Through a blend of perspectives, culture, and design, systems that directly and indirectly affect services important to health and health prospects often yield inequities in access and impact. We must actively make fair and thoughtful choices to counteract these unfair situations, or else unequal health outcomes will continue to exist.
The Inclusive, Equitable Systems workstream will uplift alignment challenges, opportunities, and impacts related to establishing inclusivity and equity as a national expectation for societal systems that impact health. Workstream members will produce a background paper that will inform Commission deliberations on the associated opportunities, priorities, and implications dependent on correcting the alignment of values, incentives, policies, and actions.
The paper will:
- review the status of and trends for inclusivity and equity in societal systems that impact health;
- describe how lack of engagement contributes to health and economic competitiveness shortfalls at the local, state, national, and international levels;
- identify salient contributors to the problem (exclusive, inequitable systems);
- identify accountability disconnects;
- estimate the health and economic costs of maintaining the status quo;
- estimate the potential health and economic gains from inclusivity and equity as baseline requirements for societal systems that impact health;
- identify legal, regulatory, or cultural levers to drive the change from where we are now to a better future state; and
- describe promising strategies for marshaling the will to deploy the necessary levers at the right place, at the right time.
- Vickie Mays, University of California – Los Angeles (Chair)
- Tara Oakman, The Rippel Foundation (Chair)
- Drew Westen, Emory University (Chair)
- Courtney Aklin, National Institutes of Health
- Gillian Barclay, Colgate-Palmolive
- April Callen, Purpose Built Communities
- Kim Dobson-Sydnor, Morgan State University
- Ruth Faden, Johns Hopkins
- Avital Havusha, New York Health Foundation
- Nat Kendall-Taylor, FrameWorks Institute
- Monica Valdes Lupi, The Kresge Foundation
- Tiffany Manuel, TheCaseMade
- Shari Miles-Cohen, National Communication Association
- Julie Morita, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Carlota Ocampo, Trinity Washington University
- Henrie Treadwell, Morehouse School of Medicine
- Cynthia Winston, Howard University
For additional information on workstream activities, contact Julie Tarrant ([email protected]) and Asia Williams ([email protected]).