and Nimsky Academy

This is my Story Who I am? I, Beate Nimsky , see myself as a catalyst for change and as a catalyst for possibilities that have not yet been thought of by encouraging women to regain confidence in themselves. And giving yourself permission to BE in trust . I can do that by moving forward and sharing my story.
For more than 30 years I – Beate Nimsky – have been able to accompany entrepreneurs, board members and executives in their personal development and the establishment of an appreciative culture in their companies. I have been working with many of these customers for between ten and fifteen years. With some even over 20 years. Ie, here I accompany change processes from change of management board to renewed culture change with mergers and restructuring.
Through various methods and tools, I succeed in recognizing potential and helping to bring out the best in people.
My intuitive moderation of strategy workshops always leads to results that enable managers to take the next steps in their companies. That’s why I see myself as a catalyst for change and a source of inspiration for opportunities that have not yet been thought of.
My open seminars with people from all positions and cultures are not only a great pleasure for me. Together with my coachees and mentees we have a lot of fun while we work on their mindset, awareness and business . It makes me very happy to see how they rediscover the confidence in their power and at the same time allow themselves to BE conscious.
Consciousness has always motivated me on my life path to show my different BEING and to bring it into the world. Since I am by nature an extremely curious and creative person, the Beate Nimsky brand has three pillars. In addition to company and open seminars , I now also share my experiences with active women in order to build up their own business or a second mainstay with awareness and business tools.
In my network marketing company, we act according to the motto “doing business differently “. My intention is to pass on my knowledge, my ups and downs experiences, and the management and development tools. I would like a positive spirit to spread through this network, which through benevolent leadership enables people to trust themselves more than they previously believed. For all partners, this means access to personality development, a common team spirit, energy work and classic business tools to support a successful start-up.
Even as a child I was the rebel. As you can imagine, it wasn’t always easy. Always different from the others – this often got me into trouble – but I always found a solution. So when I was 16, I climbed out the window of my parents’ house to meet my boyfriend, instructed my sister to keep the window open for me… and found a solution when the window wasn’t open one evening… Or I escaped came within a hair’s breadth of the first Tzunami back in 2004 on Pipi Island at Christmas and through awareness managed to get seats on one of the first planes to fly people out.
In the meantime, I have built up four different businesses through consciousness, married my husband Martin, learned to love his two wonderful daughters Liane and Ronja, built a house and traveled the world. And wrote the book “ Ask – And Create Your Life ”.
Not everything I did was immediately praised by those around me. On the contrary – my different BEING often called envious or doomsayers onto the stage. Especially when I gave up my last, extremely well-paid job as a clerk without a meticulously planned marketing strategy. It has often cost me a lot of strength to defend myself against negative influences from outside.
At that time I didn’t know the tool of the “interesting view” or even the question method “Who does this belong to?”. My strategies were isolation, being tough, withdrawing, not talking about it anymore.
At the age of 20 I had the first job that presented a professional challenge for me: Leading a team as a technical operations manager. My technical knowledge of the products was zero at the time. In addition, I had never worked in a team and I certainly had no idea how to use employees efficiently or how to plan processes in concrete terms.
I asked myself, “What do I have to lose?” and did the job.
Leadership was an unfamiliar concept to me. In addition, without having received any communication training, I should develop the ability to deal with disgruntled customers. How to motivate technicians. Or also, unplanned assignments lead to success.
I kept coming up against my limits in all areas, but it was precisely there – at the end of the possible – that I mastered the challenge, above all with my intuition and consciousness. You can also say I “slid through” because I always had this deep inner certainty that I could do it. And every time I conquered challenges, my limits expanded. Over the years, this has led to the knowledge gained from experience: Anything is possible if you really want it.
Without ever really getting any feedback on this, I was entrusted with higher and higher positions in this company in the years that followed. So I must have done some things very well. Even when I became the manager of the word processing department with a team of 28 women, I received only the professional training and no managerial training.
There I encountered envy, jealousy and emotional outbursts. I sensed where the exaggerations were taking place and was careful not to get caught up in them. Where possible, I began to mediate or have concrete target discussions in order to rebuild the mood.
Intuition was my advisor. It was the same in the following positions or functions. Each job brought a change and another exciting challenge. Whether it was the product, the content of an activity or even a completely different environment.
One thing was always the same: the desired results were always achieved. And: There was never any concrete feedback from the supervisor.
