There is a lot of confusion lately on what is going to be released and when. Even though most rumor sources around the web are still say...
There is a lot of confusion lately on what is going to be released and when. Even though most rumor sources around the web are still say...
So yesterday we saw some of the pics regarding the rules from the starter set. While they were the basic rules, there was some confusion...
Time to get down and dirty. Those that have followed my Dark Eldar Tacticas in the past know that I do like some crazy suicidal things in...
Today we were given closer looks at Ravenwing and the Dark Angel tactical squad that come with Dark Vengeance. These models are very much...
Here are the details of the background for the Crimson Slaughter renegade chaos marines. The Crimson Slaughter is found in the Dark Veng...
Now we have some rules to see for exactly what we are getting in the Dark Vengeance Starter Set. While these are the basic rules, and wil...
The pics of what looks like all 4 sprues has now been leaked. They are a little grainy, but it does give us a first look at them.
The 11th Company will be doing live video broadcasting at the top tables at Nova starting tonight. So check out below, and head on over t...
This comes to us from the Tabletop Store, I assume in Germany. So here is the first glimpse of the contents and unboxing of Dark Vengeance...
With 6th edition here, and all sorts of battlefield terrain features and more, I have once again delved into the world of terrain. My g...
What is behind the design of the new helbrute. This video goes into some of that detail, and gives some excellent shots of this new monstr...
I do not hit Warhammer Fantasy enough when I see or receive rumors on them. However, 40k is not the only game in the world, and Warriors ...
More pics today of the starter set models, and this set focuses on the Chaos Marine side of things. Really when it comes down to it, the ...
The Horus Heresy book 1, from Forgeworld is going to be a huge hit. I think the hype for this is far out doing anything I have seen in t...
I really like the look of the models being released for Dark Vengeance, and on What's New Today, we have a closer look at some of ...
My mornings is where I get the most work done on this blog. My routine is simple, wake up, start coffee, work out. Then shortly my coff...
Again we have a full load of 5 great blogs for you to check out this morning. The blog exchange is a great place to catch up on what othe...
This is one hell of a tank. Above all else check out the Magna-Melta in the experimental rules. The one thing I like about predators and ...
The Horus Heresy's first book is coming soon, and its Gamesday UK 2012 for the first book's release date. The first book will be...
White Dwarf is moving to new offices and will have a new format soon. This is a nice change, as it seems more money is being invested in...
For all you fluffy bunnies out there, here is the story behind Dark Vengeance and a bit of insight into the characters within the t...
The screams filled the night, . There were no alarms, no warnings for what befell us. The still night had erupted in terror, and there w...
Earlier I had a post on Heavy Bolters and their being upgraded in the near future. Well, sometimes I am told something, and it just do...
I think for a starter set, this set is excellent, not only for the value of how much you get, but also for the models themselves. Even the...
There is one weapon that does not often see the light of day, (unless your grey knights with psybolt ammunition), and that is the Heavy B...
The Advanced Orders are up for several items; The Limited Edition Starter Set, Dark Vengeance Figure Case, Dark Vengeance- the novel, and...
The new starter set comes with 6 missions to be played with the models in the set. The first two of which are single player missions (a ...
W now are recieving leaks from people that have already recieved their White Dwarf this month. So here are pics of some items that are s...
I have missed several releases of artwork from the Black Library, so this is a catch up piece. Its one of my favorites that I have seen i...
We have all been waiting for the introduction of Flakk Missiles for our armies to combat those pesky flyers from wrecking out day, and it...
Again from the Black Library we get some new artwork, and this time its for Tau. I believe that Commissar is in for a world of hurt.
The Dark Angel "Tempest" is a new speeder that can "zoom" with dual twin-linked assault cannons and a typhoon launche...
This news is a couple days old now, and Bigred over on the Bols Lounge has been keeping the best tabs on this. We have been loosely follow...
Dark Angel rumors are now hitting, and this new set comes with soem good information, like a new flyer, new options for the predator, an...
Chaos Space Marines are the next codex, despite some obvious commentors looking for an argument on just about anything. The date and whi...
Here is the next starter set video teaser from Games Workshop. This time around its Dark Angels, and don't those images look a little ...
For those that have been following this site for some time, know that I am a big board game fan. Games like Twilight Imperium get played ...
Every once in a while I like to feature an artist that does some exceptional Warhammer 40k artwork. This is one of those artists. So thi...
Forgeworld has put together a wonderful trailer for the first book of the Horus Heresy 'Betrayal'. Check it out. Some beyond beaut...
The way this is looking, we will have very little time to adjust to codices in the near future, as the release schedules look very bu...
Warhammer has a extremely large world wide community, and every week new blogs are joining the BlogExchange we have here on Faeit 212. Its...
The first thing you are going to say.... is where is my Chaos Space Marines. Well, this is just the list that is sent out to retailers, s...
Dark Vengeance is only a short few days before pre-orders and now we have the pricing and release information regarding both the Limite...
Looks like more video teasers from Games Workshop are here. This one showing images of Chaos Space Marines on it. Of course the starter se...
In the latest GW newsletter I received this morning, there was something interesting, at least for myself. So I apologize to many of that...
That was one hell of a week. There was all the White Dwarf leaks showing off Dark Vengeance and its models. That alone made for an excell...
I believe I get asked several times a day whether or not Chaos Marines are going to be released in September, and the answer is that I c...
Blog Wars has settled on a date. It will be held at Maelstrom on Saturday December 1st 2012. In Blog Wars this year, they are working ...
Someone is obviously not literate. The Starter Set is confirmed for a release on September 1st. It looks like we are on track so far. the...
Before all the chaos broke loose on the starter set, I had this post ready to go and just missed my window. So here it is, more details a...
Now we have the fluff and background of this new unit. I have taken the background, the information from earlier, and the latest addition...
There is one question that has been in the comment sections of every post yesterday, and that is "What about the rest of September, ...
The question of this new model from the starter set is finally answered. Its a walker with options for a butcher-cannon or twin reaper a...
The leaked images we had earlier I think would of made a much better video, however, its still an official teaser. Anything that is offici...
Not only are we getting pictures of the starter set now, but here is a first hand account of the models, including a good description of...
Here are some leaked pics from the 6th Edition Starter Set. It starts off with the Chaos Lord above, the chosen champion, chosen, cult...