From Warhammer 40k and now to Aeronautica Imperialis with a new starter set and supplement. There are new miniatures as well coming this...
From Warhammer 40k and now to Aeronautica Imperialis with a new starter set and supplement. There are new miniatures as well coming this...
This is a very cool set again to please just about anyone with a 3D printer. Simply amazing and stresses me out that I am missing all the...
Mantics Weekend deals are just about done. If you have not taken advantage, this is your last chance to jump in and get some great deals!...
From the Guys at the 40k wiki continues the in depth series on the Lore of 40k. Warhammer 40,000: Grim Dark Lore Part 10 – Gods and Daemo...
A fantastic way to get some new terrain for your games, no matter what scale the game is at for a great "pledge" cost for this ...
The first weekend of pre-orders are live now everywhere. This means that Psychic Awakening Engine War is live as well as new miniatures f...
There is a lot here but is a good chance to get a good look at the new Miniature Releases for the Adeptus Mechanicus as well as Dogmas, ...
The Revelations of Genesys: the 2nd Age and The Exodus of Genesys: the 3rd Age are both well under way and it's time for a preview of...
Only a few short days left to get the May releases from Anvil Digital Forge.
Always looking at other great places to pick up some new miniatures, lets take a look at some new releases from Thrill Studio Thrill St...
Its Friday.... Most excellent and while Friday's often have a lag to them in reading material there is quite a bit to jump in on to g...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] hoy Chaps! Capt Wibblebottom ...
Engine War is here in just a couple short days now and its time to get a preview of new rules for the Imperial Knights.
A new 9th Edition 40k QnA was held on Twitch and thanks to the goodness of Goonhammer we have a transcript of what was said, especially f...
Engine War is available for pre-orders starting this weekend and inside are new options for your Chaos Knights! New bonds, Warlord Trait...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Hi Natfka, I have attached ...
OK, this video for the new edition of Warhammer 40k is really top notch. Ive seen it several times, and its time to take a closer look at ...
Engine War is coming this weekend and with it new rules and units for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Lets take a look at the new rules........
OK, this ones kind of cute, whether intended that way or not. What is it for though? Personally Id prefer some cyber owl, but this looks ...
These are most likely the prices for the upcoming (not yet announced) starter set for 9th Edition Warhammer 40k. All it is the value of t...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Hey natfka! I wanted to ...
Im very excited about the timing for the new minaitures alongside a new edition of 40k. The Adeptus Mechanicus are the army that I dream ...
OK, you may have seen this already, but some of these new miniatures coming from Games Workshop are worth taking a closer look at. Just lo...
Games Workshop is getting pre-orders going again this coming weekend and its going to start off with a bang- Psychic Awakening: Engine Wa...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Morning, I’ve just finished M...
This is really not much of a rumor when it comes down to what was said, but it is talking about the new Primaris Bikes and it can be assu...
So there is a new edition 40k QnA up on the sites and I thought we would check it out. Of course my favorite question since these are ques...
This is making the rounds. Is it our next codex cover? Quite possibly!
We had the leaked images from the new website and now..... GW comes in with clear pics! Most awesome.
During the big 40k Edition Reveal we saw that there were several notes on the white board behind Pete Foley. Lets list them out...
These are from a French Forum, but are now making their rounds! New Primaris Miniatures alongside the New Necrons!!!!!!!
These appear to be gleaned from somewhere on the new Warhammer pages. In it there are new Space Marine Bikes! New Necron Miniatures.......
We are Live Now and will be updating as the event unfolds right here. Good morning, I hope you have your coffee already. Sit down relax an...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] For years, this first picture...
Hero Forge has some free STL files on Fridays this month and this week's latest installment is linked below. The best part is that...
So The Genesys Project has successfully launched and delivered on its first Kickstarter. A few hickups with shipping during this time of ...
Tomorrow is the big day and we will be covering this live again as is the normal, getting information as it goes live either on the Twitc...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Hi Natfka, These guys are ...
Here is a good historical miniatures game to check out! This Very Ground by Paul Hicks.
Big News for Warhammer fans..... Price Adjustments coming in just over a week. Also New Releases are Coming Back The all important lin...
How will it end? We know its going to, but how. After all that is the setting. What are frontrunners if you were taking bets. Or is all t...
Necromunda is a game of gang warfare with each gang very drastically different not only in appearance and gameplay, but in the way they s...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] Hey mate This is what I’ve be...
There are quite a few people thinking that the big next edition of 40k is right around the corner and that this weekend we will get the b...
Bloodfields is the latest Kickstarter from Titan-Forge Games. Its a complete 3D printable skirmish miniatures game that includes terrain,...
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to [email protected] As part of prepping to run a ...
Lair of the Spider Goddess. This would make a very cool army.
A single player game that takes your gang on a deadly adventure to take down a Rogue Ambot. Sounds like fun.
The latest rumor engine teaser is up from Games Workshop. A sword. I was trying to look at the bracers and any symbols on the sword. What...
From the Virtual Mantic Open Day that was just held there are lots of exciting new previews to check out. Love the Soulflayers above. Mos...