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A distributed national bioinformatics infrastructure

supporting life sciences in Sweden

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Next drop in

2025-03-18 13:30
Bioinformatics Drop-in Stockholm (SciLifeLab)
See full drop-in schedule

Upcoming courses

2025-09-15 to 2025-09-19Population genomics in practice
2025-06-09 to 2025-06-19RaukR, Advanced R for Bioinformatics
More about training
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softwares pre-installed on the UPPMAX clusters
More facts and figures

Vision and mission

We enable world-class life science research and maximise scientific and societal impact of collected data.

We provide expert knowledge and bioinfomatics support, innovative data integration, advanced training, efficient data publication for open science, and access to high-performance data analysis methods.

Elixir logo

International collaborations

NBIS is the Swedish node in ELIXIR - the European infrastructure for life sciences research.

Learn more about our international collaborations...