Saturday, January 18, 2020


The hardest part of the grieving process is when the funeral was over and the dust has settled, everybody has gone home and you left there alone... when at night, everybody around is asleep or you are alone in the bedroom trying to sleep and all around you is quiet... at midnight through dawn all you can think about is how much you miss the person you have just lost ... so badly.... until it hurts physically, and there is no one to talk to.

Or when you are in the shower closing your eyes under the running warm water and all you can do is bawling your head off hoping no one can hear you through the gush of waters..

Someday you feel okay... and some day you just felt so heartbroken you'll be wondering when will you recover from your grief.. or if you ever.

You'll feel there is such a huge and empty invisible hole in you that nothing in this world could ever fill.

It is ok to be strong, but it is allright too to feel helpless and cry, scream if you need to. Take one day at a time.

Someday, you'll be okay.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Panduan Daftar Sendiri dan Belian Pertama Goldbar Public Gold

Guide to Registering New Public Gold Account and Making First Purchase

For new Public Gold customer who would like to register their own Public Gold account and make their first purchase, you certainly can do so. Below I have provided an easy guide to be followed. If you have any doubts in regards to your registration and purchase, never hesitate to reach me via Whatsapp or Facebook.

Step 1:
Click my referral link and fill up the required info. 
Complete the registration for a temporary account creation.

Step 2:
Check your email for your temporary login username and password.

Step 3:
Login to using your temporary login detail.

Step 4:
From dropdown MENU, click ORDER -->PURCHASE ORDER. Select item you wish to purchase.

Step 5:
Click CART icon. Review your Purchase Order Summary. Fill up all the required purchase info. 
Finally, click Confirm and Proceed to Payment button.

Step 6:
Kindly proceed to make payment via FPX, Online Banking or ATM. 

Send the following via whatsapp to +60133974996:
-Payment Receipt
-Full Name
-IC No
-Email Address

Your temporary account will be upgraded and PG Code shall be assigned and informed via email.

and Congratulations for your new account! You may proceed to use GAP account or start doing your other transactions!

If you ever feel you needed more info on Public Gold prior to your registration, drop me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Authorised Dealer
PG Code: PG00183076
+60133974996 (WA)
FB @ julinasisey

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Serian Scout Run 2.0

Following a good response during the Serian Scout Run 1.0 in 2017, this year, there will be another one organized by Serian Scout Council with cooperation of Sarawak Scout Association and Serian Education District.

The aim of this run is to raise fund for scout activities of Serian Scout of Serian Division. It is also to promote Serian to participants from other divisions.

Detail of the event are as per following:

Event Name: Serian Scout Run 2.0
Date : 16 November 2019 (Saturday)
Venue : Serian Sports Complex
Category : 3km (RM55) , 5km (RM55), 7km (RM65)
Virtual Run period : 1st Oct - 30th Nov 2019 (RM65 for all categories)
Registration :
Closing date : 30 November 2019

*The handing over of Serian Scout Run 2 momento by Serian Deputy District Education Officer, Mr Richard Banter(left) to Serian District Scout Commisioner, Mr Alexander Adrian (right)*

With attractive T-shirt design (based on Jungle Book characters) and finisher medals, there will be 600 participants expected for this event. It is hoped that this year will proof to be another successful run organized by Serian Scout Council.

For further enquiry or registration, kindly contact:
Miss Thian (013-201 7982)
Madam Lujiana (019-848 7720)
Mr Nazri (011-2995 7275)
Facebook page : Serian Scout
Email : [email protected]

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Post-Natal Hair Loss Solution that Finally Works For Me

Post-natal hair loss is a nightmare that majority of mothers have went through. I was never spared of this fate after every of my 3 childbirth. The hair loss was getting worst by each baby that i had.

For the first 2 babies, I was living out the hair loss and waited until my babies were roughly 2 years old for my hormone to settled down and my hair to get back to its almost pre mummy days.

For the third one, the moment my baby was 3 months old, my hair falls started and this time it had became so bad that it covered the whole water strainer  everytime whenever I showered. It also dropped all over the house.

