Inside the boxes, I am assuming that come with the model instructions, is a pic that is the latest discussion for the Skitarii. While I ...
Going Back to the Basics: Scourge Tactics
Lately I have been playing Dropzone Commander with the latest Hawk Wargames releases (famous commanders etc, and to check out the new ru...
9th Edition Fantasy Playtesting?

I dont have a lot to say regarding if these are real playtesters or not. I find it odd that they would post this up on Facebook, and say...
This Week's Leaked Images in English

We have been deciphering these from German all morning, and thankfully we are not looking at some in English. These units are looking par...
The Latest on Skitarii Rules, Weapons, and Abilities
The leaks are out, and I have compiled what I believe is everything that we have seen, and more. Its hard to tell exactly, since I dont...
Updated Leaked Images+ Information: Sicurian Ruststalkers and Infiltrators

This morning the leaked images show the latest Admech Skitarii model releases, along with their rules. The only issues being that they ar...
Kickstarters to Take a Look At: Raging Heroes and More
There are some cool kickstarters out there right now, and some of them are getting ready to wrap up their push. Raging Heroes Toughest ...
Are Eldar Next?

There are a lot of rumors floating around right now, and one of them in particular points to Eldar being after the admech release. I bel...
Warhammer Visions is Getting an Upgrade
It looks like Warhammer Visions is getting revamped, and is going to be a much bigger magazine from now on. Inside the magazine as in i...
New Forgeworld Model Preview

New from Forgeworld today is a peak at a new model about to enter production. It was shown this morning with the latest Forgeworld Bulle...
Skitarii: They Will be a 3 Week Release

According to the latest information bits, Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii is a 3 week release. With this week's contents already known, ...
This Week's Admech Skitarii Releases and Pricing!
This week is all Skitarii, and proves that we will be seeing three weeks of Skitarii releases. The Onager Dunecrawler is not on this list...
Conflicting Answers Regarding the Lucius Pattern Warhound

It appears that the Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan from Forgeworld may be discontinued. Its hard to tell, as I have been given two differ...
40k Release Schedule by the Week
This is one massive release schedule and list. I have added the sources additional comments at the end of the list. When it comes to som...
A Look Ahead at More Skitarii Units
I did not talk about this yesterday when the video hit, but in the image above you can clearly see what looks like additional units that...
Showcasing: The Basement Collective

I always enjoy watching battle reports, and I tend to watch quite a few of them between articles and rumor research. This week I have wa...
A Focus on Smaller Factions and Splash Releases

We have heard 2015 to be the year of supplement and campaigns before. Now on the horizon of a new faction, the Skitarii, everyone is wond...
The Future Will Revolve Around Decurion Style Detachements
It does seem that the primary codices are very much done, (with possible updates), and that the future will rely upon smaller books, and ...
Kharn, Where Is He?
With the now released Codex: Khorne Daemonkin, its now old news that Kharn is not in it. The question remains though..... What happened?...
Eldar and Space Marines

According to the very latest, Space Marines will get an updated codex this summer. The rest of the timeline that Lord of War Gaming is p...
Skitarii Release Videos
These videos are always the best way to see the new models, and I am really liking the aesthetics of this release so far. While the Irons...
Codex Skitarii is Coming

The release of the Skitarii Vanguard boxset is here, and in the description of the Vanguard it specifically mentions Codex Skitarii. Th...
Raven Guard Rumors
Among all the Admech rumors and information we have had lately, there is a small bit of info out there saying that Ravenguard will be com...
New Commanders and Their Rules Are UP!

The new generic commanders just got their rules, and their models are released tomorrow. Thats a new command vehicle for each faction...
New Xpace Marine Flyer and Armillus Dynat, of the Alpha Legion
The next model in the Horus Heresy Character Series is now up for Pre-Orders. The character is Armillus Dynat, the Harrowmaster of the A...
Skitarii Pre-Orders are Up!!!!

