Don't you promise us more wedding pictures 🙂 lol !!!! 😉 I would love to see them if you want to post 🙂
You should post pictures of your wedding party. Would love to see all the bridesmaid dresses! God Bless
Do you know the Duggars and Bates families? Do they know you write a blog about them? Are you the same religion? Do you go to the same church as the Bates?
We know the Bates and Duggar families personally, and we have their blessing to blog about them. We are all Bible-believing Christians, but we don't live close enough to attend the same church.
Blessings, Ellie
what state do you live in? or if you would rather not tell what area? south, west, east, north?
I was thinking you could have a seperate heading for gift ideas. People could say what the favorite gifts to give and recieve were in their experience. And if you dared, some things that people gave or received that were not appreciated.
Also an addition to the comment on the wedding gifts, people could vote or respond if an idea, especially for the less obvious choices, was a good idea or something hat they wouldb't want o get or give and why.
Don't you promise us more wedding pictures 🙂 lol !!!! 😉 I would love to see them if you want to post 🙂
You should post pictures of your wedding party. Would love to see all the bridesmaid dresses! God Bless
Do you know the Duggars and Bates families? Do they know you write a blog about them? Are you the same religion? Do you go to the same church as the Bates?
Hi there,
We know the Bates and Duggar families personally, and we have their blessing to blog about them. We are all Bible-believing Christians, but we don't live close enough to attend the same church.
what state do you live in? or if you would rather not tell what area? south, west, east, north?
I was thinking you could have a seperate heading for gift ideas. People could say what the favorite gifts to give and recieve were in their experience. And if you dared, some things that people gave or received that were not appreciated.
Also an addition to the comment on the wedding gifts, people could vote or respond if an idea, especially for the less obvious choices, was a good idea or something hat they wouldb't want o get or give and why.