Save Time Watering on a Busy Schedule
Watering a lawn or garden doesn’t have to inconvenience a daily schedule. Gilmour watering products and accessories are designed to save time and effort, so achieving a lush lawn or garden is just as easy as it is smart.
- Investing in a premium garden hose spares the time spent untangling kinks and repairing leaks. The Gilmour Flexogen® hose is the strongest and lightest hose in its class and is designed to be kink resistant for a more time-effective watering experience.
- Managing a watering schedule can be easier with an automatic process. The Dual Outlet Electric Water Timer saves the time needed to manage watering schedules by turning on and off by itself. Simply connect the hose, enter a time, and press “on.” The timer will automatically shut off when finished, reducing the need to monitor manually. To further improve efficiency, connect a second hose to the timer to water another area of the yard simultaneously.
- Irregular-shaped lawns don’t need to be time-consuming to water. Investing in a sprinkler like the Gilmour Adjustable Pattern Master Circular Sprinklermakes precisely watering an irregular area easy with a few quick adjustments. Simply pull the 12 pegs up or down to shorten or lengthen the spray distance.
- Maintaining a lawn and garden can be quicker and easier with more efficient tools, like the Gilmour Heavy Duty Quick Connector Set. It’s a set of snap-on, snap-off connectors that makes attaching watering tools to hoses as simple as a pull or push, rather than a twist.
- Time doesn’t need to be wasted alternating nozzles. The Gilmour Thumb Control Watering Nozzle has eight watering patterns in one, so switching from flower to rinse is as easy as the flick of the thumb, not the swap of a nozzle.