Unparalleled Connectivity
To Over 180 Countries

With the expertise from Nevigate, an independent global cloud network services and solutions provider.

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Unparalleled Connectivity

We provide unparalleled connectivity in over 180 countries worldwide through our network of partners.


Asia Leading

We are the only independent global cloud network services and solutions provider originating in Asia.


Tailored Made

Our customized solutions means reduced costs, increased business productivity and the ease of mind that your business is always secured and available online.

Nevigate makes your life easy!

What We Have To Offer

Internet Access

Cost effective VPN solutions over internet infrastructure

Managed CPE

Customized solutions and plans for CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)

Secured Internet Access

Carrier-grade internet coverage over 180 countries


Support your business via a dedicated connection with guaranteed performance and bandwidth

Co-Location Services

Hand-picked co-location space to ensure robust and reliable services.

Security Services

Mitigate security threats on the network, protocol and application levels

AI-NOC Automation

The future is now. Automate your NOC by AI.

An independent global cloud network services and solutions provider headquartered in Singapore


Our services are custom-made according to your business requirements,
and built according to your budget.
Tell us what you need, your budget and we can help!


Nevigate is an independent global cloud network services and solutions provider headquartered in Singapore


Nevigate Communications (S) Pte Ltd
100 Tras Street,
Amara Corporate Tower, #16-01,
Singapore 079027.

Contact Us

Sales & Services Enquiries
[email protected] +44 20 3290 0618
Technical Network Support
[email protected] +44 20 3290 0269