Table of Contents

I. General

(1) In the following, we inform you about the collection of personal data when using our website.

(2) The term ‘personal data’ means, with reference to the definition of Article 4 No. 1 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ or ‘GDPR’ for short), all data that can be personally related to you. This includes, for example, name, address, e-mail address, user behavior. With regard to further terminology, in particular the terms processing’, ‘controller’, ‘processor’ and ‘consent’, we refer to the legal data protection definitions of Art. 4 DSGVO.

(3) We process personal data only to the extent necessary to provide a functional website and the content and services offered by us. Personal data is regularly processed only if you have given us your consent within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) a) DSGVO or if the processing is permitted by statutory provisions, in particular by one of the legal bases mentioned in Art. 6 (1) b) to f) DSGVO.

(4) Your personal data will be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. In addition, storage may take place if this has been provided for by national or European regulations to which we are subject. In this case, the data will be blocked or deleted when the storage period prescribed by the respective regulations has expired. The latter does not apply if further storage of the data is necessary for the conclusion or fulfilment of a contract.

(5) If we wish to use commissioned service providers for individual functions of our website or use your data for advertising purposes, we will inform you in detail about the respective processes below.

II. Responsible party

(1) The responsible party within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDRP, the other data protection laws applicable in the Member States of the European Union and other regulations and provisions of a data protection nature is:

Nibirii GmbH
Managing Director: Tom Thomas

Hohenzollernring 16-18
50672 Köln

Phone: +49 221 8064630
Email address: [email protected]

Register court: Amtsgericht Köln
Register number: HRB 90913

(2) For further details on the responsible body, please refer to our imprint.

III. Your rights

(1) You have the following rights in relation to us in respect of personal data relating to you:

  • the right of access,
  • the right to rectification and erasure,
  • the right to restriction of processing,
  • the right to object to processing,
  • the right to data portability.

(2) Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority about our processing of your personal data.

IV. Processing of personal data during informational use of our website

(1) If you access our website without registering or otherwise providing us with information (‘Informational Use’), we only collect the personal data that your web browser transmits to our server. If you wish to view our website, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to enable you to view our website and to ensure its stability and security: IP address, Date and time of the request, Time zone difference to GMT, Content of the web page, Access status (HTTP status), Amount of data transferred, Request website, Web browser, operating system, browser language and version

(2) The aforementioned data is also stored in so-called log files on our servers. A storage of this data together with other personal data of you does not take place.

(3) The collection and temporary storage of the IP address is necessary to enable the delivery of our website to your terminal device. For this purpose, your IP address must be stored for the duration of your visit to our website.

(4) The storage of the above-mentioned data in log files serves to ensure the functionality and optimization of our website as well as to ensure the security of our information technology systems.

(5) An evaluation of this data for marketing purposes does not take place. In the above purposes lies our legitimate interest in data processing. The legal basis for the collection and temporary storage of the aforementioned data and the log files is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f) GDRP. The aforementioned data for the provision of our website will be deleted when the respective session has ended. The collection of the above data for the provision of our website and the storage of this data in log files is mandatory for the operation of our website. There is no possibility to object.

V. Processing of personal data by cookies

(1) We use so-called cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the storage medium of your end device, for example on a hard drive, and through which certain information flows to us as the body that sets the cookie. Cookies cannot execute programs or transmit viruses to your end device. This website uses the following types of cookies, the scope and functionality of which are explained below.

(2) Cookies that are stored in association with your web browser:

  • Transient cookies: these cookies are automatically deleted when you close your web browser. These include, in particular, session cookies. These store a so-called session ID, by means of which various requests of your web browser can be assigned to the common session. This makes it possible to recognise your terminal device when you return to our website. Session cookies are deleted as soon as you log out or close the web browser.
  • Persistent cookies: these cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period of time, which may vary depending on the cookie. You can delete these cookies at any time in the settings of your web browser.