I posted in my Facebook about my dilemma and calls for opinion on how to resolve it. As a result, I cut my long hair to neck length, and also tried a shampoo that my own sister used. She also had a very bad post natal hair loss and almost getting bald on the top of her head because of it. She recommended Marine Essence Bamboo Salt shampoo by Hai-O Marketing. As I can see the good result on her, I decided to try it out myself. I like the shampoo because it smells so good, it made my hair soft and manageable even without the use of its hair conditioner, and I can actually see my baby hairs growing. It does help with my hair fall by 50% over the 8 months or 3 bottles of usage.

Unfortunately, in March this year for my birthday dinner, I had gone to the saloon and decided to updo my hair. While still in its fragile condition, my hair and its scalp was affected by the harsh treatment. Following that, my hair loss became worse than what it was before. All the baby hairs almost gone plus I could grab my hair by the handful everytime during the shower. Not even the Bamboo Salt shampoo could reverse the damage that was done. My husband started to notice my thinning scalp and receding hairline as well.

By chance, the last saloon i visited, I decided to do a 'hair relaxing' treatment. It was to uncurl the fringes that also happened as the result of my updo. While doing the treatment, I was talking to the hairdresser about my hair loss. The saloon owner came to me and suggested for me to try Schwarzkopf Bonacure Scalp Genesis Root Activating Shampoo. I did not plan to buy it, but then so far this saloon is the one who hardly bugging me about their hair products for all the time I have been there. I decided to try it and was hoping this big brand name will be proven to know what were they talking about.
Schwarzkopf BC Scalp Genesis Root Activating Shampoo

And boy, I was over the moon. The difference can be seen right from my very first hair wash. There is hardly much hair in my hands or water strainer! I dare to say that my hair falls was reduced to 80-90%! I was beyond words on how to describe my amazement that there is such product that really turned out to be true. It also helped with my dandruff. I could lapse with 3-4 days between washing  despite being in this humid country.

The only downside to this shampoo, is that my hair became extremely dry, just like what the saloon owner had precautioned. I did not buy the hair conditioner as I wanted to finish up my own hair conditioner first (Herbalife brand). Even with the hair conditioner, it stills feels dry, but I can live with that as there are many products that can help easily.

This shampoo is only available at some hair saloon or shop that specialized in hair products. However, I found out that I can also buy it from Shopee, for half the price I paid at the saloon. I will buy it again plus its hair conditioner+serum of the same range.

The prices are not cheap, but every cent paid for this product is totally worth it. I wished that I had this product from my first baby.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

WAK 2018 - Tuak Fest

For a more formal write-up of this event, you can have a read at Sarawak Ethnic Cuisine's Blog

So last Friday night, me, my niece and a friend of hers went for the Tuak Tasting at The Bibber's Tale. I was actually looking forward for this session as I have never done any proper wine or tuak tasting. Normally I bought my wine off-the-shelf. It means a blind tasting, it can be a hit-or-miss experience. After few years of trial and error, I have my own personal favorite. I prefer a sweetish light or medium-bodied type with fruity taste of wine. For white, I choose Moscato and for red, its always Port Wine.

Back to the Tuak Tasting. My session started at 7pm, but I was half an hour late as I was busy preparing material for my Public Gold booth on Saturday morning the next day. At first I wanted to take a Grabcar but then decided against it due to time constraint.

When I reached there the The Bibber's Tale bar was pretty full, so we were seated at the high bar. We were immediately being given a briefing on the concept of the tasting session. First, the bartender would explained the background story of the rice wine (tuak), then we will be given a small amount to savor the flavour. Weighed on it, clean up and move on to the next wine. After the 10th bottle, we would vote for the best wine (we were not told what was the criteria, just choose one that we like). After the tasting completed, we can choose the tuak that we voted and drink as much as we want until our session is up.

For the ticket priced at RM80, we were given some barbecued food and a goody bag. The goody bag contained a small bottle for each of the participating wine to be brought home. The barbequed pork served tasted great and quantity was just nice to down with the tuak.

