Wandering along a path on a warm spring day, you may have had an experience of a heavy scent suddenly drifting past your nose, drawing your attention to a shrub with clusters of small, purple flowers blooming at the tip of branches. If you had an encounter like this, the flower you saw might very well be the lilac, a flower that blossoms during late spring with big uses.
Clusters of lilac flowers. /VCG
Clusters of lilac flowers. /VCG
Lilac is a genus with several species of flowering plants in the olive family. Native to southeastern Europe to eastern Asia, the plant is cultivated among temperate zones for ornamental purpose. China grows 81 percent of the wild lilac species, with many captive-breed cultivars.
Lilac flowers in full bloom. /VCG
Lilac flowers in full bloom. /VCG
Because of its heavy and beautiful scent, some lilac flowers are often used to make essence oil or high-quality spice. The flowers and leaves are also used in herbal teas in China.
Lilac is a very useful flower. /VCG
Lilac is a very useful flower. /VCG
Lilac is known for its hardiness and ease of growth. The shrub does best in cool areas, but for gardeners that live in warmer regions, other varieties are also available.
Growing from a specimen is easier than a seed. Lilac bushes prefer well-drained and rich soil. A full sun will help it to bloom sooner. Water it fully, but do not make the soil wet all the time as over-watering can cause poor bloom. When the flowers are in full bloom in late spring, take a cup of tea and enjoy the scent!
(Cover image via VCG)
(Video taken and edited by CGTN's Xu Chenlu)
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