

I'm 21. I'm a part-time cosmetology student, I also work full-time. I'm pretty lazy, and don't lift my fingers to do many things in my free time, except to decorate their tips =]

This blog is to document my progress, as I continue to try new things with my nails as much as possible.

I am in no way affiliated with the brands of products that I review on here, I just really love shopping.

Questions? [email protected] I'm also on facebook

Friday, December 23, 2016

Reviving this thing

So it's been about 4 years, more like 4.5 😮

I kinda dropped off the face of the blogosphere.  Life got way too busy for nail polish, now my nails are nearly always naked 😂

When my son was almost 2 I started to get back into beauty, and that was 2 years ago. And since then my collection (makeup) has grown quite a bit. Nothing too massive, but lately i have noticed that it is getting a little too big for me. Time to actually declutter, organize, and set goals and figure out a way to get the most use out of my makeup.  I have already decluttered quite a bit, but I'll be showing in my next post what i am getting rid of for the end of the year.  I'll also do regular "Empties" posts, mini reviews, as well as my project pan and goals for 2017!

I'll post as I can, i am still not sure how often that will be because now I have two kids instead of one lol

Friday, August 17, 2012

Cherry, baby!

Today in the challenge, it's Fruit Salad!

..Okay, so I might not have a whole lotta fruits goin on, but I was happy with this mani=]  Who doesn't love cherries?  What better way to try out my new favorite red=]  I love how much more comfortable I've become with doing nail art, I think I need to invest in a variety of other brushes hmm..

This is (except my rings) a base of e.l.f medium red and two coats of OPI Moonsooner or Later over that.  Don't ask why, I was tryin out some layering..I'm not sure if it even made a difference lol
 On the rings I have a base of Revlon Temptress, and I used my itty bitty brush to make the cherries, with Moonsooner or Later and The Jungle Look for the stems.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Challenge, Turquoise, jade, aqua freestyle

Today's challenge is a freestyle, so I went all out and made a franken!  It's called I'm on a Boat.  Named for a hilarious song by the Lonely Island feating T-Pain, the video is below, got it from youtube.  You should also check out Jack Sparrow featuring Michael Bolton, so funny lol  This is just a sneak peak of the polish, it's still being tweaked, but I know you'll be seeing more of this, I just love this color!

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm expecting!

Hello everyone!  I know that I've posted about my new computer, and that I'd be on here more often, but it's super crazy how life happens you know?  So basically not only did I get a computer and washer/dryer set for my birthday, but I also got pregnant! Woo!  My boyfriend and I are just elated=] I'm currently about five weeks and a day according to the internet, using the first day of my last period in one of those calculating things...Apparently you're pregnant like two weeks before you get pregnant lol

This does not mean that I will not be blogging, but for now my posts may still be a little sporadic.  Who knows?  What I do know is that since I found out Wednesday morning that I'm going to be a mother, (oh wow, is that weird to type lol) I have been completely concerned with every little thing I put in/on my body and my environment, so if you can't guess what this means; only 3 free polishes, and manis/pedis will be done outdoors!
Anyone know of a good base coat that's 3free? I keep using my Ulta nail hardening one because it works so well, but I can't find anything on it stating it isn't.

This is also a big reason why I'm continuing (and extending most likely) my no-buy.  If I do buy any polishes while I'm pregnant/breastfeeding, they will definitely be 3 free, so bring on the OPI and Zoya!  I know Revlon says 3free, but I also know that not all brands stating they are 3free actually are...I guess the price tag makes me think hmm...what if it's not true?  For some reason I just trust Zoya and OPI more lol

I am also considering doing mommy posts, I will of course be keeping everyone up to date on stuff going on with my pregnancy, but if I have to create a whole 'nother blog just to write about pregnancy then I'll have to think of a new name for it and honestly, I'm out of ideas when it comes to names right now.

My mom's convinced I'm having a girl, and I was on a website earlier that had you plug in your age and the month you conceived on some ancient chinese baby gender calendar, and that thing says it'll be a girl.

