This evening I am doing a few extra sets of What's On Your Table, there is just so much nice work here sitting in my inbox that needs...
What's On Your Table: Techmarine Contemptor Dreadnought
What's On Your Table: Techmarine Contemptor Dreadnought While casually thinking about space marine dreadnoughts and the roles they ...
Warhammer 40,000 Tactical Objectives App

Now this looks interesting. An app for tactical objectives featuring all the objective cards and being able to add the faction that you ...
White Scars Pre-Orders

Complete out of the park hit today for Forgeworlds new pre-orders. Some dedication to the White Scars with some great upgrade kits is wh...
What's On Your Table: Konrad and Sevatar

Starting off what I am going to call an early weekend......... Night Lords!!!!
Scourge Dropfleet Ships, and Lots of New Dropzone Commander!!!!!!

GenCon delivers, and wow there are some awesome surprises to see here, including a new lifthawk variant for the Resistance, new Famous C...
More Khorne with Prices for the Month's Releases....... and then some Tzeentch

Its well known that Khorne will occupy much of the month for the Age of Sigmar. We had not yet seen prices for them, which are here, alo...
Total War: Warhammer The Battle of Black Fire Pass Developer Walkthrough
This is a great walkthrough today of the progress on Total War Warhammer. Its a guided trip through a scripted battle.... and remember it...
Some Dirt from GenCon.... Updated

"US Customs turned back all of the Games Workshop folks. Someone mentioned 'working a convention' and they didn't ha...
What's On Your Table: Necron Ark and Guass Immortals

There is a lot of What's On Your Table coming this weekend and over the next week. Why?... simply because I have a lot here that has...
New Dropzone Commander Models Revealed!!!
GenCon is under way now... at least for those that can get in and get an early look. Already images of the new models from Hawk Wargame...
Teaser for Things to Come.

The Age of Sigmar releases continue, and the forces of Khorne are next. Lady Atia has once again laid things out as she knows it, and he...
Building a DZC Army on a Budget

Besides discovering that a game looks great and plays well, the next thing any new player to a gaming system asks.... How much is it g...
Next Week's Hints: Blood Flows, the Devourer Arrives

Next week looks to be a week full of Khorne, as we move into the second half of the Age of Sigmar Launches. While this doesn't say e...
Paladins: Leaked Images are Up for the New Age of Sigmar Releases
The latest images of the new Paladin models and Warscrolls are out now. They are in German, but Gametrust also sent us a brief translati...
New Forgeworld Mail Order Store.... this Summer!

Something is going on, buried in the financial report that was just released is a bit on a new "Forgeworld Mail Order Store.... on ...
What's On Your Table: Black Templar

Up tonight for What's On Your Table is a custom Black Templar model that Brother Markus has been working on. What's On Your Tab...
Games Workshop Financials are Out
This report looks rather flat with some ups and downs in Games Workshop's most recent financial report. These are not something I am ...
The Future of 40k, AoS, and the Horus Heresy
Continuing the conversation by Hastings yesterday, he has since commented on 40k, and whether or not it will get the AoS treatment, the ...
A Notice About the Realmgates: GW Responds

The Age of Sigmar has released several great terrain pieces, and I am hoping that this trend continues. The one problem that concerns so...
What's On Your Table: Alaitoc Wraithknight
A year long project, but finally completed is Chris's Alaitoc Wraithknight. Welcome back to the What's On Your Table Series wi...
The Strength of the Hobby

Lafayette, Louisiana last week was the location of a violent attack at a movie theater. While the news literally has already blown throug...
New Battalion Warscrolls Available on the Age of Sigmar App

It looks like two new Warscrolls are available now for the Skaven and the High Elves based around the Island of Blood. These free update...
This Week's Releases Confirmed with Prices

There is some excellent terrain models coming this week, along with some repacks and AoS Paladins. Now we have pricing for them, as well...
The Death of the Codex?

