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Valley Skorradalur is the southernmost of the socalled Borgarfjordur-valleys. It is about 28 km long. To the east of the valley lake a 4wd road takes you into the interior, first to lake Eiriksvatn, and then anlong Veggir to the Uxahryggir road. In earlier times at least 22 farms were populated in the valley. Nowadays agriculture plays a minor role and most of the valley floor has been forested.
Torbjorg, Hordur Grimkelsson’s sister and the wife of Indridi, lived at Indridastadir in the valley during the earlier Saga Period. Her mother died at childbirth at her brother’s, Torfi Valbrandsson’s, farm. He ordered one of his workers to drown the baby in river Reykjadalsa, but he left it at Grimur’s gate at farm Signyjarstadir. Grimur was Torbjorg’s mother half-brother. He faked his wife’s childbirth and named the offspring Torbjorg. Torfi found this out and was very angry. He had the baby picked up and sent with a vagabond to Grimkell, its father, who drove them away. Torbjorg, Hordur and Geir, Hordur’s foster brother, were brought up by a good family. Hordurs robber band, The Islanders, defamed Indridi, his brother-in-law and tried twice to plunder and burn down farm Illugastadir. Torbjorg had prepared for both attacks and defended her farm. She had often asked her brother, Hordur, to leave this bad company. When eventually the farmers united against the robbers, she promised to exercise revenge against the person, who might kill Hordur. She had to carry out her promise (Geirsholmur).
Farm Indridastadir. Nowadays an increasing number of summer houses stands on the premices. ATVs and horses can be rented with experienced guides, and other recreational activities are on offer for individuals or groups.
Skorradalur is on nat.is West Iceland Saga Trail
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