However, my boyfriend's family is notorious for only producing boys.

I myself am just waiting for that moment of "I know for sure that it's gonna be a..."

For now I'm logging a journal on my own of what I'm feeling and what's happening to my body.

Also I think I forgot to post this mani lol
This is my nude tape mani (inspired by nailside of course!) using scotch tape, then China Glaze Under the Boardwalk, and then I free handed Splish Splash because I was tired and didn't feel like waiting to put tape down.

I should've waited.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Birthday girl

Hey guys! So I feel like I should let everyone in on some awesome news from my birthday! Tuesday was my birthday, and my boyfriend made me this awesome cake!  It's fun-fetti with whipped icing, just how I like 'em!  He's much better than I am with decorating cakes lol
Also, we finally got our washer and dryer, and my mom got me a laptop!  She also took me shopping, but if you can believe it, I actually didn't buy anything makeup or nail related.  Ha, I'm lying, but I honestly got like two things and thats it, the rest is clothes!
So the internet/cable people come on monday to get us set up, and then hopefully after that you'll all be hearing from me more often!  I am too psyched about this.

But then there's the not so fun news: I gotta go on a no-buy, and it's forrealforreal this time.  We're getting some brand new bills starting this month and I just don't even see how I could squeeze any personal shopping in there.  I hope I'll be able to spare the cash to buy my haircolor, but that's about it.  I really gotta have some self-control, and it's gonna be hard.  Luckily I have a pretty okay sized stash in my opinion, and it should keep me pretty busy until I can buy more.

Just so you know, I haven't forgotten about my stamping collection, I've actually just added to it! More on that later, but just in case you thought I'd forgotten how to scrape nail polish, here's some good ol' cheeky designs for ya!

This is Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Lickety Split Lime and then Deborah Lippman Almost Paradise. The lime is so awesome, I don't have any other Insta-Dris but this is just ONE coat. and it stamps like a dream. I will be stocking up on these, once I can =]

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

don't break my heart..

More summer challenging!  I told y'all I was getting better this month=]

Honestly, I googled images of buttercups lol and I'm not even positive if this is an alright interpretation, I don't know if they really have dark spotty things in their lady bits but something else had to go in there. I don't think I could get tired of creating floral manis.  On my ring finger is a hair lol I trimmed my bangs yesterday at the nail/makeup/hairdoin' desk and didn't exactly clean up very well.  What?  I'm lazy..
 This is what I used to create these lovelies! Left to right: Deborah Lippman Almost Paradise & Let's Hear It For the Boy, China Glaze Gaga for Green, Sally Hansen mellow yellow, China Glaze agro, Zoya Bevin, Kleancolor Neon Yellow, as well as my palette and brush=]

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's my party I'll do the PCF SC if I want to

Today's theme is GREASE!  It's actually Summer Lovin' but...where else should my mind go? Oh my goodness, the movie that initially started my absolute love of musicals.  My musical movies are by far the movies I have seen the most of in my lifetime, probably a tie between the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Rent, I cannot count how many times, but both my DVDs skip badly.  Actually I think I lent my RHPS to somebody a long time ago and haven't seen it since, which would really piss me off if I didn't know it scene by scene, song for song.  They can have the skipping DVD!  Anyway, I didn't do anything overly Grease-like, but I did decide I wanted to do something vintage, since it's a movie that's made to look like the 50's. I give you, floral-ly goodness!

This is a base of Zoya Cho, then the roses are made from e.l.f medium red (darker) and OPI Monsooner or Later, and Ulta the Jungle Look (darker) with Zoya Traci for the greens

Matte, and outside:

So, if you can't tell, I'm quite proud of this!  I'd been wanting to do floral print for a while.  This last photo was actually the third going on fourth day of this mani.  Yeah. You can probably tell that I've cut my nails down, and therefore, less chippage!  Actually none at all for this one..I's pleased=]

If you've stayed to read this long, today is my birthday! I love that this challenge is on my birthday because I absolutely loved creating it.