(3) The processing of personal data by the aforementioned cookies serves to make the offer of our website as a whole more user-friendly and effective for you. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of these cookies. In particular, some functions of our website require that your web browser can still be identified after a page change. If you have an account, we use the cookies to identify you for subsequent visits. This prevents you from having to log in again each time you visit our website. The data processed by cookies that are required to provide the functions of our website are not used to create user profiles. Where cookies are used for analysis purposes, they are used to improve the quality and user-friendliness of our website, its content and functions. They enable us to track how the website, which functions and how often they are used. This enables us to continuously optimize our offer.

(4) In the above purposes lies our legitimate interest in data processing. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDRP.

(5) The above cookies are stored on your terminal device and transmitted from it to our server. You can therefore configure the processing of data and information by cookies yourself. You can make appropriate configurations in the settings of your web browser, through which you can, for example, reject third-party cookies or cookies altogether. In this context, we would like to point out that you may then not be able to use all functions of our website properly. In addition, we recommend a regular manual deletion of cookies as well as your browser history.

VI. Other functions and offers of our website

(1) In addition to the aforementioned informational use of our website, we offer various services that you can use if you are interested. This usually requires the provision of further personal data. We need this data to provide the respective service. The aforementioned data processing principles apply.

(2) In some cases, we use external service providers to process this data, which have been carefully selected and commissioned by us. These service providers are bound by our instructions and are regularly monitored by us. Insofar as personal data is passed on to third parties in the course of services which we offer jointly with partners, you can find more detailed information in the following descriptions of the individual services. If these third parties are based in a country outside the European Economic Area, you can find more detailed information about the consequences of this circumstance in the following descriptions of the individual services.

VII. Contacting us

(1) If you contact us by e-mail, the personal data you send to us with your e-mail will be stored.

(2) In addition, we maintain a contact form on our website with which you can contact us. In doing so, the data you enter in the input mask is transmitted to us and stored: Last name, Email address .

(3) The data will only be used to answer your questions. Unless explicitly stated in this privacy policy, the data will not be shared with third parties. In addition, we record your IP address and the time of sending.

(4) The processing of the above personal data is solely for the purpose of dealing with your enquiries.

(5) The processing of further personal data, which is generated by the use of the contact form provided on our website, serves to prevent misuse as well as to ensure the security of our information technology systems.

(6) This is also our legitimate interest in processing your personal data. Insofar as you have given us consent for this, the legal basis for the processing of this data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDRP. Otherwise, the legal basis for the processing of this data is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDRP, in particular in the event that the data is transmitted to us by you by sending us an e-mail. Insofar as you wish to work towards the conclusion of a contract by sending us an e-mail, Art. 6 (1) (b) GDRP constitutes an additional legal basis.

(7) The data will be deleted, subject to statutory retention periods, as soon as we have conclusively processed your request. When contacting us by e-mail, you can object to the storage of your personal data at any time. We would like to point out that in this case your request cannot be processed any further. You can declare the revocation or the objection by sending an e-mail to our e-mail address given in the imprint.

VIII. CleanTalk Anti-Spam-Prüfung

(1) Wir nutzen den Dienst „Anti-Spam by CleanTalk“, der von der CleanTalk Inc. Address 711 S Carson street, suite 4, Carson City, NV, 89701, USA, angeboten wird. Mit Hilfe dieses Dienstes werden Nachrichten echter Menschen von Spam-Nachrichten unterschieden. Die Nutzung erfolgt auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO).

(2) Aus Sicherheitsgründen und als Schutz vor Spam werden beim Aufruf unserer Kontaktformulare Ihre Daten im CleanTalk Cloud Service verarbeitet und in Logfiles für maximal 45 Tage gespeichert. Nach Ablauf der genannten Frist werden diese Daten vollständig gelöscht. CleanTalk kann Informationen über die Spam-Aktivität von IP- oder E-Mail-Adressen verwenden, um allen mit seinem Dienst verbundenen Websites einen angemessenen Anti-Spam-Schutz zu bieten.

