This newlywed is saying goodbye.
As you all well know, I've been a bit
like splattered raindrops lately.
It's trickey, really, but this
belle and her beau are going through some major life changes. Even though I'm an
undomesticated newlywed and will likely never be a
MckMama, I
do have other tricks up my sleeve. Writing has always been my #1 passion, although I thoroughly love
all things fluffy, fashionable and famous,
I am not fully satisfied sassified and that makes Jane
Anna a very dull girl.
Starting this blog was one of the best
misadventures of a newlywed and I don't regret even one post.
Being Brazen, I'll just tell you that this
chapter of my life is over. Of course while this decision is
indefinitely definite, I'm pretty sure it's what I need to do to pursue my dreams. While it seems I'll always be
learning to be a wife and it's pretty obvious I'll
never be a
sassy engineer, which means I do need to open the doors that are knocking, so this
prep-e girl is out of here.
Despite your good guesses, I'm
not off to be a
chic runner, a
pink chick or a
monogram chick and while the choice I've made is not a
housewife's journey to forever or a charge to
be thou a knight, it is does cause me to say that I must
let go laughing as there are some really great things on the horizon. Of course, I
could choose to become a
cocaine princess or a
preppy princess and
really be
classy and fabulous, but just
ask wifey, I don't think I fit the bill ;0)
This journey I've taken going
from Miss to Mrs has been a bit like
running in stilettos and at times I thought it may lead me to be a
Vodka-puppy mom, but instead my blog sometimes reads like I'm in the
sweet tea diaries of a
misplaced northerner {someone should grab that title!}
floating on in the
adventures of Jon and Steph, except we're Dan and Anna, we're as different as
a Hokie and a Wahoo and well, let's face it... just
make mine a mojito.
As the saying goes...
First comes love, then comes marriage and whelp! marriage has come. It's time for me to pull up my boot straps and get serious with my writing if I ever want a future in it. You see, I've been
miss caught up with
miss e's misadventures,
Courtney and the boys and
Jenny.Lee! These amazing blogs will be tremendously missed and the footprints they've left on my heart, not easily wiped away, for I will always
...love Maegan, adore
blue eyed bride, and miss
saskia's spot. Seriously! Withdraw may cause me to see
polka dots and paisleys!!
But don't be too dismayed, you'll still be able to follow my
Tales from the country Salti roads Peaks -- You can read my writing
HERE and still get your fix. As sad as this is for me, all good things must come to an end, true? This is the
reality of happily ever after, isn't it?
I hope you enjoyed that... it's been stirring in me a few days.
While blogging truly has been one of the greatest adventures of my life, it's time for me to buckle down and really write like I know I'm supposed to. Some of you may be wondering why I can't do both... Ever heard of "Jack of all trades, Master of none?" -- When I visit blog land I get so consumed with all of said above blogs; reading, commenting, responding, etc... by the time I'm finished, I find the passion I had to write fades for one reason or another. It's time to focus.
Like I said, I'll be writing
here if you care to stop in from time to time... This is a place where I can write without worrying about followers, comments or criticism; I can focus solely on practicing my writing. With this, I've decided not to write my first book using modern day technology. I have pen and paper in hand and have been
'kickin' it old school'. I find the words flow more freely and I'm not able to edit what I originally felt.
I wish nothing but the best for each of you who've inspired me with your stories, touched me with your encouragement and uplifted my spirit with your wisdom, insight and sensitivities. I will likely be a "blog stalker" {I forget what that's officially called} when I need a good laugh or cry.
So much love to each of you my dear friends...