The Resource Library includes publications and resources that provide vital information on water and wastewater topics, including scientific articles, reports and project resources funded by NEIWPCC.

Date Report Number Bibliographic Record Keywords
2025-Feb-07 N-2022-010 Samanns, Ed, Phillip Baigas, and Nicki Hurley Assessment of Existing Coastal Habitat Connectivity Data and Models for Feasibility and Use in the Long Island Sound . Prepared by WSP USA Inc. for Long Island Sound Study, NEIWPCC. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, marsh, salt marsh, tidal, modeling, coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, literature review
2025-Feb-07 S-2023-002 Catlin, Nora, Sandra Menasha, and Kyle Smith Saccharina Latissima (Sugar Kelp) Fertilizer On-Farm Trials . Prepared by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County for Long Island Sound Study, NEIWPCC. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, plant, flora, floristic, soil, drainage, agriculture, sediment, pH, salinity, runoff, run-off, nutrient, fertilizer, agricultural, phosphorus
2024-Mar-25 LS-BIL-2023-046 Finnegan, Emily Restoring Access to Upstream Habitat on a Tributary to Stannard Brook. Prepared by Caledonia County NRCD for Lake Champlain Basin Program. culvert, habitat, brook trout, Lamoille River, restoration, climate change, flooding
2024-July-16 N-2022-006 Amanda Shore, Peter J. Park, Ebru Ulusoy, Nanda Viswanathan, Xu Zhang, Richard Vogel, and Mary C. Clifford Economic Feasibility of Commercial Nutrient Bioextraction in Long Island Sound. Prepared by Farmingdale State College. Economics, econ, valuation, bioextraction, nutrient bioextraction, commercial, Long Island Sound Study, LIS, Farmingdale State College, bivalve, macroalgae, aquaculture
2024-Feb-16 LS-BIL-2023-032 Braun, Michele Lockwood Brook Culvert Replacement. Prepared by Friends of the Winooski River for Lake Champlain Basin Program. culvert, Vermont, flood, aquatic organism passage, erosion, mitigation, Mad River, Lockwood Brook
2024-Feb-07 L-2022-072 Creation and Distribution of Private Ponds Management Documentation. Prepared by for Lake Champlain Basin Program. ponds, Quebec, Missisquoi Bay, awareness, outreach, management, community engagement, climate change
2024-Feb-06 N-0357-004 Collins, Robin Protecting our Waters – An Experiential Learning Module for Elementary Students that Benefits the Whole Community. Prepared by Champlain College for Lake Champlain Basin Program. nutrients, education, student, stormwater, Vermont, school, outreach, community,
2024-Feb-02 LS-2021-063 Greenberg, Liz ECHO Watershed Science Education and Outreach – Final Report. Prepared by ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain for Lake Champlain Basin Program. outreach, underserved, education, STEM, teachers, community engagement, diversity, equity, inclusion, communication, professional development
2024-Aug-30 LS-2020-063 Braun, Dave, Andrew Schroth, Ashton Kirol, Clelia Marti, Ken Wagner Evaluating Alternatives to Control Internal Phosphorus Loading in Missisquoi Bay Using a 3-Dimensional Coupled Hydrodynamic-Aquatic Ecosystem Model. Prepared by Stone Environmental, Inc. for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain, cyanobacteria, Missisquoi Bay, nutrients, phosphorus, loading, algae, sediment, management, model
2023-Sep-27 L-2019-024 Lockridge, James 242 Main Documentary Film, Public Archive & Interactive Exhibit. Prepared by Big Heavy World for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Vermont, culture, history, documentary film, museum display, historic, interviews, photography, poster, heritage
2023-Sep-07 LS-2022-057 Porter-Goff, Emily A Day at the River. Prepared by Lamoille County Conservation District for Lake Champlain Basin Program. education, community, engagement, curriculum, students, outreach, Lake Champlain
2023-Sep-06 L-2019-088 Gaddy, Allison Quantifying Phosphorus Reductions for Proposed Projects in New York Reduction Plan. Prepared by Lake Champlain – Lake George Regional Planning Board for Lake Champlain Basin Program. New York, NY, Lake Champlain, nutrient, reductions, nonpoint, phosphorus, nitrogen, sediment, BMPs, assessment
2023-Sep-06 LS-2022-092 Noiva, Katharine Champlain Longboats: Connecting Students By Connecting To The Lake. Prepared by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain, students, education, maritime, community, outreach, ecology, boat
2023-Oct-30 N-0357-004 Hewitt, Sarah Waterways Stage Collaboration. Prepared by Very Merry Theatre for Lake Champlain Basin Program. art, theatre, education, outreach
2023-Oct-03 LS-2020-056 B. Remmers, D. Pierce, M. Yandow Identifying and Fixing Erosion Issues on Private and Park Roads in the Lake Carmi Watershed. Prepared by Northwest Regional Planning Commission for Lake Champlain Basin Program. erosion, Vermont, phosphorus, Lake Champlain, road, cyanobacteria, TMDL, Total Maximum Daily Load, Lake Carmi, stormwater, sediment, inventory, workshops, public outreach,
2023-Nov-30 LS-2023-054 Koestner, Carolyn Guided Watershed Tours: Interpretive Outdoor Trips to Educate Community Members and Inspire Stewardship. Prepared by Ausable River Association for Lake Champlain Basin Program. tours, education, recreation, Ausable, community engagement, outreach, education
2023-Nov-27 LS-2021-054 Jensen, Seth Best Management Practices for Pollution Reduction at the Smugglers Notch Scenic Highway and State Park. Prepared by Lamoille County Planning Commission for Lake Champlain Basin Program. stormwater runoff, restoration, erosion, BMPs, Vermont, native vegetation, sediment loading
2023-Nov-16 N-0357-002-001 Clinton County Interseeded Cover Crop Project. Prepared by Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District for Lake Champlain Basin Program. erosion, agriculture, stormwater, runoff, cover crops, farmers, New York, Lake Champlain, soil health, nutrients
2023-May-10 LS-2022-003 Fisher, Lori Volunteer Coordination and Training for the 2022 Lake Champlain Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program. Prepared by the Lake Champlain Committee. Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, volunteer, cyanobacteria, bloom, monitoring
2023-May-01 Economic Analysis of the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary. Prepared by ICF for New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. estuary, economic, analysis, ecosystem service values, model, valuation, recreation
2023-March-10 L-2019-085 Wiltse, Brendan Quantifying the De-Icing Salt Pollution Load to Mirror Lake and the Chubb River. Prepared by Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute. Ausable River, ice, salt, sodium chloride, de-icing, monitoring, stormwater, education, outreach
2023-Mar-10 L-2020-001 Dailey, Karina Removing Dams in Vermont’s Lake Champlain Basin. Prepared by Vermont Natural Resources Council. Vermont, VT, dam, dam removal, floodplain, connectivity, restoration, collaborative, LCBP, Lake Champlain Basin Program
2023-Mar-10 LS-2021-018 Brown, Sadie St Catherine Court Neighborhood Stormwater Infiltration Project. Prepared by Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District. Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, stormwater, runoff, outreach, community, rain garden, Vermont, VT, nutrients, green infrastructure, education, sediment
2023-Mar-09 L-2018-008 Braun, Dave Assessment of Tile Drainage Systems in Addison County and the Jewett Brook Watershed. Prepared by Stone Environmental, Inc.. Vermont, VT, Lake Champlain Basin Program, agriculture, nutrient, sediment, tile drain, phosphorus
2023-Jun-28 LS-2022-051 Collins, Tom Lake Champlain Headwaters Summer Education Program . Prepared by Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute. Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, invasive species, New York, NY, outreach, education, inspection, AIS
