Its Halloween, and here is a treat for the readers here. An installment of the Artist Showcase hits this week. Its been lacking just beca...
Chaos Daemons FAQ: English

With all the talk about the faq in German, there is not one in English. Its short, and I will include a link here as well as posting it. ...
New Chaos Daemons FAQ

There is a new faq up, the only problem, is it appears only the German one has been updated thus far. I have not had much time to dig int...
6th Edition Tournament Event: Lafayette, Louisiana

Put this in your Calendar for November 17th “From the Depths of the Death World” Warhammer 40k Tournament 1000 pts Single Force Or...
Something to Watch Out For

Somehow this got lost in my inbox, so I wanted to make sure it gets its post. I want to say first off, that I have no first hand knowledg...
Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs from Around the World

There are quite a few new blogs on our weekly post this week for the Faeit 212 BlogExchange. There is a lot to read and check on this wee...
Armybuilder Updated to 1.09: Link Here

Armybuilder has been rather hard for people to update these last few months, so I have decided that it would help the community to have a...
Deathwing and Ravenwing Rumors

From these rumors, both Deathwing and Ravenwing are going to be getting 4 units each. Of course these are playtest rules, and I do not h...
Presence of Faeit: A Great Sadness
Over the last week we have a few rumors to keep me busy, but for the most part this end of year silence is deafening to me. Even the i...
The Strength of Armour in 6th: Blood Angels

Going a step further in this series of articles, I wanted to post up a couple of quick lists that are created in the way that I go about ...
Foodhammer 2012: Gaming for a Cause

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** Press Release WHAT: Foodhammer 2012 – 40k and WFB Gaming for Food Bank Charity WHEN: Saturday, November 3, 2012...
It's Official: From the Wastes They Come

Now up for pre-order, the Warriors of Chaos are getting updates. I do think BW's videos are much better than they were a year ago. T...
New Forgeworld Releases

More Horus Heresy is up for pre-order this week, and model wise, they are some of the sexist models to date. I just love the Scimitar Jet...
The Strength of Armour in 6th: Part 2

6th edition started, and immediately it was clear that armour had taken a beating with the new rule set. Immediately there were list afte...
The Strength of Armour in 6th Edition: Transports

Vehicles in 6th edition have changed the way we play 40k. My first response to 6th edition increased the number of infantry units on my b...
Megaforces, and Box Art for Nov. White Dwarf

Continuing with the images from November White Dwarf, we have the Megaforces, Wall of Martyrs, etc.
More Pics from November White Dwarf: in English
Here are the latest pics to hit the internet waves for the November White Dwarf which is released tomorrow. There is quite a bit in it f...
Greater Daemons and Furies!!!!

Tonight we have a some rumors hitting regarding Greater Daemons and Furies. Apparently we are getting an update, which I expect (contrary...
November Releases Expanded, Included are Cultists and Wall of Martyrs

Here is an updated list of what is coming out, including some paints, the megaforces, and more. Yes cultists and the Wall of Martyrs ...
New Fortifications Seen in the New White Dwarf
It seems we have some new fortifications on the horizon. While we have not seen any rules yet for them, they look very cool, and is defin...
Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs From Around the World

There are some excellent blogs here this week, and for many of you that are always looking to read the latest thoughts and goings on in o...
Games Workshop Releases Cultists?

It appears there are cultist in the upcoming releases, although its odd, since I have seen the pre-order forms and Cultists are not on it...
Release Schedule Rumors: News Sometimes Isn't Good:

This latest schedule set is rather depressing, in fact its rather a sad day to hear any bit that the Dark Angels codex could literally...
Bundles for the Year: Space Marines, Necrons, Vampire Counts, and Empire

It seems the rumors about army bundles was true, and here are what is being released. I do not have the US dollars, so if anyone has that...
I'm Really Not Sure What To Think About This.

Ok, really. I am going to be honest about this, "it doesn't really bug me". Apparently a GW store manager has copied and ...
November White Dwarf Pics Are Here!!!

Here are the latest leaks from November's White Dwarf. Warriors of Chaos are here, and we have some stat lines and rules to go ...
Space Marine Tactical Squad Rumors

Joining the lists of what to expect for Warhammer 40k, we have the latest on Space Marine Tactical Squads. More specifically, this rum...
October 27th Releases Revealed!!!!!