When I later, on the recommendation of a headhunter in another company that was at the bottom in terms of sales in Germany, motivated the sales team so strongly that it rose to second place with a 35% increase in sales within a year, my boss asked me: ” How do you actually do it?” I couldn’t really answer that for him. Because I worked intuitively and with awareness – how can you put that into words? At the time, being “intuitive” was still mildly smiled at. But I certainly did something fundamentally different: I was interested in the people in my team. I listened to them. I soon knew her worries and needs and stopped putting pressure on her in personally difficult situations with regard to sales. This gave them so much inner freedom that it was precisely this that led to their overall success.
The results of my work, which I saw on the outside, gave me the impulse at the age of 32 to browse through leadership literature and get to know well-known leaders. Through personality and leadership seminars, which I indulged in and paid for myself, I later realized what I used to do intuitively right and why it worked.
I was satisfied for many years – and yet not completely fulfilled. Because I had felt subliminally for a long time that I was allowed to change something in my life. But I wasn’t willing to give up a well-paid job just so I could seek fulfillment. Life helped me to decide.
In 1987 I was in an intense car accident.
After that, not a vertebra in my spine was where it should be. Luckily, three months earlier I had an internist, Dr. Thomas Ortner, who didn’t take me to the hospital. He said: “They only mess you up there!”.
What did he do instead? Lifted myself up with acupuncture, chiropractic, laying on of hands, homeopathy and more. AND, he recommended the seminar by the Chinese grandmaster Mantak Chia to me.
That was the turning point in my views about my body and about so much more between heaven and earth. Through the practices of inner smile meditation, healing sounds and bbuilding energy in the main meridians, I was healed after five months.
This car accident gave me the impulse to also look for methods that increase mental strength, health, inner energy levels and consciousness.
So every crisis has an important message for us: it was only through this incident that I met the Taoist Grand Master Mantak Chia, with whom I studied ChiGong, TaiChi and meditation for over ten years. I still practice these wonderful ways to keep myself fit and healthy in a very gentle way. And I am a Certified Facilitator of the Universal Tao.
I dealt with NLP, autogenic training, kinesiology, mental training and transformation of inhibiting belief patterns. Anthony Robbins’ Leadership Academy was also a very special companion, as was the personal encounter with Brian Tracy and his perspective on leadership and sales.
I am certified Master Trainer of HR tools like INSIGHTS Management Development Instruments®, Assess and as well a trainer for the 7 habits of highly effective people.
Together with my husband, I founded the “Institute for Intrinsic Competence”, which has set itself the task of enabling people to access their innermost potential, to find out about blockages and to dissolve them, so that they can live their individual talent. Here I accompany companies from a wide range of industries and I am booked for leadership trainings to build up relationship competence at C-level or coaching for board members, as well as for strategy conferences in which I give impulses for vision and mission development and adapts them to the orientation of the company as well as moderates them.
After renewed inner change, I discovered the Access Consciousness system. These tools and the regular live courses with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer enrich my life every day. Everything I experience there I can integrate wonderfully into my seminars, workshops and coaching sessions and thus accompany even more change.
Change accompanies me my whole life. What I have always paid attention to during all this time was to continue my education. In the past 30 years I have enjoyed more than 500 days of training myself. Yes, one of my passions is to develop myself so that I can be even more helpful to others in their development.
I’m so curious about life and that’s how I keep evolving. It does not stop. Sometimes I even feel like I’ve only just started.
I see myself as a catalyst for change and as an impetus for possibilities not yet thought of by encouraging women to regain confidence in themselves. And giving yourself permission to BE in trust. I can do that by moving forward and sharing my story.
In addition to the constant new professional challenges, I have always set myself very personal goals that have demanded a lot from me. I just wanted to know!
So I decided to run my first marathon at the young age of 50. As a zero runner! And yes, it had to be the New York City Marathon. It was the year the towers fell. It was an unbelievable experience because it brought with it a completely different quality. And yes, despite all the prophecies of doom that even trained athletes give up shortly before the finish, I crossed the finish line.
Then I always had the feeling that I missed something because I don’t have an “official degree”. Hm, how do I manage to have one by the age of 60 at the latest?
So I decided to fly to Vienna on weekends over a period of two and a half years to complete my Master of Science in Coaching in my already busy schedule. As planned, I completed my title and master’s thesis with an A. The great thing was that I integrated three of my customers into the survey process of the thesis and was therefore able to bring them special added value.
Now I’m 73 and not a bit quiet.
And I asked myself: What else is possible?
My personal motto is: BAM – Business Anders Machen (Do Business Different). Integrative, participative, appreciative, focused, success- and result-oriented, supportive and with a lot of fun and love for life.