Why and How to send your non-commercial news to NEMiss.NEWS?

E-mail all news, obituaries, questions, comments, etc. to us at: [email protected]

Here are a few reasons to have your news published on NEMiss.NEWS :

  • NEMiss.NEWS offers free, unlimited use. There is no subscription fee, no charge to publish or to read articles.
  • Your news item will be seen by thousands of people each month.
  • Your information can be quickly and easily retrieved from our searchable site. Articles are archived, not lost in a mass of posts, as on social media outlets.
  • Prized photos and original documents never leave your hands. Items are submitted electronically; originals never leave your hands.
  • Articles and photos may be downloaded for free. There is no charge for that picture of you, your kids or your friends.

How to submit your news to NEMiss.News:

  • Please submit ready-to-use articles of any length to [email protected]
  • A minimum of 200 words is best. If merited, articles may run to several thousand words. You get to decide what news you share*. You write it; you e-mail it; we publish it.*
  • You may email digital photos from phones or cameras. We are equipped to deal with many different formats. Horizontally oriented photographs work best. Do not submit photos via PDF for inclusion in the body of the story itself; informational PDFs may be linked to the story, however.

What kind of news can you submit? The short answer? Any kind that you wish to share:

  • News or events of interest that you see happening.
  • Interesting photos taken in the local community (include IDs of any people in photos)
  • Any non-commercial event that will be happening in the general Northeast MS area.
  • Any occasion that merits a celebration: births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, reunions, etc.
  • Any recognition received: honors, awards, accomplishments, educational achievements, scholarships, etc.
  • Community organization information: school news, church news, charity fund-raisers, civic meetings, etc.
  • Leisure activities you enjoy: sports, travel, hobbies, etc.
  • Articles/photos about the history of the people or communities of Northeast MS.
  • Opinion pieces on any subject of general interest to the community.
  • Obituaries (accepted from funeral homes only).

How do you submit items to NEMiss.NEWS?  It’s easy.

  • Write the article itself in ready-to-use format ( in Microsoft Word or other word processing program) and email a digital copy. You write it; we publish it.
  • Attach, in digital (JPEG or PNG, etc) any photos you wish to accompany the article, along with identifications of those in photos. Horizontally oriented photographs work best for the featured photo.
  • Large files or long documents may be sent as PDF files for use as attachments to articles. PDF information will not be posted as a stand-alone article..
  • Include your name, address and contact number in the e-mail.
  • E-mail it to us at: [email protected]
  • Our intention is to publish anything you send, as long as it is not malicious or libelous, but, with all submissions, we reserve the right to determine what is appropriate for this forum.

**Unique visitor: a visitor who comes to the website at least once on any given day via any individual computer, tablet or smart phone. Multiple visits via any individual route (ie, 3 visits on one day on the same IPhone) count as only one unique visitor for the day.

Want to advertise on NEMiss.NEWS ? See our Advertising page.



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Comments, questions, or suggestions relating to the operation of this website may be submitted to: [email protected]