at those textures or lighting effect".

frostypants3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

Seems to me that the effects and lighting are good. It's the textures and some dynamic shadows that are hurting. In scenes where there are no real weather effects or bright sunlight or nighttime city-lights, it looks...meh. It's like they're saving bandwidth for those effects for when they kick in.

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rpad322d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


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Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

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Flawlessmic628d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183628d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot627d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno627d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic627d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman627d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon627d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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