JRPGs love Gnosticism and hate the Demiurge.
IGN - The battle between PlayStation and Xbox has waged for years, but a messy and unexpected conclusion to the console war may already have happened.
Of course it's over. And that Loser with thousands of Alt-Accounts is like some console war veteran who came home and can't function because of a severe case of Gaming Shell Shock. He can't sleep. He trembles at any pro-Sony news and when an Xbox game is rumored or confirmed to be going to Playstation he starts shaking uncontrollably. Flashbacks. Prone to wetting his pants.
The console war was over 10 years ago already. Microsoft fumbled since the xbox one worldwide.
TNS: Wishlists are great for keeping track of games you want, but I decided to nuke mine for good, and here's why I'm glad I did.
Gareth, Justin, and Michael at Skewed and Reviewed look at the hottest entertainment news of the week.
01:15 Season 2 Twisted Metal
05:22 Johnny Cage Mortal Kombat 2 reveal
10:32 5th Element Animated
19:09 Friday the 13th stream series
28:33 Sony State of Play
39:02 Southern California theme park news
the developers are atheists?