(3) Nähere Informationen zur Erhebung und Nutzung der Daten durch CleanTalk finden sich in den Datenschutzhinweisen von CleanTalk Inc.:

IX. Foto- und Videoaufnahmen

(1) Während unserer Veranstaltung werden Foto- und Videoaufnahmen gefertigt, die auch Besucher der Veranstaltung zeigen können.Soweit auf den Aufnahmen Personen erkenn- oder identifizierbar sind, handelt es sich um die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten.Da unsere Veranstaltung öffentlich ist, gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie damit rechnen, als Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung entsprechend aufgenommen zu werden.Die Aufnahmen erfolgen nicht heimlich und nicht verdeckt und nicht,wenn Sie in Ihrer Intimsphäre betroffen sind,wenn Sie in einer Situation dargestellt würden, die diskreditierend sein kann oder die Gefahr einer Diskriminierung birgt;wenn Sie erkennbar ausgedrückt haben, dass Sie nicht aufgenommen werden möchten.Die Aufnahmen erfolgen nur:wenn mit Ihnen zusammen eine Vielzahl von Menschen aufgenommen werden, Sie sich also in einer Gruppe befinden,odermit der Aufnahme die Veranstaltung als solche abgebildet wird,oderSie lediglich als sog. „Beiwerk“ neben der Landschaft oder der abgebildeten Örtlichkeit erscheinen,oderSie bei einer Heraushebung aus dem Publikum einen repräsentativen Eindruck von der Veranstaltung vermitteln.(2) Die Aufnahmen werden zum Zweck der Dokumentation der Veranstaltung, für die  Berichterstattung zur Veranstaltung, der Bewerbung nachfolgender Veranstaltungen sowie für unsere Öffentlichkeitsarbeit erstellt, gespeichert, verarbeitet und veröffentlicht.Dies umfasst die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung über unsere Websites und über unsere Kanäle in Social Media und Mikrobloggingdiensten (z.B. Twitter) sowie über Rundfunk-, TV- und Printmedien (z.B. im Rahmen von Pressemitteilungen).(3) Die Anfertigung der Aufnahmen für unsere Zwecke erfolgt durch eigene Mitarbeiter oder durch Personen, die wir beauftragt haben. Die Beauftragten sind dabei Auftragsverarbeiter im Sinne von Art. 28 DSGVO.Soweit von uns akkreditierte Medienvertreter, Fotografen oder Kameraleute Aufnahmen erstellen, handeln sie in eigener datenschutzrechtlicher Verantwortung.(4) Die Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten für die hier genannten Zwecke erfolgt aufgrund unseres berechtigten Interesses, wobei Ihre Interessen oder Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten, die den Schutz personenbezogener Daten erfordern, nicht überwiegen (gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DS-GVO).(5) Die Aufnahmen werden im Rahmen der oben genannten Zwecke  sowohl der Öffentlichkeit übermittelt als auch den Betreibern von Medienunternehmen, Websites und sonstigen Diensten zum Zwecke der Veröffentlichung und Nutzung zur Verfügung gestellt.Social Media und Mikrobloggingdienste haben Ihre Serverstandorte bis auf wenige Ausnahmen im Ausland, insbesondere in den USA. Ein Angemessenheitsbeschluss für die USA existiert nicht. Alle uns bekannten sozialen Netzwerke sind aber nach dem EU-US-Privacy Shield zertifiziert. Eine Liste mit den zertifizierten Unternehmen kann unter www. eingesehen werden.(6) Die für die oben genannten Zwecke nicht verwendeten Aufnahmen werden für die Dauer von zwei Jahren gespeichert und danach gelöscht.Soweit die Aufnahmen der Dokumentation der Veranstaltung dienen, erfolgt die Speicherung ohne zeitliche Beschränkung.Bei der Verwendung ausgewählter Bildnisse in den Social Media und ähnlichen Diensten bestehen andere Bedingungen entsprechend den Datenschutzrichtlinien der jeweiligen Netzwerkbetreiber.(7) Wir übermitteln Aufnahmen mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten über die oben aufgeführten Empfängergruppen hinaus nicht an sonstige Dritte, soweit dafür keine gesetzliche Verpflichtung besteht.(8) Da wir die Aufnahmen auf Grund eines berechtigten Interesses anfertigen und verarbeiten, steht Ihnen ein Widerspruchrecht gem. Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO zu. Insbesondere haben Sie das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Anfertigung und Nutzung von Foto- und Filmaufnahmen, die ihre Person betreffen, Widerspruch einzulegen. Der Widerspruch kann der Person mitgeteilt werden, die vor Ort Foto- oder Filmaufnahmen anfertigt.Im Fall eines berechtigten Widerspruchs werden wir Sie auf Aufnahmen, welche eine erkennbare Identifizierung Ihrer Person zulassen, unkenntlich machen, ihr Bildnis entfernen oder die Bilder vollständig löschen.

