91 Coffin Tattoo Designs for Men
To illustrate an intimate connection with the dark side of being alive, many men are tapping into gallantly macabre handsomeness thanks to coffin tattoos. Goth guys unanimously agree that nothing beats cunning casket ink!
Tattoos are widely seen as a celebration of life, but savvy followers of the industry know that more and more men are using ink to express a fondness of death.
While this trend has been resurrected several times in the past, the nicely nihilistic designs are finally being immortalized in pop culture. Although the fascination comes from multiple angles, the lasting outcome is a mainstream obsession with existentialist imagery.
The current prevalence of vampires and zombies has definitely contributed to the resurgence of coffin tattoos, but there are more explanations than just television shows. In fact, a lot of people get this twistedly titillating ink to forge a fantastical link to literature lords like Bram Stoker.
There are a lot of ways to put your own personal touch on a coffin tattoo. Victorian-era sketches have always been in vogue, but you can literally experiment with all kinds of curious caskets. To see some attention-getting examples, just scroll ahead from some stylish ink of death on living flesh!