This is a great looking Kickstarter already funded with over 200 digital STL files for printing!
The Living Sword- Drazhar Master of Blades

Lookie Here! Commorragh's deadliest champion, known as the Living Sword, is back to take the heads of worthy champions. Check out hi...
The Perilous Journey of Magic. Magic 101

We are going full bore with the Genesys Project and already seeing several types of magic in use and the game is still in pre-order! In...
The Penitent Engine Reveal: Battle Sister Bulletin
The Battle Sister Bulletins continue. This time up is the Penitent Engine. Of course this is one of the most dramatic miniatures concepts...
Teasing Two New Warbands! Warcry
Taking a look at Warcry today from the Warhammer Community along with a new teaser for two upcoming warbands.
Next Weekend's Pre-Orders
There is a whole lot of pre-orders coming next weekend. It feels a little spread out, so lets talk highlights...... Beastgrave has a new...
What's On Your Table: Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Loved this character since I ...
New Formats are here for Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave

Warhammer Underworlds is adding to it's gameplay modes with three new formats. Here is what they are.
Revealed: the Grymwatch
What's On Your Table: 9th Legion
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Greetings from the Carolina...
Citizens of Ghur- Salvation is at hand!
White Scars Reinforcements: Kyzagan Assault Speeder

The White Scars are getting reinforcements this morning from Forgeworld.
Warhammer 40,000 FAQ and Errata
What's On Your Table: Chaos Marines

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Thought I would submit some o...
Preview: Orruck Warclans
What's On Your Table: Buzzgob

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Cheers I’ve been working on o...
Want Amazing Terrain for your Battles? Check this Out

Ive been wanting to show these two tables off from Studio Level. I just received all of this last Friday, and it was a couple hours of e...
Cities Within the Mortal Realms Revealed

The Cities of Sigmar are given a travel guide to help you navigate the the Mortal Realms.
Space Marine: The Action Figure

These are actually kind of cool, and big! Primaris Intercessor Action Figure will be available soon.
What's On Your Table: Eyes of the Nine and some Gryph Hounds
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Please find attached photos f...
Prices for this Weeks Pre-Orders: Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans

We have some prices for this week's pre-orders from Games Workshop.
Orruk Warclans Preview
On Schedule with Updates! Sneak Preview
preview WIP The Genesys Project is moving along at a fantastic pace and in some areas we are ahead of where I thought we would be! Reall...
Tempest's Eye- Cities of Sigmar
Infestation or Malign Plot Twist?
Looking for that Morning Star

Todays "Rumour Engine". What do you think? Ogres, something new for Cities of Sigmar? Beastgrave?
What's On Your Table: Avatar of Khaine

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] It's Kenneth, AKA Dr. Lon...
Taking Escalation forces to Kill Team: Rules Preview

Many of the miniatures in the side games created by Games Workshop are making their way into Warhammer 40k and the Age of Sigmar. Today w...
Cities of Sigmar Preview

Its time to take a look at the mortal men of the realms. The Cities of Sigmar have a wide range of miniatures and are ready to go forth.

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Big Mek Gyva’s latest vision ...
At Long Last!!!! The Cities of Sigmar! Also Orruk Warclans and More

Its a great week for the Age of Sigmar. The very much wanted Cities of Sigmar is about to bring what many people that play have been missi...
What's On Your Table: Eldar Apocalypse Army

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Hey there Natfka, Long tim...
Warhammer Beastgrave is up for Pre-Orders: Your Source to everything you need to know.

This is something you have been waiting for. Warhammer Underworlds season 3 is up for pre-orders. Beastgrave! Of course there are other...
What's On Your Table: Tech Priest Ophelia

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] A long time ago, in a small hous...
Beastgrave Warband rules for Age of Sigmar

Taking the Underworld's Warbands into the Age of Sigmar. Here is a look at the rules for the new Warbands.
Carapace Vulcan Mega-Bolter

New Carapace Vulcan Mega-Bolter is up for pre-orders from Forgeworld this morning!
What's On Your Table: Royal [space] Marines
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] A little unpaid commission fav...
Beastgrave. Whats Changed

The season for Warhammer Underworlds is just about here and if you wondering what is changed updated, there are some significant changes....
The Extra Muscle is Here! Blackstone Fortress Ogryn Brothers Dorg and Gren

Stepping up to bring in some bigger muscle there are two new Ogryn borthers coming to your Blackstone Fortress Games!
Beastgrave Warband: Skaeth’s Wild Hunt

The next Warband being focused on from earlier today is Skaeth's Wild Hunt. Wishing there was another Centaur or two, but Satyrs are ...
Beastgrave Warband: Grashrak’s Despoilers

Focusing on the Warbands for Beastgrave, Grashrak's Despoilers are up first.
Addressing the Leaks: Official Reveals for the Salamanders and Imperial Fists

Here is the official response to the leaks we have seen.... More reveals!
Updated and Officially Released! (Leaked Drahzar vs Jain-Zar Artwork)

Updated! Warhammer Community has it up on their site now as a free download. This was linked up to us in the comment sections. New artw...
Updated: Imperial Fist Captian Tor Garadon Leaked!

Space Marine leaks are coming and its fantastic to get sneak peaks of these guys. Here is the latest Rumors/ Leaks going on now.
Beastgrave Ogres

Beastgrave and Ogres. Sounds like a match made in heaven via Bob over on War of Sigmar
Rumour Engine This Week
What's On Your Table: Primaris Ancient

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] I'd like to submit my ong...
Official Unboxing for Beastgrave

The official unboxing for Warhammer Underworlds Beastgrave is here.
This Week's Prices Revealed! Beastgrave
Beastgrave is coming and with it an exciting set of extras and we have it all here listed out for you! Here are the prices you need.