2023-Jun-26 LS-2021-074 Strum, Martha Muir Fostering Historical Thinking in Students from the North Country and Beyond. Prepared by The Fort Ticonderoga Association for Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership. Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, workshop, teachers, education, history, New York, Vermont
2023-Jun-06 L-2022-055 Bérubé, Johanne, François Boilard and Andrzej Barwicz The Environmental Portrait of the Lake Parker Watershed in 2022: Bathymetry, Sedimentology, Physicochemistry. Prepared by Organisme bassin versant baie Missisquoi for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Missisquoi, restoration, erosion, bathymetry, sediment, sedimentology, physiochemistry, oxygen
2023-Jun-02 LS-2020-084 Conley, Amy K., Timothy G. Howard, Laura J. Shappell, and Erin L. White Using Multi-Metric Modeling, Field Surveys, And Online Spatial Tools to Support Conservation and Management for Flood Resilience, Water Quality, and Native Species Habitat. Prepared by New York Natural Heritage Program for Lake Champlain Basin Program. assessment, wetland, riparian, management, stewardship, flood, resiliency, native species, streams, field surveys, dataset, model, macroinvertebrate, biomonitoring, New York, NY, floristic, Lake Champlain,
2023-Jun-01 N-2021-003 Climate Adaptive Design (CaD) Studio Shoreline Revitalization and Community Connectivity Project Final Preliminary Design Report. Prepared by Henningson, Durham and Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C. for Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. New York, NY, Hudson River, climate, flooding, stormwater, erosion, green infrastructure, living shoreline, assessment, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation
2023-Jul-26 LS-2020-014; LS-2022-019 Poulos, Andrea Lake Forest Condominiums Stormwater System Upgrade and Stream
. Prepared by Trudell Consulting Engineers for Lake Forest At Oakledge Condominium Association.
assessment, erosion, stormwater, daylight, restoration, phosphorus, runoff, design, sediment, survey
2023-Jul-26 LS-2022-075 Gaddy, Allison The North Country Stormwater Tradeshow and Conference Educational Outreach Event. Prepared by Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition of New York for Lake Champlain Basin Program. event, education, Lake Champlain, stormwater, networking, New York, NY, erosion, sediment
2023-Jul-25 LS-2022-086 Spasyk, Alison Wind, Waves, and Variables – Lessons About the Lake Champlain Basin 2022-2023. Prepared by Friends of Northern Lake Champlain for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain, students, education, community, outreach, ecology, watershed, curriculum
2023-Jul-25 LS-2019-015 Feiler, Jesse Saranac River Trail Phase 2 Explorations Final. Prepared by Friends of the Saranac River Trail for Lake Champlain Basin Program. New York, NY, bridges, trail, Saranac River, pedestrian, outreach, education, community, brochure
2023-Jan-25 LS-2021-043 Braun, David Plattsburgh Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Project: Phase 2 Final Report. Prepared by Stone Environmental, Inc. for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, IDDE, illict discharge, wastewater, stormwater, sanitary sewer, phosphorus, survey, Vermont, VT, nutrient, outfall
2023-Dec-22 Clough, Jonathan Marsh Conservation Planning for Oyster Bay and Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc.. New York, Long Island Sound, coastal, marsh, wetlands, sea-level rise, restoration, conservation, resilience, planning, data, management
2023-Dec-21 N-0364-004 Noiva, Katharine Removing Barriers to Access in 2023. Prepared by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain, access, community, engagement, history
2023-Dec-13 N-0364-004 Stream Wise 2023 Season in the Ausable River Watershed. Prepared by Ausable River Association for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Ausable River, restoration, training, education, buffer, resilience, flooding, BMPs, riparian buffer, landowners, community, Vermont
2023-Dec-13 LS-2023-017 Allen, Dana Stream Wise Award Program Development – 2023. Prepared by FluidState Consulting for Lake Champlain Basin Program. program development, erosion, stormwater runoff, streambank, outreach, community engagement, education
2023-Dec-11 N-0364-004 Auffredou, Mel Stream Wise Pilot Year in Franklin County, VT. Prepared by Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation District for Lake Champlain Basin Program. restoration, training, education, buffer, resilience, flooding, BMPs, riparian buffer, landowners, community, Vermont
2023-Dec-11 N-0364-004 Porter-Goff, Emily Stream Wise in the Lamoille Watershed. Prepared by Lamoille County Conservation District for Lake Champlain Basin Program. restoration, training, education, buffer, resilience, flooding, BMPs, riparian buffer, landowners, community, Vermont, social media, outreach
2023-Dec-8 LS-2023-029 White, Shawn Restoring Forest for Improved Habitat and Water Quality. Prepared by Friends of the Winooski River for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Vermont, stormwater runoff, wetlands, landowners, planting, flooding, trees, habitat, restoration
2023-Dec-01 Clough, Jonathan Marsh Conservation Planning for Stony Brook, NY, and West Meadow Creek, NY. Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc.. New York, Long Island Sound, coastal, marsh, wetlands, sea-level rise, restoration, conservation, resilience, planning, data, management
2023-Dec-01 Clough, Jonathan Marsh Conservation Planning for Glen Island, NY. Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc.. New York, Long Island Sound, coastal, marsh, wetlands, sea-level rise, restoration, conservation, resilience, planning, data, management
2023-Aug-29 LS-2019-063 Fisher, Lori and Eileen Fitzgerald Lake Champlain Committee Ahead of the Storm – School Stormwater Assessment Pilot Project. Prepared by Lake Champlain Committee for Lake Champlain Basin Program. Lake Champlain, students, education, community, outreach, curriculum, stormwater, rain garden, bioswale
2023-Aug-29 LS-2021-072 Solomon, Hilary, and Sophia Milkowski Castleton Main Street Drainage Scoping and Alternatives Study. Prepared by Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District for Lake Champlain Basin Program. stormwater, runoff, flood, flooding, study, soil, drainage, infiltration, swale, green infrastructure, stakeholder engagement, Vermont, VT
2023-Aug-09 L-2020-024 Bartlett, Steven and Kris Stepenuck Riparian Buffer Establishment Using Various Management Techniques. Prepared by University of Vermont for Lake Champlain Basin Program. riparian, forest, restoration, reed canary grass, herbicide, assessment, survival, plots, native, glyphosate, experiment
2022-Sep-30 N-0344-004 Northeast Regional Sludge End-Use and Disposal Estimate. Prepared by NEIWPCC. sludge, biosolids, sewage, solids, assessment, wastewater, assessment, infrastructure
2022-Sep-29 N-2020-004 Faber-Langendoen, Don, Patrick McIntyre, and Kathleen Walz Enhancing Northeast Wetland Monitoring and Assessments with Ecoregional FQA Metrics. Prepared by NatureServe. assessment, wetlands, floristic quality assessment, salt marsh, invasive, floodplain, marsh, tidal
2022-Sep-01 N-2019-011 Sullivan, Christopher J., Jason C. Vokoun, and Christopher R. Perkins Third Statewide Assessment of Mercury Contamination in Fish Tissue from Connecticut Lakes (2019-2021). Prepared by University of Connecticut for Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and NEIWPCC. mercury, largemouth bass, fish, assessment, smallmouth bass, fishery management, Connecticut, Conn., CT, fisheries
2022-Oct-31 Kraseski, Kristin A Guide to Marine Shellfish Aquaculture Permitting in New York. Prepared by NEIWPCC , NYSEDEC, LIRPC. LINAP, LISS. marine, saltwater, nitrogen, regulations, macroinvertebrate, aquatic organism, Long Island Sound Study, shellfish, aquaculture, bioextraction
2022-Oct-26 L-2020-086 Dam Prioritization Tool for the New York Portion
of the Lake Champlain Basin
. Prepared by Trout Unlimited.
