Here is the latest in the Necron Backstory. There is definitely a lot of change for the Necrons, and many people, most particularly th...
Here is the latest in the Necron Backstory. There is definitely a lot of change for the Necrons, and many people, most particularly th...
This week was another extremely busy week with the flow of rumors. It was like the river had been dammed up for almost a year, and the f...
Take a look at the image above. Now that we have all these images of the first round of necrons, it was time to look into the details. W...
Here they are, they have finally arrived, and even a few hours early. The video shows off these amazing models, and there is s...
So we all know Dark Eldar have been having a hard time vs armour. However the new Necron codex places a new crimp into the system. Now I...
The Black Library does two things for our community, it brings to life in its books the Warhammer Universe, as well as put out amazing c...
The next Warhammer 40k codex to come out seems like a toss up between a couple armies now. The current thinking amongst many sites onlin...
Some of the rules that we are to see in the Necron codex are going to appear to be a little odd, or misplaced apparently. For example,...
The Holidays are around the corner and there are four Mega Army Boxes to be released before the years end. One Space Marine and One Dark...
Pics (some codex?), rules, point costs. There is so much Necron information is flowing that is hard to keep track of it. I have had to c...
This artwork is nothing short of amazing. The Black Library really knows how to do Warhammer 40k artwork. They really need to do a large...
Here is a small rumor set for Chaos Legions. It is saying that Chaos Legions will be a super-elite army. 10,000 year old marines kickin...
Here is the November White Dwarf cover, although it is in German (it turned out a little fuzzy when reposted). There is also a page on t...
Here is the pic from the back Page of the November issue of the White Dwarf. Very cool to see it all in one place for a sense of scale.
With some talk about Chaos Legions, I wanted to do more Chaos Marines for this installment of Pics of the Week. I missed last week d...
Out of all the rumors that try and tackle 2012, I would have to say we have a bad mix on our hands. Chaos Legions, Eldar, Tau, Black ...
Here is what is on the official November Release sheet. It includes the first wave of Necrons and a bunch of Craftworld Eldar that are m...
Here is the Games Workshop Necron teaser. Very cool. Pre-orders are up on the Oct. 29th with a release date of November 5th. Goo...
It looks like Tau are set to be released right before 6th edition hits. The Demiurg are in, as is yet another undisclosed ally. also thr...
This last week was nothing short of incredible, we had rumors flying right and left for most of the week. Most of it dealt with the Necr...
There have been rumors flying around that Tau just might be the next codex release. Most people are simply posting the rumor without its...
A land raider that fits into the elite slot and comes with the scout USR? Thats what we have today with the release of the Land Raider Pro...
The Mega Paint Set is available again for pre-order. It is due to be released on October 29th and comes with a beautiful carrying case. Mu...
Taking a brief break from the Necrons that have dominated this week, it was time to sit back and enjoy something different. It was good ...
Stunning new artwork from the Black Library is up for show. Once again the Black Library truly shows us that they rule the field when it...
A lot of information has been updated, and I am sure there is going to be more coming. However we should hear an official announcement o...
This morning I have a listing of your Necron army wide special rules, Reanimation Protocols, Ever-Living, Entropic Strike, and Living Me...
Trazen the Infinite is turning out to be one of my favorite characters in this codex. He is rather spectacular. Several of his rules are...
Here is the latest on the necron front. No real time to go into details, but I thought you should see it, as well as a glimpse as what ...
How many Necron Warriors can I field? The answer is 5-20, but lets answer more than that today. Here is the number per unit for your FOC...
The title tells it all. The gold edition apparently sold out very fast yesterday, while the silver edition is still up for sale now at...
Today we learn that a Monolith is a new vehicle type called a "Heavy Skimmer", as well as some special reserve rules for it. M...
Last week I did not do a BlogExchange post, simply because I did not have any blogs to add to the exchange. This week is much different,...
This morning is all about the new Necron codex. Yesterday we talked about some of the background of each units alongside some of their r...
For your Sunday reading, we have a listed unit name, description, and location within the force organization chart. This lists out the d...
The Voidraven Bomber was rumored to have had some modelling issues, so was pulled from its release schedule of late summer or early fal...
Yesterday we saw the pictures of Necrons for the first time, and let me say that I think they are amazing models. I want to hold a cou...
Here we have the first set of leaked pics for the new Necrons. They come to us via the Beasts of War and how they got them is up for ...
New Information from Strategy Informer says that we are unlikely to see the game in spring of 2012, however there is a good amount of ga...
There is a new model for new subscriptions to White Dwarf. Personally I enjoy this one much better than the old one. I want the bird, an...
We have some information coming out of Poland on what is in the November's White Dwarf, regarding Necrons. Some new units and new mo...
Two sides are locked in a heated close combat, the marines are going to lose. The librarian looks over and sees a clear spot of terrain ...
Finally we are possibly getting to the truth of what we will see in the upcoming codex. A lot of speculation and gasps of Matt Ward hate...
Necron rumors have been a hard thing to get with the rumor lockdown. Today I found something interesting over on another site, that talk...
Two new releases from Warhammer Forge today, the Wight King Battle Standard Bearer and the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts. The latter of ...
This morning its now out that the Tomb Kings FAQ has been updated. Now it appears that its only a small update, mostly regarding skeleto...
Dark Millennium Online is now "pencilled in for a ship date of Spring 2012. The long awaited MMORG set in the warhammer 40k setting ...
This week during Pics of the Week, I thought it was time to really show off some Eldar Artwork leaving the currently more popular Dar...