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Maintaining Mental Health

Part One As a class, work together to find the organizations in your community that assist with mental health. Highlight the organizations you have heard of...

What is Design Thinking

Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that focuses on needs and experiences to generate creative solutions. It is a human-centred approach to innovation that...

25 Tools for Building a Successful Movement

A movement is a group of people who come together to work towards a shared goal or cause. Movements can take many different forms...

25 Tools for Building a Successful Movement

A movement is a group of people who come together to work towards a shared goal or...

Stories from rising leaders

Young people can change the world. You can make a difference for people and nature today. But the path isn’t always as obvious or as easy as we...

Design Thinking

“I encourage the conversation to move away from either/or, but/and, and if/that and really start thinking about what are the motivating factors and how...

Design Thinking with Michael Kennedy

So, you’ve got a great idea for a class project; to launch a new business; to improve a community service; to change the world...

start learning


    25 Tools for Building a Successful Movement

    A movement is a group of people who come together to work towards a shared goal or cause. Movements can take many different forms...

    Collaboration is Key!

    Empathy and collaboration are closely intertwined. Empathy establishes the foundation of trust, understanding and effective communication necessary for successful collaboration. Collaboration, in turn, provides...

    Creating a Podcast

    By now, you've probably consumed a few podcasts, in this class or on your own time. Now it's time to learn how to produce...

    Creating Infographics

    Infographics are a great way to visually showcase data and statistics. They involve a combination of colours, images, data and text that can help...

    Dealing with Stress

    What Causes Stress? Present a list of common stressors, such as exams, grades, peer pressure, social media, family expectations, extracurricular activities and even societal issues. Discuss...

    Design Thinking

    “I encourage the conversation to move away from either/or, but/and, and if/that and really start thinking about what are the motivating factors and how...

    Design Thinking with Michael Kennedy

    So, you’ve got a great idea for a class project; to launch a new business; to improve a community service; to change the world...

    Ethics & AI

    AI has the potential to significantly advance and benefit every facet of society. However, it also raises important ethical questions we must address. Like...

    Failure and Resiliency

    Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from difficult or stressful situations, to cope with adversity and to adapt to change. It's an essential...

    Most Popular

    Stories To Indulge In

    Ian Waddell

    One of the most consequential parts of Canada’s constitution is Section...

    Shianne McKay

    There is only one national, Indigenous-directed environmental non-profit in Canada and...

    Dr. Shelley Alexander

    Do we need a new model of scientific stewardship and wildlife...

    Resources From the Curated Library

    Wake up, Canada: It’s okay to fail

    Sub-Category: Testing & Failure Source: The Globe and...

    All 6 endangered spotted owls released in Fraser Valley have died, B.C. says

    Bias: none Source: CTV News File Type: Article Overview: All 6 endangered spotted owls released in Fraser Valley have died, B.C. says Web Link:

    Online brain rot is undermining our ability to tell meaningful stories

    Bias: Centre Source: The Conversation File Type: Essay Overview: Online brain rot is undermining our ability to tell meaningful stories Web Link:

    Study of more than 600 animal and plant species finds genetic diversity has declined globally

    Bias: none Source: The Guardian File Type: Study/Article Overview: Study of more than 600 animal and plant species finds genetic diversity has declined globally Web Link:

    5 Job Search Trends for 2025

    Bias: none Source: Forbes File Type: Article Overview: 5 Job Search Trends For 2025 Web Link:

    How lynx and wolf reintroductions to Britain could be shaped by preconceptions and psychology

    Bias: Centre Source: The Conversation File Type: Essay Overview: How lynx and wolf reintroductions to Britain could be shaped by preconceptions and psychology Web Link:

    Despite Biotech Efforts to Revive Species, Extinction Is Still Forever

    Bias: Centre Source: Yale File Type: Essay Overview: Despite Biotech Efforts to Revive Species, Extinction Is Still Forever Web Link:

    Explore Mount Robson

    A WSU researcher lived with grizzly bears in Alaska. She came away convinced humans and grizzlies can coexist 

    Coexisting with grizzlies Bias: Centre Sub-Category: Co-existing Source: Inlander File Type: Article Overview: A WSU researcher lived with grizzly bears in Alaska. She came away convinced humans and grizzlies can coexist  Web Link:

    A look at the impact and perceptions of ecotourism in the Canadian Rocky Mountains

    A look at the impact and perceptions of ecotourism in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Source: FRI Research Study Web Link:

    Pros and cons of managing wildlife to save wildlife

    Pros and cons of managing wildlife to save wildlife - Via CBC Resource: Article Web Link:

    Cranberry Marsh

    Click to play! Go ahead, make it full screen. When you see a link pop up in the bottom right hand corner, click to...

    Rearguard Falls

    Click to play! Go ahead, make it full screen. When you see a link pop up in the bottom right hand corner, click to...