stream barrier removal, dam, fish passage, migration, New York, NY, Lake Champlain, Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, ecology, ecological, trout, restoration, assessment, tool
2022-Oct-13 L-0356-002-001 Diamond, Allaire Nutrient Quantification and Phase 1 Restoration Design of Mill Brook Floodpolain in the Winooski River Watershed. Prepared by Vermont Land Trust for NEIWPCC, Lake Champlain Basin Program. Vermont, restoration, agriculture, floodplain, phosphorus, sediment, nutrients
2022-Mar-01 Champlain Canal Aquatic Invasive Species Barrier Study Phase I Report. Prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District. ecology, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, habitat, invasive, species, Lake Champlain Basin Program, LCBP, fish, community, public, access, policy, assessment, conservation, canal
2022-Jun-14 N-2019-009 Caraco, Deb Long Island Sound BMP Tracking Tool. Prepared by Center for Watershed Protection. total maximum daily load, TMDL, Long Island Sound, LIS, nitrogen, hypoxia, eutrophication, tracking, modeling, stormwater, wetland, land use, restoration, urban, agriculture, MS4, loading, BMP, best management practice
2022-Apr-01 N-0348-008 Kraseski, Kristin Saccharina Latissima (Sugar Kelp) Fertilizer Pilot Study, Year 2. Prepared by NEIWPCC , NYSEDEC, LISS, Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County . marine, saltwater, nitrogen, regulations, macroinvertebrate, Long Island Sound Study, aquaculture, sugar kelp, kelp, bioextraction
2022-12-19 L-2018-015 Braun, Dave Development of a Treatment Train to Remove Phosphorus from Streamflow in The St. Albans Bay Watershed—Phase 2: Technical Feasibility Evaluation. Prepared by Stone Environmental, Inc.. phosphorus, nutrient, agriculture, treatment, evaluation, fish, stream flow, treatment train, Vermont, constructed wetlands, streamflow, BMP, best management practice
2022 LS-2021-009 East Branch Restoration Program, Project 13 Design Development. Prepared by Ausable River Association. stream restoration, outreach, survey, design, sediment, flood, flood resilience, habitat, restoration, riparian buffer, infrastructure, water quality, floodplain, community, public, best management practice, BMP, Lake Champlain, New York, NY
2021-Sep-15 N-S-2019-013 Broad Meadow Brook Restoration Project Ecological Restoration Roadmap. Prepared by ESS Group, Inc. for Mass Audubon. restoration, ecology, ecological, wetland, ecosystem, habitat, flood, urban, climate change, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, environmental justice, wildlife, fish, stewardship
2021-Sep-10 N-2020-031 Codiga, Daniel L.. Analysis and Synthesis of
Eutrophication-Related Conditions in Narragansett Bay (RI/MA USA) Updated Through 2019
. Prepared by for NBEP and NEIWPCC.
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, nitrogen, estuary, hypoxia, eutrophication, assessment, estuaries, estuarine, ecoystem
2021-Oct-15 N-2020-011 rbouvier consulting. Feasibility Of Point-Nonpoint Nutrient Trading In The Long Island Sound Watershed. N-2020-011. (October 15, 2021). Prepared by rbouvier consulting. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2021-Nov-02 N-2020-011 Stacey, Paul E. An Alternative, Ecosystem-Based Analytical Platform to Test and Facilitate Water Quality Trading. N-2020-011. (November 02, 2021). Prepared by Footprints In The Water. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2021-Nov-01 N-2020-011 Gildesgame, Emma. Obstacles & Opportunities for Water Quality Trading in the Long Island Sound Watershed. N-2020-011. (November 01, 2021). Prepared by NEIWPCC. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2021-Nov-01 N-2020-011 Gildesgame, Emma, and Raphaella Mascia. Lessons from Water Quality Trading Case Studies. N-2020-011. (November 01, 2021). Prepared by NEIWPCC. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2021-Jun-28 N-S-2019-028 Ferguson, Wenley, and Stephany Hessler. Save The Bay Salt Marsh Adaptation Projects: Enhancing the Resiliency of Marshes in the Salt Ponds Region. Prepared by Save the Bay. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, restoration, salt marsh, sea level rise, sea-level rise, assessment, habitat, ecosystem, adaptation, resilience
2021-Jun-01 N-2018-015 Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc.. Salt Marsh Conservation Planning for Coastal Long Island Sound in Westchester County, NY. N-2018-015. (June 01, 2021). Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc.. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, wetland, ecosystem, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, conservation, restoration, mapping, habitat, coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, New York, NY, N.Y., flood
2021-Jun-01 N-2018-015 Salt Marsh Conservation Planning For Coastal Long Island Sound In Westchester County, NY. Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. for NEIWPCC. coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, saltwater, wetland, marsh, salt marsh, conservation, habitat, sea level rise, sea-level rise, tidal, resiliency, resilience, climate change, New York, NY, N.Y.
