Why Dark Angels? Well because I have all these pics of course that I have not had a reason to put up on the blog. So this week's the...
Why Dark Angels? Well because I have all these pics of course that I have not had a reason to put up on the blog. So this week's the...
Its time to sit down and make some sense of all these rumors flying around. There has been so many conflicts in rumors through the month...
The Blog Exchange has now been going for nearly a year. Its a place to find new blogs, new ideas, and search out ideas found within our ...
Lending weight to the Dark Angel Rumor that has been in full swing this weekend, I wanted to post up a confirmation from another source ...
Along side the Necron Battleforce, it looks like we will be seeing Space Marines & Drop Pod and some other troop + transport box set...
What a change up. Last nights discovery of the picture on the spine of the last two White Dwarf's has turned the rumor mill on its hea...
Something has appeared along the spine of January and February White Dwarf Magazines. The Picture appears to be of a Dark Angel. So the ...
I had been looking for a pic of the battleforce, so this morning I woke up determined to find it. Here it is, along with a listing of th...
Dan Abnett's latest Black Library release has had such a postive response and large number of pre-orders that they are shipping the bo...
Since last tournament I have been contemplating how I felt about fielding such an expensive and what looks like wasted points in the lis...
Just when we thought the issue of the 6th edition leak was starting to be behind us, it resurfaces once again. This time not claiming to...
Forgeworld is releasing Necron Scarabs and Ork Vehicle Weapons available now for pre-order to be released Feb 10th. With the huge dem...
Last weekend, I had played a Chaos Daemon player roll three ones to assault through cover. He was able in the movement phase to be one i...
It looks like this is our Warhammer 40k event, Ultramarines vs Word Bearers in celebration of Dan Abnett's novel release, Know No Fe...
We had been wondering exactly a Deathknell is, and well, this is it. It is a piece of fantasy terrain called the Deathknell Tower. It lo...
This last weekend I was able to play several games with Castellan Crowe in a row. Of course it was a tournament, but I finally started f...
With all the disappointment of LOTR releases this month, yesterdays mornings rumors were forgotten, but apparently accurate. Here is the...
Here is the latest White Dwarf cover and pics of what looks like the Anniversary model. No Nids or Necrons in sight Translation: ...
For many this debate has been a mind-numbing one. Is a chimera part of the unit it is bought for? Do chimeras deploy with the platoon du...
Many people are waiting on pins and needles for a February release. Is one going to happen? This rumor sounds rather logical, so check i...
There are two new additions this week to the BlogExchange for this weeks spotlights. The exchange is a great way to read and discover ne...
With the list I posted up earlier, I figured I would do a quick battle report (brief) on the games played. First and foremost, the three...
This is the list I fielded over the weekend, during the 2500pts tournament down at Knightfall games. Normally I do not like to post the ...
This week has been very tiring. Between new FAQ's, coming up with a list for the tournament, and family commitments. I think most of...
Well, the day has arrived and its time for the tourny. I am all packed up and probably as most of you read this, Im heading out the do...
We all know we should be supporting your local game stores, so it was time post up on the best store for warhammer 40k in the Portland ...
I have now spent some time with this ruleset, and let me tell you something, it is a good set of rules.... at least as far as a playset ...
This has to be one of the most heated parts of the faq. Hence while waiting for Friday to discuss it was a key. It let the idea of a Daw...
Today from Warhammer Forge we have new models, Daemonsmiths. There are three models in this set, representing a Sorcerer-Prophet, Daemon...
I want to set everything straight about rumors before we get into this. Rumors are just that, rumors. They are news worthy only in the con...
This is the best post I can find defining this issue with the new faq's. It seems to give the current line of thinking on the issue....
All I can say is wow. What started off as a fake, is now being hailed as definetly legit. This is big news. A new way of looking at our ...
Almost forgot it was Tuesday. Just so no one thinks I forgot, here are the pics of the week, even if I am a little late with it. The pi...
Chaos Legions is one of the most anticipated releases for 40k this year. Getting sprues that are Legion specific would be a dream come t...
We have had a day now to look over the rules and get a handle on some of the new FAQ's. The ones I am going to reference here are th...
This post is out of date, please refer to this link for corrected and up to date information regarding pskyer battle squads.. http://ww...
It looks pretty extensive, and I am just now starting to go through them. Almost every FAQ was updated, and many things were handled acr...
Spending a quiet Sunday evening watching 40k videos online. Probably should be doing a little modelling, but hey, these are fun to watc...
We have had an unusually high amount of rumors come out this week. Starting of course with a Tau rumor that went south. However a very d...
Twilight Imperium is a beyond fantastic board game, with all the depth, tactics, and strategy you could want. Even with all this said, t...
The fan based cgi movie project seems to have recieved a Games Workshop response, and a very positive one at that. Now that has me a...
Another pdf hit the online community, and this time its a pretty obvious one for Tau. There are just tons of vehicles and even a stolen...
As if carrying on yesterday's post, we have more rumors that I have put together pointing towards what we will see in February and M...
This has already been a wild week in rumors, so when one of my sources chimed in with a little what's next, I thought I would share....
Well, a 6th edition pdf is now floating about is making all the news. I am not going to go into it all, simply because I don't find ...
Last year there was one week to me that really set apart all the other Pics of the Week that I post up here on Faeit 212. It was the eru...
This mornings rumor set once again features Tau, with a very decent summary of what is expected. Some of this seems to correlate to what...
This week we have several additions to the BlogExchange to check out. It is always a ton of fun to find new blogs, and see new ideas, an...
Dark Reapers used to be a much more flexible unit back in 2nd edition, and this rumor pushes them in that direction with the addition of...
Game night is once again upon me. It is a once a month board game night for a bunch of guys that come to my house and battle it out on a...
It is being said that Games Workshop is going to release a 25th anniversary model. What I wish, is that we had a picture of it, but then...
Up already for advance orders, the new Vampire Counts Army Book is finally here. Well, technically we need to wait another 7 days before...