This is a release I have been waiting for years to see. Its here now, and like myself, pre-orders will be made. Check out the latest Ski...
Adeptus Mechanicus Rumours- Rumors of the Next Book
This rumor is moving ahead of the the Skitarii codex, equating it to a Militarum Tempestus release with a full Adeptus Mechanicus book c...
How often does First Blood determine game outcome?

We have a debate going on over at FLG as to how important First Blood is in the ITC format. Tin Bane breaks it down statistically! For t...
Rumors on the Mechanicum Limited Edition and Forgeworld

The rumors continue to come little bits at a time, and as of right now, we do not know if the codex will hit next week, or if it will co...
Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan

The usual Forgeworld openness was met with vagueness on the availability of the Lucius Patter Warhound Titan Chassis. Its not really like...
Mysterious Behavior at a GW Store

Today, someone saw a local store packing a lot of things to be sent back to Nottingham. In the box going back were quite a few items. He...
Khrone Daemonkin Formations
Formations from the new Khornen Daemonkin codex are here, and there are some good ones that look like a lot of fun.
40k Box Sets Coming- DA vs CSM, SM vs Tau
These have been rumored before, and this gives a timeline to them. Nightfury has been talking about a new Dark Angels vs Chaos Space Mar...
Skitari: Transfer Sheet and a Closer Look at the Models

More images from this week's White Dwarf are hitting the web, and you can get a good look at the new transfer sheets now, as well a...
Leaked Images and Rules from Khorne Daemonkin,
There are some leaked images showing off the Army Special rules, Artefacts, and the Blood Tithe Table. Its definitely a cool axe that all...
What's In the Khorne Daemonkin Codex, Units, Allies and More.

People are now getting the Khorne Daemonkin codex, and to be honest, the community has been calling for exactly this for a long time....
WAAC- Wargamers All Against Cancer
Last year we did a promotional article on Faeit 212 for WAAC- Wargamers All Against Cancer. Together, (not just us), the Wargaming Commu...
Soldiers of the Machine God
Here is a quick information load on what is coming this week, with a leaked image of the cover in German, and some information that has ...
Leaked Images- This Week's Releases and Hints for Next Week
A Tide of Daemons?... thats a surprising hint. Of course the other two we had just heard about, but its great to see leaked images of ...
Skitarii Hints for Next Week: and More from White Dwarf
More is coming next week, and one of the hints obviously points towards the Onager Dunecrawler, which is a very likely candidate for pre...
Adepticon: The Largest Collection of Pics

Like last year, Greg is sharing this massive collection of photos from Adepticon with us. Its a massive collection.... and yes is over 12...
Skitarii: What's Next, and Will the Skitarri Borrow Units from 30k?

The Skitarii have hit us hard yesterday and today, with 2 new dual box sets, rules, and pics to give us some insight into just what co...
Skitarii- Additional Leaks are Out There. Skitarii Weapons and Rules!
There is a lot of information flowing now about the new Admech. It seems that everyone is beyond excited about this new release, and if y...
Leaked Pics!!!!! Here are images of the New Models

This shows the new models from the White Dwarf, also revealing that the boxy walker that we saw earlier is not being released this week (...
Details on the Skitarii Models- Ironstrider is as Big as an Imperial Knight!
Now we have some details on this week's Skitarii releases. There are some surprises in this, including that the ironstrider is the...
Skitarii- Leaked Images, This Week's Releases, and Teaser Video
Finally we have some images to look at now for the Skitarii, one of which reveals what the Onager Dunewalker looks like!. Also Games Work...
Onager Dunecrawler Weapon Options

The Onager Dunecrawler is coming very soon according to rumors, and someone has sent us in its weapon options and configurations to ch...
Admech: The Sightings Start Now.
This will be an exciting week as we look ahead towards the rumored monumental codex release, Codex: Skitarii. We have had early rumors ba...
Redirects: The Latest Rounds of Forgeworld Re-directs

A lot of the re-directs were removed, but a new set of them, and much more specific model ones are now there on the site. Event though...
Tau Release Rumors

Tau have recently been appearing in the rumor mill, mostly in response I believe to the Lords of War mentioning them coming before years ...