2021-Feb-01 N-S-2019-019 STORMTOOLS – High Resolution Inundation Modeling for Narragansett Bay, Mt. Hope Bay, and the Lower Taunton River. Prepared by The University of Rhode Island. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, assessment, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, modeling, mapping, storm surge
2021-Apr-02 N-2018-014 Jessup, Ben, Ben Block and Jen Stamp. Development of an Index of Biotic Integrity for Macroinvertebrates in Freshwater Low Gradient Wadeable Streams in Southeast New England. N-2018-014. (April 02, 2021). Prepared by Tetra Tech for Restore America’s Estuaries Southeast New England Program. freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, ecology, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, habitat, assessment, macroinvertebrate, index
2021-Apr-01 N-2019-004 WSP USA. For Public Access Sites Along the Hudson River from Troy to Yonkers. N-2019-004. (April 01, 2021). Prepared by WSP USA. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, HRNERR, New York, NY, N.Y., estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, precipitation, weather, community, public, access, best management practice, climate change
2021-Apr-01 N-2020-011 rbouvier consulting. Summary of Interviews with Selected Trading Programs and Individuals. N-2020-011. (April 01, 2021). Prepared by rbouvier consulting. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, trading, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2021-Apr-01 N-S-2019-017 Beaver River Watershed Assessment. Prepared by Town of Richmond, RI. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, assessment, habitat, restoration, protection, criteria, community, stewardship, citizen science, flood, resilience, resiliency
2020-Sep-01 N-2019-012 Supermass Studio. Kingston Point Climate Adaptive Design – Preliminary Design Report. N-2019-012. (September 01, 2020). Prepared by Supermass Studio. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, HRNERR, New York, NY, N.Y., estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, precipitation, weather, community, public, access, best management practice, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, community, public, outreach, climate change,
2020-Oct-17 N-2020-027 Smart Growth Economics. A Preliminary Review of Literature to estimate the economic importance of water quality in the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Region. N-2020-027. (October 17, 2020). Prepared by Smart Growth Economics for New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program . literature review, coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, New York, NY, N.Y.,
2020-Oct-01 N-2019-007 Saratoga Associates. Creating and Maintaining Hudson River Views – A Handbook for Landowners. N-2019-007. (October 01, 2020). Prepared by Saratoga Associates for Hudson River Estuary Program. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, ecology, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, native, plant, best management practice, conservation
2020-Oct-01 N-2019-015 The Hudson River Estuary Program, NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program. The State of the Hudson 2020. N-2019-015. (October 01, 2020). Prepared by The Hudson River Estuary Program, NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, HRNERR, New York, NY, N.Y., estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream
2020-Jun-30 N-S2018-006a Codiga, Daniel. Further Analysis and Synthesis of Narragansett Bay (RI/MA USA) Oxygen, Chlorophyll, and Temperature. N-S2018-006a. (June 30, 2020). Prepared by Daniel Codiga. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, salinity, temperature, nonpoint, non-point, wastewater, wastewater treatment, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, dissolved oxygen, DO, temperature, salinity
2020-Jun-30 N-S2018-006b Codiga, Daniel. Daily Resolution 2001-2017 Time Series of Total Nitrogen Load to Narragansett Bay (RI/MA USA) from Bay-Wide Treatment Facility and Watershed Sources. N-S2018-006b. (June 30, 2020). Prepared by Daniel Codiga. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, salinity, temperature, nonpoint, non-point, wastewater, wastewater treatment, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, dissolved oxygen, DO, temperature, salinity
2020-Jun-01 Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England, Version 4. Prepared by New England Hydric Soils Technical Committee. soil, hydric soil, drainage, agriculture, indicators, wetlands, classification
2020-Jul-01 N-2019-010 Henningson, Durham and Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C.. Climate Adaptive Design (CAD) Studio – Piermont Living Shoreline Project. N-2019-010. (July 01, 2020). Prepared by Henningson, Durham and Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C.. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, HRNERR, New York, NY, N.Y., estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, precipitation, weather, community, public, access, best management practice, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, community, public, outreach, climate change,
2020-Jan-16 N-2018-012 Tighe & Bond . Road-Stream Crossing Joint Municipal Management Plan
Town of Esopus, NY
County of Ulster, NY
. N-2018-012. (January 16, 2020). Prepared by Tighe & Bond for Hudson River Estuary Program.
Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, New York, NY, N.Y., stream barrier removal, culvert, dam, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, climate change, flood
2020-Dec-31 N-S-2020-003 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Saccharina Latissima (Sugar Kelp) Fertilizer Pilot Study Final Report. N-S-2020-003. (December 31, 2020). Prepared by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, New York, NY, N.Y., nitrogen, assessment, bioextraction, agriculture, soil
2020-Dec-01 N-2020-011 rbouvier consulting. Water Quality Trading in The Long Island Sound Study Area: A Preliminary Look at Some Economic Issues . N-2020-011. (December 01, 2020). Prepared by rbouvier consulting. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, nitrogen, phosphorus, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, best management practice, trading, water quality trading, nutrient trading
2019-Jun-17 N-2019-NYS_Herring Simpson, Liana and Victoria O’Neill. Egg Mat Protype Pilot Study Final Summary Report. N-2019-NYS_Herring. (June 17, 2019). Prepared by NYSDEC. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, New York, NY, N.Y., freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, fishing, habitat, species
2019-Jun-01 N-S2018-007 August, Peter. Guidelines and Methods for the use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Mapping and Monitoring. N-S2018-007. (June 01, 2019). Prepared by University of Rhode Island for Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP,coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, marine, saltwater, ecosystem, wetland, ecosystem, mapping, assessment, estuary, estuaries, estuarine
2018-Sep-15 N-2014-008 Princeton Hydro. Feasibility Report for Lawrence Brook Fish Ladders and Suggested Re-Operation Plan. N-2014-008. (September 15, 2018). Prepared by Princeton Hydro and GPM Associates for New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, fish ladder, dam, native, fish, species, assessment, restoration
2018-Mar-31 N-2016-030 Aloi, Thomas. Preventing Aquatic Trash. N-2016-030. (March 31, 2018). Prepared by North Hudson Sewerage Authority. freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, plastic, micro-plastic, trash, litter, debris, floatables, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, catch basin, faceplate, cover plate
2018-Mar-07 N-2016-023 Faber-Langendoen, Don, Don Cameron and Arthur V. Gilman, et al. Northeast Regional Floristic Quality Assessment Tools for Wetland Assessments. N-2016-023. (March 07, 2018). Prepared by NatureServe. assessment, wetland, ecosystem, ecology, ecological, native, invasive, species, plant, wildlife, biodiversity, conservation, database, mapping
2018-Jun-29 N-2016-024 Da Silva, Rosana. Stopping Trash Where It Starts. N-2016-024. (June 29, 2018). Prepared by New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. river, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, trash, litter, debris, floatables, citizen science, community, public, outreach, educational, combined sewer overflows, CSOs, storm water, stormwater, assessment, plastic, urban
2018-Jun-29 N-2016-028 Byers, Megan. Reducing Plastic Aquatic Trash from Waterfront Businesses in Eastern Long Island. N-2016-028. (June 29, 2018). Prepared by Product Stewardship Institute. coastal, trash, litter, debris, floatables, plastic, single-use, single use, community, public, outreach, educational, campaign
