John Steinbeck’s Western Flyer boat transformed into floating classroom on Monterey Bay
Earth & ClimateVideo
Aboard the same fishing vessel Steinbeck used for his 1940 Sea of Cortez expedition, undergraduates studied science and literature while gaining a deeper appreciation for the ocean.
Black History Month events focus on food justice for all
Clubs & OrgsNews
Throughout February, campus centers and departments will host events including a pop-up shop, a service day at the farm, and more.
New mail and package program enhances convenience and cuts emissions
Campus & FacilitiesNews
By consolidating package handling, Stanford’s new Mail and Package Services (MPS) program reduces delivery traffic while supporting the university’s sustainability goals.
Pioneering scholar George Triantis takes the helm at Stanford Law School
Community & CultureNews
The new dean is already leaving his mark with changes to promote community and collaboration.
In the news
Campuses should be places with deep curiosity about ideas where you can take chances and test things out.”
On the Freakonomics podcast “People I (Mostly) Admire,” Stanford President Jonathan Levin opened up about his groundbreaking economics research and perspectives on higher-education leadership.
Andrew Luck says Stanford football has a ‘clear and identifiable problem.’ He intends to fix it
Andrew Luck on his return to the program as general manager of the Cardinal football team. And President Jonathan Levin on Stanford's tradition of excellence in both athletics and academics.
California Historical Society to dissolve and transfer collections to Stanford
Stanford University Libraries (SUL) have assumed permanent stewardship of the California Historical Society Collection, a trove of over 600,000 items spanning the history of California and the West since the 18th century.