Here is what is coming for October for Halloween, or more precisely October 27th. Warriors of Chaos are about to be released, and it loo...
Visions of Heresy: New Cover and Re-release?

Talking about a beautiful cover. Apparently the Visions of Heresy is going to be re-released and expanded upon. Otherwise not much infor...
November Snow: GW Video Teaser

It looks like the first teaser is out from Games Workshop...... Obviously its Warriors of Chaos for October 27th. This is right on time fo...
The Cinematics of the 40k Table

I have been working on my video skills, not only in editing, but in filming as well. I have noticed that editing is for the most part, tryin...
Presence of Faeit: Running into Hobbyists, Chaos Space Marines,

Almost all of my hobby time of late has been eaten up with preparing to move to a new house. That doesnt mean my obsession (40k) get ig...
The Latest on Bundles.........

The Latest on Bundles......... It was highly thought that after the rumors of bundles came out that it was discovered to be a bundle fr...
New FAQ's for Warhammer Fantasy

Just in, Warhammer Fantasy players rejoice, there are new FAQs up for Warhammer Fantasy. It looks like there are quite a few changes, and...
The Greatest Hunters in the Game

As an opponent of this beast, if you are not a little scared of what this thing will do to your army, you have not faced it properly. T...
Chaos Space Marine FAQs Are Live!!!!!!!!

The Chaos Space Marine FAQ's are live!!!! The very very first errata is the following regarding Plague Zombies......... OK, there are...
Dark Angel Release Rumor

I know we are for the most part still expecting a November/ December release for Dark Angels, but we have little bits of intel coming in...
Deep Dark Secrets: November Releases

We have more bits of information saying that something is going to be happening early in the month of November, but exactly what it is s...
Author of the Dark Angel Codex Revealed

I know this has been rumored in the past, and here it is again from a different source, which is very defining when it comes to sorting o...
New Bundles to be Released Later Today?

Its not often we finally hear of something the actual day before or day of a release, but here it is. I have a few small bits of informa...
Hints of for November

Readers from around the world watch out for the slightest hints of anything pointing towards the next release. This morning I received on...
Chaos Space Marines FAQ's Gone

The FAQ's for Chaos Space Marines are obsolete, and were up on the GW site for what seemed like weeks after the new codex release. ...
Chaos Marines vs Grey Knights

First off, this was a very close game, and was the second game working with the new Chaos Space Marines. The first game is not really wor...
News Flash:Caught in the Act of Cheating

This was brought to my attention yesterday, and I want to run with it so that people are aware of what to watch for when it comes to tou...
Pics of the Week: The Return of Deathguard

After some time going through the Chaos Space Marine codex, I keep going back to Death Guard as an army list that looks very enjoyable. ...

Rules as Written or Rules as Intended. This is an argument we hear a lot. Do we follow what is written in the rules to the letter of the ...
Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs from Around the World

Starting to feel better, and getting back to the blog with some steam behind me. Here is the BlogExchange entries for the week, and I apo...
Psyker App Updated with Chaos Marine Powers

I have not yet confirmed this, but was searching everywhere for rumors today, and saw this. Games Workshop has apparently updated the Psy...
Plague Zombies: A definitive Answer? Or just Fun?

Big question for the Chaos Space Marine codex: Can Plague Zombies come in groups bigger than 10? I have my opinion on it, and that is no...
Presence of Faeit: Chaos Marine Battle Reports, Out Sick

Two big battles down for Chaos Space Marines, and soon a report to see just how they are competing. Presence of Faeit is my weekly...
Rumor Snippet: Tau Chariot "Type"

A couple weeks ago we had a rumor set that many different units that we may see in a future Tau codex. One in particular was a Beastly Tr...
New Legiones Astartes Armour and Accessories

Forgeworld today is setting up for pre-order a ton of Legiones Astartes models, weapons and accessories for the Horus Heresy series. The...
Space Marines: New Models and Units!!!

Here is something completely new for Space Marines, but do not expect a codex any time soon. In this is a new Techmarine model, new Tact...
Chaos Helbrute Model Release and other Rumors

A Helbrute release is apparently coming soon, however do not expect it until after the new year. From what we were told in the past it h...