So, this is my verdict on the tuak that we tasted. I dont described it like a professional taster cos I dont know how. It is my honest feeling, and I hope no one will hold any grudges on me. Hey, it is just an opinion of a person, someone else might beg to differ.

Tuak No.1
No. 1 - Tuak Uncle Sam
Background story - it was roasted on firewood to produce the smokey taste
Verdict - sufficient tinge of sweetness, medium, sufficient maturity. A surprisingly great start.

Tuak No.2
No. 2 - Unnamed
Background story - brewed by a 22-yo lady from Kapit. Still experimental
Verdict - the taste shows the level of experience. The tuak not yet fully fermented, not enough amount of sugar added in the process. Sourish. Still have much room for improvement.

Tuak No.3
No.3 - Tuak Puji Sempuli Nyadi
Background story - made by a lady from Roban. Added spices into her recipe
Verdict - It does warm the throat but not to the point of overwhelming. Quite pleasant and on the strong side.

Tuak No.4
No. 4 - Tuak Inek Wai
Background story - made by a guy from Bintulu. Recipe from Kapit. Tuak made more for festivals at the longhouse
Verdict - Very raw and the smell reminds me of 'tempayan'. Its smells and tasted quite offensive I just discarded the whole thing after the first sip. Thank goodness for the pork.

Tuak No. 5

No. 5 - Lini Tuak
Background story - made by a lady from Lingga. Added pepper, cinnamon, ginger into her recipe
Verdict - The smells was pleasant. It reminded me of tuak made by my own mother-in-law. The familiarity of it gave me a warm feeling, and I had no problem finishing the whole sampling. No.5 was the favourite of the two ladies with me.

Tuak No.6
No. 6 - Ba-ram Tayung
Background story - made by a guy from Serian.
Verdict - tuak not yet fully fermented. Dry and sour. Discarded.

Tuak No.7
No. 7 - Aro Rice Wine
Background story - made by a guy from Saratok. Used mountain water
Verdict - MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE. The word NICE came up to mind on my first sip, and when you enjoy a wine with a close eyes, you know you found the one. Sufficient strengh, sweetness, maturity and the smells is what I wanted in a tuak. I would drink it daily like a Moscato. I chose this one to drink for the rest of the night.

Tuak No. 8
No. 8 - Entangen 
Background story - made by a fellow from Serian. 150 years old recipe and used 'to feed the dead'.
Verdict - The smells quite mellow. There is something pungent (but not bad) in its taste but I couldnt tell. Good enough that I would finish it off if offered during festivals

Tuak No.9
No. 9 - Tuak Indu Mior
Background story - made by a fellow from Sarikei. Tuak made for local personal consumption and during festivals
Verdict - Nothing special. Quite bland.

Tuak No.10

No 10 - Special Home Brew Tuak (unnamed)
Background story - made by a lady from Roban. Recipe from 4th century and has been perfected over the years. Lots of spices added.
Verdict - I am not sure whether I was affected by the back story, but my first sip tells me that this the one that can go 'international'. I dont prefer a strong drink, but I know this tuak deserve to win. I equalized it to a smooth and very old whisky that only the true drinkers can appreciate. My vote somehow, GOES TO NO. 10.

Here are pictures with some of the participants.

Participant No.1. Good job sir!

Participant No.2. Young and daring, I wish her all the best. She started at 22 making her first tuak. If she continue on perfecting her skills, she gonna have a bright future

Participant No.3. She have a distinct tuak flavor and I dont mind to have it anytime
As of the time this post is written, I do not know who is the winner of Tuak Fest 2018. But I am sure who will not win though.

I would like to say that the organizers did a splendid job at organizing this first-ever Tuak Fest event. I do hope though that in the future, a blind-tasting format will be done, and few categories and different type of tuak base shall be added in. I can see the organizers have a good vision on where this event direction going and I hope it shall materialized and can encouraged more local brewers to participate and refine their products for a bigger market.

