Workstream 1: Individual and community health goals as the orienting reference points for every decision and action taken within the health system.

The aim of health organizations is to foster the attainment of the health and well-being goals most important to each person served, catalyzed by community actions and initiatives that maximize equitable attainment of those goals. Too often, actions are driven by the convenience or perspectives of decisionmakers, without the due diligence needed to understand and engage those goals directly.

The Individual and Community Health Goals workstream will uplift alignment challenges, opportunities, and impacts related to meaningfully engaging individuals and communities in all health-related decisions that affect them. Workstream members will produce a background paper that will inform Commission deliberations on the associated opportunities, priorities, and implications dependent on correcting the alignment of values, incentives, policies, and actions.

The paper will:

  1. review the status of and trends for the meaningful engagement of individuals and communities in the full spectrum of decisions that impact their health;
  2. describe how lack of engagement contributes to health shortfalls at the local, state, and national levels;
  3. identify salient contributors to the problem;
  4. identify accountability disconnects;
  5. estimate the health and economic costs of maintaining the status quo;
  6. estimate the potential health and economic gains to be attained by better alignment between organizational and governmental decisions and the goals and needs of the people affected;
  7. identify legal, regulatory, or cultural levers to drive the change from where we are now to a better future state; and
  8. describe promising strategies for marshaling the will to deploy the necessary levers at the right place, at the right time.


  • Gwen Darien (Executive Vice President, Patient Advocacy, Engagement and Education) National Patient Advocate
  • Eric Hekler (Professor and Associate Dean, Community Partnerships) University of California, San Diego
  • Ji Im (System Senior Director, Community and Population Health) CommonSpirit Health

Ex officio (Culture Inclusion and Equity Action Collaborative co-chairs)

  • Sandra Hernandez (President and CEO), California Healthcare Foundation
  • Mary Naylor (Director, NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health), University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing


  • Philip Alberti (Founding Director), AAMC Center for Health Justice
  • Alina Baciu (Senior Program Officer), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
  • Arlene Bierman (Chief Strategy Officer), U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Rick Brush (CEO), Wellville
  • Sarah De Guia (CEO), ChangeLab Solutions
  • Kristen Dillon (Chief Medical Officer), Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Natasha Dravid (Chief Strategy Officer), Camden Coalition
  • Que English (Director), Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Ayesha Jaco (Executive Director), Westside United
  • Antoinette Kraus (Executive Director), Pennsylvania Health Access Network
  • Staci Lofton (Senior Director of Health Equity), Families USA
  • Greg Martin (Chief Officer, Engagement, Dissemination, and Implementation), Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
  • Erin McDonald (Lead for the Federal Plan for ELTRR) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Morgan McDonald (National Director of Population Health and Health Equity Leadership), Milbank Memorial Fund
  • Karen Murphy (Senior Advisor), Geisinger
  • Carol Naughton (CEO), Purpose Built Communities
  • Stephen Plank (Vice President of Research, Evaluation, Evidence and Data), Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • June Simmons (President and CEO), Partners in Care Foundation

For additional information on workstream activities, contact Asia Williams ([email protected]) and Julie Tarrant ([email protected]).

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