A thread on Warseer brought up that Codices would be dead in 2 years for Warhammer 40k, and a lot of panic has happened because of it and...
Forgeworld: Mechanicum and Vehicle Upgrades Seen

Today's newsletter from Forgeworld today features a good selection of new Mechanicum and vehicle upgrades coming. There is a good cha...
Loads of Leaked Images- Releases This Week!!! Paladins, Slyvaneth, and More!
Much better than a bases release week, this week is loaded. Of course we know it starts off with Paladins, but from there it steps up an...
What's On Your Table: Relic Contemptor Dreadnought

What's On Your Table is coming back to the main site here on Faeit 212. There are additional changes coming soon, and the Faeit 212 C...
Leaked Images: Plastic Horus Heresy Models!!! 30k Breaks!

It appears that the rumored 30k plastic may be breaking. There are leaks of these models on sprues now floating around. Just wow, I am ho...
Dropfleet Plastics/ Resin
Dropfleet Commander is just killing me, that I have so little information on.... and the big news is dropping at GenCon. In the meantime...
New Enhanced Digital Editions for the Iphone.

The Enhanced Digital Edition Codices just got one step better....... available for iphones! A new smaller screens with full features of ...
Forgeworld Products To Hit Stores in November

There has been this rumor circulating around now for a long time, but never with a date on it that I can recall. There is the rumor stil...
Judicator Are Up for Pre-Orders...... And Tyranids!?
As an odd release today a set of bundles for Tyranids are up for pre-orders alongside the anticipated Stormcast Eternal Judicators. Lets...
New Models Revealed in AoS, Additional Heroes and More

The Age of Sigmar book has a lot to check out, and in it are pictures that reveal what the following weeks may have in store for us. C...
The Crimson Apostle and Ultramarines Invictarus Suzerain Sqsuads

Always a fan of the Word Bearers ever since reading the First Heretic by Aaron Dembski-Bowden, this week's pre-orders include Zardu ...
Dropfleet Commander: "That Might Be a Spaceship"

Today Hawk Wargames put out a teaser image of an upcoming Scourge model (the one above). I had assumed that this is a teaser image of a n...
Talking Points
Alright, time to chime in. With Games Workshop's release of the Age of Sigmar, the community is talking about the lack of point va...
Dropzone Commander New Pre-Orders!!!!! Surprise Book Release
Hawk Wargames has a full pre-order list today for Dropzone Commander that includes a special edition rulebook, plus a new model release ...
Age of Sigmar: What's the Point?

Hey everyone, it's Adam from , and time for an opinion article! I haven't done one of these in a while, so this w...
Age of Sigmar App Now on Andriod
Games Workshop now has the Age of Sigmar app available for free for Android users. I still recall when only one platform was available...
The Renegades & Heretics Answers

Armies get out of date quickly with release schedules like we have seen for Warhammer 40k during the first part of this year. With the r...
Choosing a DzC Force, Part 5: The Resistance
Now all the current factions for the Dropzone Commander have been talked about with the release of the latest article from Dropzone Comm...
White Dwarf Pics Leaked: Forces of Death
This weekend's White Dwarf is leaked onto Twitter tonight, as we get a good look at the new Stormcast Eternals. Holy cow that Thunde...
Games Workshop Asks for Feedback
Games Workshop has pushed itself into a a different realm with the Age of Sigmar, and now is willing to go one step further publicly, as...
Next Week's Releases- Paladins
Stormcast Paladins are what is apparently in line for next week. Its one release/week at this point until Khorne Age of Sigmar releases ...
Older Dataslates Getting Updated- Space Marines/ Dark Angels

There are many dataslates that have been released in the past that are not currently up to date with the latest Space Marine codex and o...
Hints for Next Week's Releases
Next week releases are expected to be a final week for the Stormcast Eternals in the Age of Sigmar. After that.... well its all Khrone ...
Time for Tzeentch? Upcoming Future Releases

This month appears that it will wrap up the Stormcast Eternals and next month will be all Khorne for the Age of Sigmar. Following that t...
Space Marines Psychic Powers
Space Marines psychic powers getting you down with the digital version of the codex saying one thing, and the paper version saying somet...
Judicators Warscroll
Judicators are on the pre-order schedule for this week (and thats really it), and the rules are already available. The Warhammer Age of ...