ASU Assistant Professor Mengya Xia shares research-backed tips on identifying social clutter, nurturing meaningful connections and building healthier relationships this spring.

Women in sports inspire fans of all ages through their accomplishments on the field, and this Women's History Month, Arizona State University also recognizes Sun Devil female athletes who are dedicated to education off the field.
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There's no way to do that (achieve a brighter future for America) without the universities. There's no way to do that without scientific and technological research being at the highest level on the entire planet. ... So we're just regrouping to be of as much service and of greater service going forward as we can be." Listen to the interview on KJZZ.
Michael M. Crow ASU president
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Arizona State University's presence in Washington, D.C. amplifies our institutional voice in national conversations, generates attention and interest about ASU on an international platform.
Artist and professor Tra Bouscaren is leading a push for experimental art at ASU West, where interdisciplinary collaboration fuels thought-provoking…
ASU Professor Garth Paine uses an ambisonic dome to create sound in three-dimensional space, opening the door for innovative musical compositions,…
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How I view it is that every dollar spent on development and diplomacy is $10 we don’t have to spend on defense.” Read the story.
Glen Goodman Interim executive director of ASU’s International Development Initiative