X. Borlabs Cookie

We use the service on our website.No personal data is processed when using the service.

Benjamin A. Bornschein
Rübenkamp 32
22305 Hamburg

XI. YouTube

Diese Internetseite beinhaltet mindestens ein Video von YouTube, gehörig zur Google Inc., ansässig in San Bruno/Kalifornien, USA.

Wir nutzen die YouTube Funktion No-Cookies, d.h. wir haben Erweiterten Datenschutz aktiviert.

Diese stellt YouTube selbst bereit und sichert damit zu, dass YouTube zunächst keine Cookies auf Ihrem Gerät speichert. Beim Aufruf der betreffenden Seiten werden allerdings die IP-Adresse sowie die in Ziffer 4 genannten weiteren Daten übertragen und so insbesondere mitgeteilt, welche unserer Internetseiten Sie besucht haben. Diese Information lässt sich jedoch nicht Ihnen zuordnen, wenn Sie bei dem Seitenaufruf bei YouTube oder einem anderen Google-Dienst dauerhaft angemeldet sind.

Sobald Sie die Wiedergabe eines eingebundenen Videos durch Anklicken starten, speichert YouTube durch den erweiterten Datenschutzmodus auf Ihrem Gerät nur Cookies, die keine persönlich identifizierbaren Daten enthalten, es sei denn Sie sind aktuell bei einem Google-Dienst angemeldet. Diese Cookies lassen sich durch entsprechende Browsereinstellungen und -erweiterungen verhindern.

Google/YouTube: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland – Datenschutzerklärung:, Opt-Out:, Privacy Shield:

Diese Webseite nutzt die Youtube-Einbettungsfunktion zur Anzeige und Wiedergabe von Videos von Youtube. Wir verwenden den erweiterten Datenschutzmodus, der nach Anbieterangaben eine Speicherung von Nutzerinformationen erst bei Wiedergabe des Videos in Gang setzt. In dem Augenblick, wo die Wiedergabe des eingebetteten Videos gestartet wird, setzt der Youtube Cookies ein, um Informationen über das Nutzerverhalten zu sammeln.

Hinweisen von Youtube zufolge dienen diese unter anderem dazu, Videostatistiken zu erfassen, die Nutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern und missbräuchliche Handlungsweisen zu unterbinden.

Unabhängig von einer Wiedergabe der eingebetteten Videos wird bei jedem Aufruf dieser Webseite eine Verbindung zum Google-Netzwerk “DoubleClick” aufgenommen, was ohne unseren Einfluss weitere Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge auslösen kann.

Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz bei YouTube finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung des Anbieters unter:

XII. DoubleClick

Among other things, the service uses cookies, i.e. small text files that are stored locally in the cache of your web browser on your end device. The provider uses a cookie ID to record which ads are displayed in which web browser. This can prevent ads from being displayed more than once. The service can also use the cookie IDs to record so-called conversions that are related to ad requests. This is the case, for example, when you see a corresponding ad and later call up the advertiser’s website with the same web browser and buy something there. According to the provider, the aforementioned cookies do not contain any personal data. By using the service, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the provider’s server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by the provider through the use of the service. To our knowledge, the provider receives the information that you have called up the relevant part of our website or clicked on an advertisement from us. If you have a user account with the provider and are registered, the provider can assign the visit to your user account. Even if you are not registered with the provider or have not logged in, it is possible that the provider will learn and store your IP address.

We use the service for optimization purposes, in particular to improve the use of our website for you and to make its design more user-friendly.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House
Barrow St
4 Dublin
Phone +353 1 543 1000
Fax +353 1 686 5660

XIII. Facebook Connect

The service facilitates registration for services on the Internet. Instead of using a registration mask of our website, you can enter your login data of the provider and then use our offer. By using the service, your web browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the provider’s server. To log in, you will be redirected to the provider’s site. There you can log in with your user data. This links your user account of the provider with our offer. We have no influence on the further use of data collected by the provider through the use of the service.

We use the service to facilitate and shorten the registration and login process for you. You can prevent processing of the above information by the provider by using our registration mask and not using the service.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
2 Dublin

XIV. Facebook Custom Audiences

The service enables us to display interest-based advertisements (“Ads”) to visitors to our website when they visit other websites that also use the service. By using the service, your web browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the provider’s server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by the provider through the use of the service. To our knowledge, the provider receives the information that you have called up the relevant part of our website or clicked on an advertisement from us. If you have a user account with the provider and are registered, the provider can assign the visit to your user account. Even if you are not registered or have not logged in, there is the possibility that the provider learns and stores your IP address and possibly other identifiers.

We use the service for marketing and optimization purposes, in particular to display relevant and interesting ads for you and thus improve our offer, make it more interesting for you as a user and avoid annoying ads.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
2 Dublin

XV. Facebook-Pixel

The service enables the provider to display our ads on Facebook, so-called “Facebook Ads”, only to those Facebook users who have been visitors to our website, in particular those who have shown interest in our online offering or in certain topics or products. The service makes it possible to check whether a user was redirected to our website after clicking on our Facebook Ads. Among other things, the service uses cookies, which are small text files that are stored locally in the cache of your web browser on your end device. If you are logged in to Facebook with your user account, the visit to our online offer is noted in your user account. The data collected about you is anonymous for us, so it does not offer us any conclusions about the identity of the user. However, this data can be linked by the provider with your user account there. We have no influence on the scope and further use of data collected by the provider through the use of the service. To our knowledge, the provider receives the information that you have called up the relevant part of our website or clicked on an advertisement from us. If you have a user account with Facebook and are registered, the provider can assign the visit to your user account. Even if you are not registered with Facebook or have not logged in, there is a possibility that the provider will learn and store your IP address and possibly other identifiers.

We use the service for marketing and optimization purposes, in particular to display relevant and interesting ads for you and thus improve our offer, make it more interesting for you as a user and avoid annoying ads.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
2 Dublin

XVI. Google (Invisible) reCAPTCHAWe use the service to check whether the input is made by a human or improperly by automated, machine processing. The procedure thus serves to defend against spam, DDoS attacks and similar automated malicious access. The use of the service thus directly serves to ensure the integrity and functionality of our systems.

The IP address transmitted as part of the service will not be merged with other data of the provider, unless you are logged in with your account with the provider at the time of using the service. If you want to prevent this transmission and storage of data about you and your behavior on our website by the provider, you must log out of the provider before you visit our site or use the service.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House
Barrow St
4 Dublin
Phone +353 1 543 1000
Fax +353 1 686 5660

XVII. Google Analytics 4

We use the service on our website.