2018-Jan-29 N-2016-025 Luebke, Michelle. Project WASTE (Waterway and Street Trash Elimination). N-2016-025. (January 29, 2018). Prepared by Bronx River Alliance. river, urban, litter, debris, floatables, plastic, single-use, single use, citizen science, community, public, outreach, youth, storm water, stormwater, assessment
2018-Feb-23 N-2016-027 Cohen, Debby Lee. Community Arts and Media for Trash Free Waters. N-2016-027. (February 23, 2018). Prepared by Fund for the City of New York/ Cafeteria Culture Project. trash, litter, debris, floatables, youth, urban, plastic, single-use, single use, citizen science, coastal, marine, community, public, outreach, educational, combined sewer overflows, CSOs, storm water, stormwater, social media, lesson plan
2018-Feb-08 S-2016-012 Fuss & O’Neill. Stormwater BMP Planning for Stillhouse Cove. S-2016-012. (February 08, 2018). Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill for City of Cranston, R.I. stormwater, storm water, runoff, nonpoint, non-point, non point, source, best practice, best management practice, best practices, best management practices, load, loading, loads, loadings, river, rivers, bioretention
2017-Oct-01 N-2017-007 Beresfod Research. Niantic River Watershed Resident Focus Group. N-2017-007. (October 01, 2017). Prepared by Beresfod Research for Long Island Sound Study. Long Island Sound Study, LISS, community, public, outreach, educational, runoff, run-off, nutrient, fertilizer, agricultural, conservation, mitigation
2017-Jul-10 S-2016-006 ESS Group. Phosphorus Reduction Analysis for Brickyard Pond. S-2016-006. (July 10, 2017). Prepared by ESS Group for Department of Public Works, Town of Barrington, R.I. pond, freshwater, shore, shoreline, community, public, education, educational, outreach, recreational, total maximum daily load, TMDL, green infrastructure, stormwater, storm water, runoff, run-off, best practice, best management practice, BMP, nutrient, nitrogen, bioretention, catch basin, load, loading, pH
2017-Feb-16 N-2015-019 ESS Group. Feasibility Study for Anadromous Fish Passage. N-2015-019. (February 16, 2017). Prepared by ESS Group for Pawtuxet River Authority. river, freshwater, coast, coastal, Rhode Island, pond, stream, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, habitat, restoration, culvert, dam, plant, animal, assess, assessment, dissolved oxygen, DO, species, pH, nutrient, load, loading, algae, algal bloom, algae bloom, phosphorus, nitrogen, total maximum daily load, TMDL, cyanobacteria, fish ladder, stream barrier removal
2017-Dec-22 N-2017-013 Gomez and Sullivan Engineers. Preliminary Design of a Sustainable Shoreline at the Hudson Shores Park in the City of Watervliet, NY. N-2017-013. (December 22, 2017). Prepared by Gomez and Sullivan Engineers for Hudson River Estuary Program. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Hudson River Estuarine Research Reserve, waterfront, recreational, coastal, ecosystem, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, shoreline, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, wildlife, biodiversity, native, invasive, plant, climate change, flood, erosion, community, public, access, fishing, educational, best management practice, geographic information systems, mapping, urban design
2016-Sep-27 N-2016-001 BlueShore Engineering and Creative Habitat Corporation. Design of a Sustainable Shorelines Demonstration Project at Nutten Hook. N-2016-001. (September 27, 2016). Prepared by BlueShore Engineering and Creative Habitat Corporation. Hudson River Estuary Program, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, estuaries, wetland, erosion, public, recreation, recreational, access, habitat, restoration, ecology, ecosystem, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, speices, plant, animal, flood, sea level rise, sea-level rise, climate change, fishing,
2016-Sep-01 Preparing for Extreme Weather at Wastewater Utilities: Strategies and Tips. Prepared by NEIWPCC. wastewater, wastewater treatment, storm water, stormwater, wet weather, discharge, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, storm surge
2016-Nov-29 N-2015-014 McLaughlin, David and Drew Carey. Increase Public Access of the Shoreline (IPAS). N-2015-014. (November 29, 2016). Prepared by Clean Ocean Access for Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, public, community, access, recreation, recreational, rights-of-way, right-of-way
2016-Nov-09 N-2015-013 Save The Bay. Championing the Public’s Right to Access the Shore. N-2015-013. (November 09, 2016). Prepared by Save The Bay for Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, GIS, geographic information systems, public, community, access, recreation, recreational, rights-of-way, right-of-way
2016-Jun-30 N-2014-024 Fuss & O’Neill. Source Water Phosphorus
Reduction Feasibility Plan
. N-2014-024. (June 30, 2016). Prepared by Fuss & O’Neill for City of Newport.
Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, estuaries, wetland, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, restoration, habitat, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, wildlife, biodiversity, species, cyanobacteria, algae, algal, bloom, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, nutrient, agricultural, fertilizer, nitrogen, lawn, load, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, community, public, education, educational, outreach, riparian buffer, best practice, best management practice, BMP, filtration
2016-Jun-30 N-2015-016 Save The Bay. Bay-Friendly Living: Yard Care and Lifestyle Tips to Save Time, Money and the Bay. N-2015-016. (June 30, 2016). Prepared by Save The Bay. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, estuaries, wetland, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, community, public, education, educational, outreach, lawn, climate change, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, nutrient, fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, algae, algal, bloom, native, plant, species, habitat, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, invasive, biodiversity, wildlife, green infrastructure,
2016-Jun-30 N-2014-022 Northern Rhode Island Conservation District. Moswansicut Reservoir Phosphorus Outreach and Monitoring Project. N-2014-022. (June 30, 2016). Prepared by Northern Rhode Island Conservation District for Narragansett Bay Estuary Program. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, NBEP, Rhode Island, R.I., community, public, access, outreach, educational, watershed monitoring, ecosystem, toolkit, nutrient, loading, water quality, urban,
2016-Jan-31 N-2013-007 Coastal Ocean Analytics. Detecting Climate Change Impacts in Long Island Sound. N-2013-007. (January 31, 2016). Prepared by Coastal Ocean Analytics for Long Island Sound Study. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, marine, saltwater, estuary, estuaries, wetland, temperature, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, biology, biological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, New York, Connecticut, salinity, flood, sediment, load, loading, sea level rise, sea-level rise
2016-Jan-20 N-2013-039 Buckley, Sarabeth, Alia Al-Haj and Robinson Fulweiler. Sentinels of Change — Are Salt Marshes in LIS Keeping Pace with Sea Level Rise? N-2013-039. (January 20, 2016). Prepared by Departments of Earth & Environment and Biology, Boston University for Long Island Sound Study. Long Island Sound, estuary, estuaries, wetland, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, climate change, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, sediment, marine
2016-Feb-23 N-2015-017 ESS Group. Hopedale Pond Green Infrastructure Design (Site C1). N-2015-017. (February 23, 2016). Prepared by ESS Group for Park Commission, Town of Hopedale, Mass. bioretention, public, community, recreation, recreational, freshwater, best practice, best management practice, BMP, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, nutrient, nitrogen, phosphorus, bacteria, load, loading
2016-Dec-31 N-2015-029 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Peconic Estuary Program Public Education and Outreach Support Final Report. N-2015-029. (December 31, 2016). Prepared by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County for Peconic Estuary Program. Peconic Estuary Program, PEP, Peconic Estuary Partnership, New York, NY, N.Y., community, public, outreach, educational, campaign, citizen science
2016-Dec-29 N-2015-024 The Chazen Companies. Owner Outreach and (Mitigation) Design of Priority Hudson River Estuary Biologically Important Barriers. N-2015-024. (December 29, 2016). Prepared by The Chazen Companies for Hudson River Estuary Program. river, estuary, wetland, freshwater, marine, saltwater, ecosystem, ecology, ecological, estuaries, culvert, dam, community, public, education, educational, outreach, stream barrier removal, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, wildlife, habitat, biology, animal, plant, biodiversity, species, fish
