Monday, July 25, 2011

What's in a Flying Buttress Anyway?!

I love all things cathedral, especially if they come with Gregorian chants. Although I'd read Ken Follett's spy novels in the past, he wrote his book, Pillars of the Earth, in an entirely different genre (historical fiction). Actually, I bought this for my mother but she didn't like it and gave it back to me to read. I love cathedrals and have visited many whilst traveling with my hubby and children. I thought the organization of the book was well done, covering the life span of the main character (with other minor ones weaving in and out of the decades), and divided into sections that were illustrated by evolving cathedral structures. Historical and architectural information was very interesting, too! Parts of the storyline are more than a little disturbing, but, overall, I thought the book was excellent! I also bought the DVD series for this book and am looking forward to seeing it (and reflecting back on our travels!).  For sure, I'll use it as a refresher before I go gallavanting across Europe again! 

Cathedrals I've enjoyed? Well, the cathedral at Christ Church College (home of Alice in Wonderland!) in Oxford with its Evensong Service sung by a boys' choir was magificent, I loved Westminster Abbey where some of my favorite authors are laid to rest, and Notre Dame de Paris (where the hunchback hangs out!) surpassed my imagination! What is your favorite cathedral?


  1. Naturlich ist mein Lieblingskirche der Stephansdom!

  2. La Sangrada Famila may not technically be a Cathedral, but it is beautiful

  3. thanks for post.
