The video is by Once Bitten 360 introducing Tabletop Miniatures Solutions. TMS is also asking the 9th Age Community exactly what they want...
The video is by Once Bitten 360 introducing Tabletop Miniatures Solutions. TMS is also asking the 9th Age Community exactly what they want...
The Battle of Antares has a new expansion coming, and today Warlord Games is giving us a preview of that character along with a look at ...
This is really cool, and has me looking for an affordable 3d printer. This kickstarter is for a large line of Wargaming Terrain that y...
Antonius is the name mentioned for next weeks big White Dwarf hint. So the question is out, and a few excellent sources have chimed in. ...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] I recently got my hands on my bunch of Tauro...
From the Faeit 212 Community News Site: Hello world! I've just participated in my first ITC event. I recorded some of the happenings...
Here is the hint for next week. Antonius, "Where are you? Antoni..... Arraaaagggghhhhh!"
Several readers over this holiday weekend pointed out that Blood Angels had a couple of "No Longer Available" on the webstore, ...
The Armoured Containers that we saw last week through leaked images is coming to pre-orders this week. Thats not all though, as we are al...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] A little conversion i did because i need so...
While this is most likely nothing, its worth mentioning that the Blood Angels codex and battleforce is no longer available on the UK site...
These are some nice looking sculpts for Sisters of Battle players. These look fantastic, and just shows how much 40k hobbyists are looki...
The rules are out and being shared for the new exclusive model for the GW North America 100th store opening. The model is Captain Centos...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] Here are my Space Wolves Blackmanes Company ...
There was a little confusion on my end on exactly what was going on with 40k Legends Collection. There was just not a lot of communicatio...
New today from Games Workshop.... Bases and Paints. I always like more options with paints, especially when it comes down to the Gemston...
Some interesting rumors for the Age of Sigmar, including the cost and time of the new AoS rule book, Ready to Play sets, and more.
Beyond the Gates of Antares has a new release for the Ghar today, Attack Scutters.
Bolt Action has quite the release day, with a new German Half Track, Polish Infantry, and a very interesting Pre-Painted Tanks. Of cours...
Forgeworld's Newsletter this morning gives us a large list of last chance to buy items, some of which have already sold out. The Blac...
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is a fun, fast paced adventure game that pits you and group of friends against the sinister Gaunt Summoner a...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] Here are some Chaos Knights I converted. (w...
Player finders are awesome, especially for gamers that move and are now looking for new people to play. Adam from The Dice Abide has co-...
The 9th Age is a stand alone game that has a lot of people, like myself, looking at it closely ready to build new armies. So with the rul...
Armoured Containers are coming next week and already the rules and sprues are leaked across the net. linked up by aracerssx rules and...
The next three first draft FAQs are up now on the Warhammer 40k Facebook site. Imperial Knights has the biggest of the three, and Games W...
I saw this when I logged into the game the first time, but was excited to play rather than hit links on the window.
It appears that the 40k Legends Book Deal is not happening. We talked about this a month and a half ago. Its hard to say what is going on...
Leman Russ's Primarch model was revealed at Warhammer Fest just recently. Now we have the second book for the Primarch Series from t...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] My unarmed ghostkeel- first model I've ...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] I've just finished building and ...
The 9th Age is picking up a lot of steam with several companies that have officially declared their support for it. These include some ...
After reading some initial problems from people with the game (not getting it to load), I was a little skeptical if I was even going to tr...
The Battle for Xilos is the first supplement for Beyond the Gates of Antares, written by Rick Priestley and available through pre-orders...
There is quite a bit going on today with the big release of Total War Warhammer and images from this week's White Dwarf. Its all pai...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] So it takes a long time, but finally I fini...
Tonight we have our winners, and to top it off, I had only thought I had 4 Steam Game Codes to giveaway, but instead received 5 from Nom...
Here is this weeks' releases from Games Workshop. Its bases and paints this week, along with a hint for the new Armoured Containers f...
Talisman, the Horus Heresy is on the menu, and we have 4 codes to giveaway. If you have not done so yet.... dont miss your opportunity to...
This is really cool, being able to pan around on a youtube video!!!!! Wow. A lot of fun, and on a mobile device your can rotate around t...
This week we have a very interesting leak, Munitorum Armoured Containers, and it originates from a very interesting location..... ebay...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] Kaptin Blakjaw here again to give you all a...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to [email protected] These models are a small part of my 400 man...
Games Workshop is diving back into the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. The game itself is a great game, and there are 4 entries ...
Shieldwolf Miniatures has shared their progress on their Shieldmaiden Infantry/Rangers dual plastic kit.
Nomad Games has offered us 4 free Talisman Horus Heresy Game codes to giveaway on Faeit 212. This is the game that we have been talking a...
Games Workshop has Warscrolls for all the Heroes of Warhammer Quest Silver Tower ready for the Age of Sigmar with free downloadable Wars...
Well, sort of at the moment. Apparently you are going to have to wait for a few as this part of the webstore is down. The good news thoug...
As summer gets close, the one thing I am just dying to get a hold of....Dropfleet Commander. Yes, the release is getting closer and so fa...
Its almost here, coming May 24th. Total War Warhammer along with a Chaos Warriors Race Pack for pre-ordering or buying the game during th...
Its all out now, the App that allows you to take up to 35 additional other heroes for your Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower game. Best yet,...