We use the service to analyze the use of our website and to continuously improve individual functions and offers as well as the user experience. Through the statistical evaluation of user behavior, we can improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

The service uses cookies, i.e. small text files that are stored on your end device and enable an analysis of your use of our website. The information generated by the cookie about the use of our website is transmitted to a server of the provider within the EU and stored there. The IP addresses are shortened on these servers. A correspondingly pseudonymised data set is transmitted to the USA. The provider of this service will use this information to evaluate your use of our website on our behalf, to compile reports on website use and to provide us with other services related to website use and internet use. Pseudonymous usage profiles can be created from the processed data. The provider of this service can track you across different devices and thereby record your user behavior in detail.

The service transmits personal data to the USA. The EU Commission has decided that this country offers an adequate level of data protection (TADPF). The service has submitted to the TADPF.

You can also prevent the storage of cookies generated by this service by making the appropriate settings in your web browser. We would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of our website. If you want to prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your user behavior (including your IP address), as well as the processing of this data by the provider of the service, you can also download and install the web browser plugin available at the following link:

In order to oblige the provider of this service to process the transmitted data only in accordance with our instructions and to comply with the applicable data protection regulations, we have concluded an order processing agreement with the provider.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a) GDPR (consent).

Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House
Barrow St
4 Dublin
Phone +353 1 543 1000
Fax +353 1 686 5660

XVIII. Google Tag Manager

We use the service on our website.

The service allows us as marketers to manage website tags through one interface. The tool that implements the tags is a cookieless domain and does not collect any personal data itself. The service provides for the triggering of other tags, which in turn may collect data. The service does not access this data. If a deactivation has been made at the domain or cookie level, it remains in place for all tracking tags that are implemented with the service.

Google Ireland Limited
Google Building Gordon House
Barrow St
4 Dublin
Phone +353 1 543 1000
Fax +353 1 686 5660

XIX. LimeSurvey

Wir verwenden auf unserem Internetauftritt “LimeSurvey”, einen Dienst der LimeSurvey GmbH, Umfragedienste & Beratung, Papenreye 63, 22453 Hamburg, Deutschland (nachfolgend bezeichnet als “LimeSurvey”).

Wir verwenden LimeSurvey zu dem Zweck, Online-Umfragen durchzuführen. Die Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten an LimeSurvey im Zuge der Durchführung einer Umfrage hängt von der von Ihnen erteilten Einwilligung vor Beginn der Umfrage ab. Rechtsgrundlage ist Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO (Einwilligung).

Um LimeSurvey zur Auftragsverarbeitung der übermittelten Daten nur entsprechend unserer Weisungen und zur Einhaltung der geltenden Datenschutzvorschriften zu verpflichten, haben wir mit LimeSurvey einen Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag abgeschlossen.

Informationen des Drittanbieters: LimeSurvey GmbH, Umfragedienste & Beratung, Papenreye 63, 22453 Hamburg, Deutschland

Weitere Informationen zur Datennutzung durch LimeSurvey, zu Einstellungs- und Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten sowie zum Datenschutz können Sie den nachfolgenden Webseiten von LimeSurvey entnehmen:

XX. Audience Republic

We also process your personal data for the purposes of effective customer care, optimising our marketing activities and sending email newsletters. For this purpose, in certain cases buyer data is sent to the CRM tool “Audience Republic” (provider: Audience Republic Pty Ltd, an Australian company ABN 96 606 311 095). Processing by other third parties does not take place. The legal basis for the processing is your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR) – revocable at any time for the future – and/or our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR) in processing for the purposes of effective customer care and the optimisation of our marketing activities. You can object to data processing for these purposes at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. In this case, your data will not be processed further by us or by third parties. As a rule, your data will be deleted after 2 years at the latest. Further information about Audience Republic can be found in the Audience Republic privacy policy.