2016-Aug-26 N-2014-011 Nelson, Pope & Voorhis. Urban Design and Low Impact Development Near Long Island Sound Stewardship Sites. N-2014-011. (August 26, 2016). Prepared by Nelson, Pope & Voorhis. estuary, estuaries, wetland, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, marine, Long Island Sound Study, public, community, access, outreach, education, educational, recreation, recreational, conservation, restoration, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, habitat, green infrastructure, nutrient, load, loading, invasive, species, wildlife, biodiversity, native, sea level rise, sea-level rise, climate change
2015-Sep-30 N-2012-047 JJ Environmental. Low Cost Retrofits for Nitrogen Removal at Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Upper Long Island Sound Watershed. N-2012-047. (September 30, 2015). Long Island Sound Study, freshwater, river, dissolved oxygen, wastewater, wastewater treatment, bacteria, total maximum daily load, TMDL, nitrogen, total suspended solids, TSS, pH, temperature
2015-Mar-09 N-2009-001 Gulbransen, Thomas, Scott Libby and Roy Kropp, et al. Ecosystem Assessment and Nitrogen Management in Western Bays, New York. N-2009-001. (March 09, 2015). Prepared by Battelle Memorial Institute. coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, marine, saltwater, restoration, fishing, recreational, assessment, wastewater, wastewater treatment, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, nutrient, fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, agricultural, lawn, loading, Total Maximum Daily Load, TMDL, dissolved oxygen, DO, algae, algal, bloom, pH, climate change, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, stormwater, storm water, green infrastructure, bioretention, best management practice
2015-Jan-24 N-2014-006 Larry, Vail. Sparkill Creek – Citizen Science Pathogen Indicator Project . N-2014-006. (January 24, 2015). Prepared by Sparkill Creek Watershed Alliance. New York, NY, N.Y., citizen science, mapping, assessment, river, stream, temperature, dissolved oxygen, DO
2015-Jan-01 N-2013-069 Svenson, Emily and Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts. Reviewing Stormwater Management in Site Design: A Guide for Planning Board Members. N-2013-069. (January 01, 2015). Prepared by Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts for Hudson River Estuary Program. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, New York, NY, N.Y., runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, permeable pavement, urban design,
2015-Feb-18 N-2014-004 Friends of Bonsal Preserve & Montclair State University. Citizen Science Pathogen Monitoring 2014: The Third River Pathogen Study. N-2014-004. (February 18, 2015). Prepared by Friends of Bonsal Preserve & Montclair State University. citizen science, mapping, assessment, river, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, DO, pH, precipitation,
2015-Dec-31 N-2014-026 Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Peconic Estuary Program Public Education and Outreach Support. N-2014-026. (December 31, 2015). Prepared by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County for Peconic Estuary Program. Peconic Estuary Program, PEP, community, public, access, outreach, educational, water quality, New York, NY, N.Y., estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, coastal, shoreline,
2015-Dec-11 N-2015-020 Allied Biological. Hudson River Hydrilla Survey: 2015 Hydrilla Monitoring in the Croton River (NY) and Nearby Waters (Hudson River). N-2015-020. (December 11, 2015). Prepared by Allied Biological. Ecology, ecological, ecosystem, wildlife, biodiversity, species, invasive, plant,
2015-Aug-24 N-2011-023 Cameron Engineering & Associates. Long Island Tidal Wetlands Trends Analysis. N-2011-023. (August 24, 2015). Prepared by Cameron Engineering & Associates. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, wildlife, biodiversity, species, invasive, native, habitat, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, erosion, mapping, Long Island Sound, Peconic Estuary
2014-Sep-30 N-2013-055 Morris Associates. Hydrologic Analysis & Emergency Access Recommendations for Roosevelt Road. N-2013-055. (September 30, 2014). Prepared by Morris Associates for Town of Hyde Park, N.Y. Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, wetland, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, flood, precipitation, weather, storm, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, dam, alternative access, mapping, GIS, geographic information system, modeling
2014-Sep-30 N-2011-007 Tobing, Sarah Lumban. Bronx Zoo and Stone Mill Diadromous Fish Passage Final Designs. N-2011-007. (September 30, 2014). Prepared by City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation for New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. New York, NY, N.Y., fish ladder, ecosystem, ecology, wildlife, species, habitat, stream, dam, restoration
2014-Sep-29 N-2011-135 O’Donnell, James, James J. Fitzpatrick and Grant McCardell, et al. The Development of a Community Model of Nutrient Transport and Cycling for Long Island Sound. N-2011-135. (September 29, 2014). Prepared by University of Connecticut and HDR for Long Island Sound Study. estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, nutrient, wastewater, wastewater treatment, combined sewer overflows, CSOs, algae, algal, bloom, nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, DO, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, total suspended solids, TSS, salinity, temperature, phosphorus, precipitation, sediment, modeling
2014-Oct-31 N-2013-050 eDesign Dynamics. City of Newburgh Green Infrastructure Feasibility Report. N-2013-050. (October 31, 2014). Prepared by eDesign Dynamics for City of Newburgh, N.Y. freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, community, public, outreach, educational, fecal, coliform, bacteria, wastewater, wastewater treatment, combined sewer overflows, CSOs, storm water, stormwater, urban, urban design, permeable pavement, bioretention, green roof, riparian buffer, constructed wetland, urban forestry, precipitation, weather
2014-Nov-25 N-2013-068 Gruber, Simon. Historic Resources Assessment Report for Brown’s Pond Dam Study. N-2013-068. (November 25, 2014). Prepared by Simon Gruber for Town of Hamptonburgh, N.Y.. Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, stream barrier removal, history, map
2014-Nov-21 N-2013-041 City of Albany, N.Y.. (Re) Imagining Tivoli Lake Preserve: Community Engagement & Visioning Plan. N-2013-041. (November 21, 2014). Prepared by City of Albany, N.Y. for Hudson River Estuary Program. community, public, outreach, education, access, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, wildlife, biodiversity, species, habitat, lake, freshwater, recreation, recreational, conservation, invasive, wetland, sediment, algae, algal, bloom, nonpoint, non-point, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, nutrient, bioretention, green infrastructure, fishing
2014-Nov-21 N-2014-014 Mitten, Lisa and State University of New York at New Paltz. Planning and Implementing Green Infrastructure to Improve Watershed Resiliency in the Saw Mill Brook Watershed and the Village of New Paltz. N-2014-014. (November 21, 2014). Prepared by State University of New York at New Paltz for Hudson River Estuary Program. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, New York, NY, N.Y., stormwater, storm water, community, public, outreach, educational,
2014-Nov-14 N-2013-040 Town of Stony Point, N.Y. Report on Coastal Vulnerability and Sea Level Rise. N-2013-040. (November 14, 2014). Prepared by Town of Stony Point, N.Y. for Hudson River Estuary Program. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, wetland, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, erosion, hurricane, stormwater, storm water, public, access, community, infrastructure, resiliency, resilience, disaster recovery
2014-Nov-07 N-2013-043 Zhao, Haihong, Hugh Roberts and Jessica Ludy, et al. Coastal Green Infrastructure Research Plan for New York City. N-2013-043. (November 07, 2014). Prepared by ARCADIS for Hudson River Estuary Program and Department of Planning, City of New York. literature review, coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, green infrastructure, constructed, wetland, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, erosion, sediment, marine, estuary, estuaries, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, invasive, species, habitat
2014-Nov-01 N-2013-064 Orange County Water Authority. Watershed Design Guide:
Best Practices for the Hudson Valley
. N-2013-064. (November 01, 2014). Prepared by Orange County Water Authority for Hudson River Estuary Program.
Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, New York, NY, N.Y., watershed planning, watershed monitoring, urban design, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, green infrastructure, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, permeable pavement,
2014-Jun-13 N-2013-018 Kocian, M., A. Fletcher and G. Schundler, et al. The Trillion Dollar Asset: The Economic Value of the Long Island Sound Basin. N-2013-018. (June 13, 2014). Prepared by Earth Economics for Long Island Sound Study. Long Island Sound Study, coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, fishing, recreational, literature review, resilient, resilience, resiliency, GIS, geographic information system, mapping, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, storm, weather, assessment
2014-Jul-31 N-2012-010 Bounds, Katerli. Prall’s Island Heron Rookery Restoration and Harbor Herons Studies: Efforts to Re-Establish Habitat. N-2012-010. (July 31, 2014). Prepared by New York City Parks and Recreation for New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. marine, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, ecology, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, habitat, restoration, conservation, birds, urban, native, invasive, plants, animals, floatables, debris
2014-Jul-30 N-2014-001 Reid, D.J., E.K. Bone and D.L. Strayer, et al. Review of the effects of stabilization on the habitat value of shorelines in highly urbanized estuaries. N-2014-001. (July 30, 2014). coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, freshwater, marine, ecology, climate change, erosion, sediment, sea level rise, sea-level rise, ecological, habitat, biodiversity, species, urban, literature review, fishing, recreational, restoration, resilient, resilience, resiliency, infrastructure
2014-Jul-09 N-2012-054 County of Ulster, N.Y. Leading Green: Creating a Green Infrastructure Hub and the Ulster County Office Campus. N-2012-054. (July 09, 2014). freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, urban design, green infrastructure, stormwater, storm water, runoff, run-off, permeable pavement, bioretention, rain garden, trees, precipitation, community, public, outreach, educational
2014-Jan-05 Regional Clean Water Guidelines for Fertilization of Urban Turf. Prepared by NEIWPCC. turf, nutrients, stormwater, nitrogen, phosphorus, algae blooms
2014-Dec-31 N-2013-022 Warren Pinnacle Consulting. Application of SLAMM to Coastal Connecticut. N-2013-022. (December 31, 2014). Prepared by Warren Pinnacle Consulting. coast, coastal, shore, shoreline, estuary, estuaries, wetland, Long Island Sound, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, erosion, sediment, salinity, ecology, ecological, ecosystem, habitat, mapping, GIS, geographic information systems,
2014-Dec-24 N-2014-009 Ocean and Coastal Consultants Engineering. Great Kills Harbor Breakwater Study. N-2014-009. (December 24, 2014). Prepared by Ocean and Coastal Consultants Engineering for Hudson River Estuary Program. coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, marine, saltwater, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, erosion, ecology, ecological, habitat,species, fishing, urban, recreational, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, storm, weather, flood, assessment, GIS, geographic information system, breakwater, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland
2014-Dec-17 NEIWPCC Executive Summary of Peer Review Responses for Assessment of Nutrient Loading and Eutrophication in Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor, NJ in Support of Nutrient Management Planning. Prepared by NEIWPCC. nutrient, nitrogen, phosphorus, agriculture, urban, runoff, euthrophication, coastal, estuary, ecosystem, habitat, biotic, assessment, watershed planning, loading
2014-Dec-17 Peer Review Responses for Assessment of Nutrient Loading and Eutrophication in Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor, NJ in Support of Nutrient Management Planning. Prepared by NEIWPCC. nutrient, nitrogen, phosphorus, agriculture, urban, runoff, euthrophication, coastal, estuary, ecosystem, habitat, biotic, assessment, watershed planning, loading
2014-Dec-15 N-2013-062 Groundwork Hudson Valley. Public Housing Project. N-2013-062. (December 15, 2014). Prepared by Groundwork Hudson Valley for Hudson River Estuary Program. Hudson River Estuary Program, HREP, community, public, access, outreach, educational, recreational, youth, urban, New York, NY, N.Y.,
2014-Dec-15 N-2014-003 NY/NJ Baykeeper. HEP Citizen Science: Raritan Bayshore Water Quality Project. N-2014-003. (December 15, 2014). Prepared by NY/NJ Baykeeper. New York, NY, N.Y., citizen science, mapping, assessment, river, stream, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, DO
2014-Dec-15 N-2014-005 Bronx River Alliance. Citizen Science Monitoring for Pathogen Indicators in NY-NJ Harbor Tributaries. N-2014-005. (December 15, 2014). Prepared by Bronx River Alliance. New York, NY, N.Y., citizen science, mapping, assessment, river, stream, dissolved oxygen, DO
2014-Dec-01 N-2014-002 Princeton Hydro. Sustainable Shorelines Demonstration Project Nyack Beach State Park, Town of Upper Nyack, New York. N-2014-002. (December 01, 2014). Prepared by Princeton Hydro for Hudson River Estuary Program. coastal, ecosystem, shoreline, marine, saltwater, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, climate change, sea level rise, sea-level rise, flood, storm, weather, resilient, resilience, resiliency, mitigation, community, public, access, recreational, fishing, ecology, ecological, habitat, conservation, restoration, GIS, geographic information system, assessment
2014-Aug-01 Watershed Synthesis Section: A Preliminary and Qualitative Evaluation of the Adequacy of Current Stormwater and Nonpoint Source Nitrogen Control Efforts in Achieving the 2000 Long Island Sound Total Maximum Daily Load for Dissolved Oxygen. Prepared by NEIWPCC, on behalf of the Long Island Sound TMDL Workgroup. total maximum daily load, TMDL, Long Island Sound, LIS
2014-Apr-30 N-2013-014 WaterVision. An Evaluation of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Measure Tracking Systems for Long Island Sound. N-2013-014. (April 30, 2014). Long Island Sound Study, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, nonpoint, non-point, loading, total maximum daily load, TMDL, mitigation, urban, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, nutrient, fertilizer, agricultural, best management practice, dissolved oxygen, DO, nitrogen, assessment, inventory
2014 Baker, Ronald J., et al. Concentrations, loads, and yields of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor watershed, New Jersey, 1989-2011, at multiple spatial scales: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5072. Prepared by U.S. Geological Survey. nutrient, nitrogen, phosphorus, agriculture, urban, runoff, euthrophication, coastal, estuary, ecosystem, habitat, biotic, assessment, watershed planning, loading
2013-Nov-27 N-2012-044 eDesign Dynamics. The Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory/Fall Kill Green Infrastructure Project. N-2012-044. (November 27, 2013). freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, runoff, run-off, stormwater, storm water, green infrastructure, urban design, constructed wetland, bioswale, flood, sediment, erosion, precipitation