This post is written on behalf of Sarawak Bloggers Society for #WAK2018, a month long event happening to showcase the celebration of arts, culture and lifestyle of Kuching city, to the global audience. The event is co-organized by The Bibber's Tale and Rajah Puteh Production.

Kindly visit About Kuching website for more info.

#whataboutkuching #tuakfest #sarawakbloggers

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Im a Cocktail kinda Girl

I took up an assignment as a reporting blogger through Sarawak Blogger's Society to cover What About Kuching #WAK2018. I was in a bit late, and most of other events were already taken up by our fellow bloggers. I was left with little options. That was when I saw this Tuak Fest 2018, organized by The Bibber's Tale and Rajah Puteh Production.

Hmm. Something to do with alcohol. Nice. The rest of the blogger must have chicken out when they saw the description. But I was gravitated to it instead. Well, me and tuak was meant to be together I guess 😅😅

I decided I will bring my niece along.  Not a good idea to getting drunk alone. Despite drinking on occasion, my alcohol tolerance level is pretty low. Worse come to worst, if I ended up being horizontal by my 5th tuak, someone I trust can get me a Grab home.

It was a great luck as well that The Bibber's Tale specialized in cocktail, the drink for the ladies *yippie dance*

Last Tuesday I went to see Alex, the owner, a handsome young chap, to collect the ticket. I did an impromptu pre-interview with him and managed to obtain lots of crucial information in regards to the Tuak Tasting and Public Voting event.
Did anybody ever ring that bell?

 I was in a hurry though to get to Public Gold office for our weekly PG1System class. Alex being a gentleman insisted to make me a quick cocktail concoction just for me. Being a Dayak, I feel bad refusing his offer. Its not nice to refuse you know 😂😂
Amaretto Sour. Off-the-menu

When I first tasted the cocktail he made, I knew I have finally found my favorite watering hole! I have been looking for a nice place that offer great cocktail in Kuching, and the level of sophistication of the concoction he made was truly beyond words. I should say no more, you gotta go try it yourself!

See my satisfied face.

The Bibber's Tale is located at Saradise BDC, Kuching. Look it up at Google Maps for direction.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Being An Authorized Dealer for Public Gold

Hi, My name is Julina Sisey aka Nimi

I am an authorized dealer for Public Gold International Berhad since August 2018.

In May 2016 after I loss my job due to the major retrenchment exercise by Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, I found lots of time on my hands while at the same time taking care of my two kindy-going children. So I decided to google for a subject that I can read and may gain knowledge and at the same time may provide income to myself. I googled 'gold investment' and my search found En Syukor Hashim's blog. He was writing on the proper gold investment method, and Public Gold in specific.

I learnt so much from his blog that I was ready to start buying gold at that time. However, I decided to put it on hold as I have done some analyzing on gold prices trend through Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) own Kijang Emas historical data, and found that there is possibility that the prices shall dropped in a couple of years.

True enough, in mid August 2018, the prices dropped at 2-years low and I did not waste much time and took out my saving in ASB to buy in bulk. My purchase entitled me to become a Priority Dealer.

At first I wanted to get the discount on my own future purchase, a special benefit to being a dealer. But I found out that dealers are also eligible for commission by introducing Public Gold to others. I have gained much knowledge by that time that I was eager to share with whoever willing to listen! I can choose to become an inactive dealer, yet since I am already there, might as well I used that position to encourage more people to choose gold as an alternative to their investment portfolio.

I also ended up being mentored directly by En Syukor himself. It is very exciting to be guided by the first Public Gold dealer who has been with them since 2008 (10 years by this stage).

I am now having a purpose in life beside taking care of my household and my children, that is to see the business that I built upon shall flourish. I have been looking for this kind of platform all my life, where I am able to earn at the same time determine my own objective, time and target. They have great products (who doesn't love GOLD?), with simple and transparent business model. Public Gold are also a company that have so much growth potential and I want to be there when they achieve a huge recognition from Malaysia as a common brand for producing gold products for the public.

You can follow my journey and my sharing on proper gold investment by clicking Like button on my FB Page.

Julina Sisey (Nimi)