2013-Nov-15 N-2012-008 Elbin, Susan B. Prall’s Island Heron Rookery Restoration and Harbor Herons Studies: Baseline. N-2012-008. (November 15, 2013). Prepared by New York City Audubon for New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program. marine, estuary, estuaries, estuarine, wetland, ecosystem, ecology, ecological, wildlife, biodiversity, species, habitat, restoration, conservation, birds, urban, assessment
2013-Nov-01 N-2013-008 Langan Engineering Environmental Surveying & Landscape Architecture DPC. Initial surveys to support shoreline, coastal wetland, and public access restoration at Sunset Cove Park in Queens, New York: soil sampling. N-2013-008. (November 01, 2013). Prepared by Langan Engineering Environmental Surveying & Landscape Architecture DPC. New York, NY, N.Y., restoration, shoreline, coastal, wetland, public, access, assessment
2013-Aug-12 N-2013-025 Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance. Final Report on 2013 City of Water Day Project. N-2013-025. (August 12, 2013). Prepared by Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance. New York, NY, N.Y., community, public, outreach, educational, recreational, access
2013-Apr-01 Kennish, Michael J., and Benjamin M. Fertig Assessment Of Nutrient Loading And Eutrophication In Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey In Support Of Nutrient Management Planning. Prepared by Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University for NEIWPCC. nutrient, nitrogen, phosphorus, agriculture, urban, runoff, euthrophication, coastal, estuary, ecosystem, habitat, biotic, assessment, watershed planning, loading
2011-Dec-23 Northeast Regional Floristic Quality Assessment. Prepared by NEIWPCC. assessment, wetland, ecosystem, ecology, ecological, native, invasive, species, plant, wildlife, biodiversity, conservation, database, mapping, flora, floristic
2010-Oct-01 Gauging the Health of New England’s Lakes and Ponds. Prepared by Enosis – The Environmental Outreach Group for U.S. EPA. freshwater, ecosystem, lake, pond, restoration, conservation, assessment, technology, monitoring, mercury, survey
2008-Nov-01 The Northeast Guide for Estimating Staffing at Publicly and Privately Owned Wastewater Treatment Plants. Prepared by NEIWPCC. operator, training, wastewater, wastewater treatment,
2008-Mar-18 Evans, Barry M. An Evaluation of Potential Nitrogen Load Reductions to Long Island Sound from the Connecticut River Basin . Prepared by for NEIWPCC. nitrogen, hypoxia, total maximum daily load, TMDL, loading, dissolved oxygen, DO, nonpoint, non-point, Long Island Sound Study, LISS, Connecticut River, assessment, urban, wetland
2008-Mar-07 Smith, Thor E., Andrew E. Laursen, and Jeffrey R. Deacon Nitrogen attenuation in the Connecticut River, northeastern USA; a comparison of mass balance and N2 production modeling approaches. Prepared by . nitrogen, denitrification, Connecticut River
2008 Protecting the Drinking Water you Provide: A Guide for Owners and Operators of Gas Stations. Prepared by NEIWPCC. UST, LUST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations
2006-Sep-01 The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators Guide to Biosolids Sampling Plans. Prepared by NEIWPCC. operator, training, wastewater, wastewater treatment, sludge, biosolids, sampling
2006-05-01 The Cost of Clean and Safe Water: Sustaining Our Water Infrastructure. Prepared by NEIWPCC. drinking water, wastewater, analysis, economic impact, infrastructure, planning, cost data, wastewater treatment, assessment
2006 Deacon, Jeffrey R., et al. Assessment of Total Nitrogen in the Upper Connecticut River Basin in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, December 2002–September 2005 . Prepared by U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, in cooperation with NEIWPCC. nitrogen, hypoxia, total maximum daily load, TMDL, loading, dissolved oxygen, DO, Long Island Sound, Connecticut River, assessment, urban, wetland, wastewater
2005-Sep-01 Sequencing Batch Reactor Design and Operational Considerations. Prepared by NEIWPCC. sludge, biosolids, sanitary sewer,fecal, coliform, bacteria, wastewater, wastewater treatment, primary treatment, influent, sequencing batch reactor, aeration
2004-Jan-01 Frye, Ellen Water Today…Water Tomorrow? Protecting Drinking Water Sources in Your Community: Tools for Municipal Officials. drinking water, source water, toolkit, outreach, education, municipal
2003-Sep-01 Collection & Evaluation of Ambient Nutrient Data for Rivers and Streams in New England. Prepared by NEIWPCC, US EPA – New England, ENSR International, New England States Regional Technical Advisory Team. nutrients, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, algae, criteria, assessment
2003-Jan-01 Lacey, Rebekah. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Manual: A Handbook for Municipalities. Prepared by NEIWPCC for U.S. EPA. storm water, stormwater, discharge, IDDE, best management practice, MS4, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, NPDES
2003-Dec-01 Optimizing Operation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems. Prepared by NEIWPCC. fecal, coliform, bacteria, wastewater, wastewater treatment, combined sewer overflows, CSOs,
storm water, stormwater, sanitary sewer
2003 Survey of State Experiences with MtBE and Other Oxygenate Contamination at LUST Sites. Prepared by NEIWPCC. survey, MTBE, UST, LUST, underground storage tanks, inspection, release, gas stations, oxygenates, groundwater, petroleum, tanks, drinking water
2001-Jun-01 Evaluation of Potential Linkages between 305(b) Water Use Impairments and Nutrient Levels in New England Lakes, Ponds and Reservoirs. Prepared by ENSR International. nutrients, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, algae, criteria, assessment,
2001-Jul-01 Health, Environmental, and Economic Impacts of Adding Ethanol to Gasoline in the Northeast States, Volume 1: Summary and Recommendations. Prepared by NEIWPCC and NESCAUM. UST, LUST, underground storage tanks, inspection, gas stations, ethanol, gasoline, public health, assessment, economics
2001-Jul-01 Health, Environmental, and Economic Impacts of Adding Ethanol to Gasoline in the Northeast States, Volume 2: Air Quality, Health, and Economic Impacts. Prepared by NEIWPCC and NESCAUM. UST, LUST, underground storage tanks, inspection, gas stations, ethanol, gasoline, public health, assessment, economics
2001-Jul-01 Health, Environmental, and Economic Impacts of Adding Ethanol to Gasoline in the Northeast States, Volume 3: Water Resources and Associated Health Impacts. Prepared by NEIWPCC and NESCAUM. UST, LUST, underground storage tanks, inspection, gas stations, ethanol, gasoline, public health, assessment, economics
2001-Aug-01 The Relationships Between Nutrient Concentrations and Periphyton Levels in Rivers and Streams – A Review of Scientific Literature. Prepared by ENSR Corporation for NEIWPCC. nutrients, freshwater, ecosystem, river, stream, algae, criteria, assessment, literature review
2000-Apr-01 Collection & Evaluation of Ambient Nutrient Data for Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs in New England. Prepared by ENSR International. nutrients, freshwater, ecosystem, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, algae, criteria, assessment, phosphorus
0000 From Air to Water: The Challenge of Atmospheric Deposition. Prepared by NEIWPCC. atmospheric deposition, air, TMDL, NPDES, nonpoint source, emissions, mercury

*If you cannot find a publication you are looking for, or would like to have a project included in this library, please contact us at [email protected].

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